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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. I just read about those card in the last issue of Horrorhound. Pretty cool.
  2. Its just 26 pages of your username over and over And at the very end, just the word "bandanas." needs more "brother" in there
  3. Any scenario that ends up with what is essentially Kevin Steen vs El Generico at Wrestlemania is amazing
  4. Damn, JT. I forgot all about The Darkroom. The credits alone scared me. Of course, I was like 6. Masters of Horror was great. I didn't like Imprint as much as many other did; I think it was overhyped because it was initially banned.
  5. I eagerly await a Friday the 13th TV series with a sexy Jason who wears the mask because he's disfigured on the inside. A hot actress 5-10 years older than him will play Mrs. Vorhees.
  6. I'm sick of any commercial that uses an overplayed Imagine Dragons song or that fucking "OHHH COME WITH ME NOW" track. Is every fucking musician or their team of writers and producers today writing songs with the sole intent of getting played in as many commercials and TV show promos as possible? I heard that god damn "Safe and Sound" song in so many ads that I had to look it up. Turns out the band who does the song started off as TV jingle writers and were quite successful at it for years. This at the same time makes perfect sense and is horribly cynical as fuck. Pop music and commercial jingles are just the same damn thing nowadays. I guess I'm the old man yelling at a cloud but god damn.
  7. So Damien is a sexy sexy young man instead of a creepy kid? For fuck's sake. I blame Bates Motel for this bullshit.
  8. Those are awesome except the new Savage figure looks like Steve Williams and the Bayley prototype has ridiculous bewbs
  9. Good point about Elgin being better in tags. Bring in Brian Cage, reunite the Unbreakable Fucking Machines and put them against War Machine. It would either be an amazing mean guy match or a fucking trainwreck but fuck it, I'd be entertained.
  10. You cannot say filth flarn flarn filth in your show
  11. I have it on good authority that Jimmy Stewart had a crawlspace full of dead orphans and Tom hanks can't climax unless a puppy is being strangled.
  12. We're a nation of starfuckers who establish these weird relationships in our heads with famous people. Say some shit about Beyonce and "The Beyhive" will flood your Twitter with threats. Why? They'll never meet and be friends IRL with Beyonce and she'd probably not piss on them if they were on fire. We've always been celeb-obsessed but I think social media has made it worse because now we can form these phony relationships and actually be "friends" with them. Anyway, we're just obsessed with famous people and think they're the infallible, best versions of us. They come into our homes by TV, radio, Internet, etc and we think they're our pals. There is no wonder at all in my mind that people still stand up for Cosby.
  13. Those commercials are annoying but, to be fair, car insurance is some fucking bullshit. I don't pay for my doctor out of pocket because I'm afraid of my health insurance rates going up, but that's how we treat car insurance. It's more of a tax you pay to be able to drive than actual insurance. It's is a sweet racket to be in, since most people are afraid to make claims and the insurance company makes money for doing nothing. One time my car insurance rates went up and I had a pristine record and no accidents or claims. I called and asked why and they told me it was because they had a rough winter and a lot more accidents and claims than anticipated. So my car insurance went up because other people had accidents and/or their actuaries fucked up their projections.
  14. Even as a youngster I understood the humor in a roided up guy calling himself Big Juice.
  15. And yet all these great directives somehow make wrestling so much worse. That's a neat trick. Yes, they're actors playing sports commentators. Part of being a sports commentator is speaking to your audience in a relaxed and natural manner. Using awkward terminology while carefully stepping around common words that normal humans beings use runs counter to that idea. What is wrong with saying "the ref didn't see it?" Why can't they say "feud" or "international" or "the title is on the line?" None of these things makes sense except in a world where Vince suddenly decided he didn't like a phrase. These aren't good guidelines, they're the ever changing whims of an aging lunatic. Hell, on one page it says to not tell the fans what to think, then later it says they should call attention to things the fans might not be thinking, which means explain to the fans exactly what they should be thinking here. By the way, the latter is what should be done. The announcers are supposed to get the narrative across. Cherry pick the few good ideas if you like but come on dude.
  16. I really enjoyed Sarah Connor Chronicles but it got cancelled, so be ready for a major, crazy-ass cliffhanger at the end of the series that will never be resolved. Fun while it lasted, though. As for recommendations, what have you seen? The latest thing we're watching is, we've almost finished the first 3 seasons of Banshee and really like it. But it depends on what kind of stuff you're into.
  17. Not a botch. Scott Steiner is so terrifying you will literally ram your own head into something if he commands it.
  18. "You should not use verbiage written by a producer"...............is followed by several pages of verbiage written by producers, including a laundry list of some the most unnatural turns of phrase imaginable, "say this not that" bullshit and $5 words where 5 cent words would suffice.
  19. Put part timers over your full timers? This isn't WWE. These matches signed for Brooklyn bring up the question: what is ROH supposed to be in 2015? They now have weekly TV and they sort of have storylines but then they book cards like this that have nothing to do with what's on TV; they're more like ROH's old model where you book indy dream matches to sell DVDs. It's very weird to me.
  20. Re: wrestlers you irrationally dislike -- Is it irrational to dislike AJ Styles because he comes off (in interviews on podcasts and such) like a disgusting, bigoted redneck?
  21. You would get ran out of town for questioning the existence of Bojangle's down here. LOL! Info online is sketchy but, from what I gather, any restaurants north of DC closed down sometime in the late 80s/early 90s. Since I lived in Baltimore and this was pre-Internet, I assumed they were bought out by Popeye's or something since all the Bojangles near me disappeared and most were replaced by Popeye's. Checking their site now, it looks like all Maryland locations are in the DC suburbs only, which is cool with me because that's where I live now.
  22. That doesn't come across in LU. Are we just supposed to assume he's a rich, classy guy because that was his WWE gimmick? I haven't seen him in a suit or driving an expensive car to the ring in LU. Shit, he even wrestled in a T-shirt AND his boots still said "ADR" at least once or twice. Nothing rich about not buying new gear. I'll definitely stay off the ffwd button for his next matches and give him a chance. As I said, I think a big part of it was how dull he came across in WWE. EDIT: It's still not as bad as Son of Havoc's "masked biker who does Crossfit" gimmick.
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