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Craig H

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Everything posted by Craig H

  1. Trader Joes is the best grocery store in the world. Next question.
  2. I wasn't referring to you, Brian, regarding the bleak ending. Other's crapped on it for that, though.
  3. John Oliver is soooooooooo enthusiastic too. It's hard not to love him and what he's doing.
  4. Oh shit. The Pax is in 2 Guns? I need to see that right now.
  5. Terminator 3 is really awesome and is criminally unloved. That movie had balls. So many shit on it because it didn't have a happy ending and they were doomed anyway. Spoilers. The rest of it was very entertaining. It was the funniest Terminator movie too.
  6. I'm so happy this is a thing again. It means we'll be exposed to more Sterling lunacy.
  7. There's so much shit from Nintendo that just makes no sense. Some of it looked cool, but most, if not all of it, is just Nintendo being Nintendo. Acting like the Amiibo shit is something new or groundbreaking is almost insulting because Skylanders has been around forfuckingever, and now there's Disney Infinity. I could Mario Maker being neat. That new Zelda looked cool. New Zelda is out in 2015 and who knows what that game will end up like.
  8. What a shock. Anything involving the Shield were the best parts of Raw. So, I'm in the minority, but man, I love Rollins' theme. Really awesome promo from him too. He's going to be a great World Champion in the near future.
  9. Fuuuck Nintendo loves to do that "but first" shit.
  10. Goddamn Nintendo is just so boring.
  11. Name it whatever it was called in Fire Pro. Actually, just call it Fire Pro Wrestling Japan.
  12. No Man's Sky will get me to buy a PS4. Space Combat = System Seller.
  13. Athletically, Emily from DC is the only one who could hang with Laurel. She's the Ultimate Warrior to Laurel's Hogan.
  14. Well, yes. I treat those games as a learning experience. Usually if things are going in that much of a shit direction I'll practice jungling or something.
  15. I'm lucky then. The number of dickheads I've encountered compared to decently good people is like 1 in 5.
  16. I feel vindicated. Some redditor more obsessed about the movie than me point out the same regarding the day resetting. I do feel that the movie could have better explained that because if you weren't paying attention then you would have missed it. I also thought the movie could have been a wee bit longer because the stuff at the end, at least the build up to it, was really rushed.
  17. Wash or get the fuck out. That really bummed me out and practically took me out of the movie. Just completely pointless it felt like. So much so that on repeat viewings I'm just annoyed at that part because it didn't need to happen. It would be like if Chewie were killed in Episodes 4, 5 or 6.
  18. Like the sound of drums the Master hears in Doctor Who?
  19. Man, I really loved Edge of Tomorrow. Way funnier than I was expecting and the ending actually made a lot of sense to me.
  20. Craig H

    MLB 2014: JUNE

    5 in a row motherfuckers!
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