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Craig H

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Everything posted by Craig H

  1. Cuz Russo's the fucking moron that, when he got a job and was told he had to keep it on the down-low, CC'ed Mike Johnson on an email? The point is that he shouldn't have even been hired, regardless if he was told to keep it a secret or not. The fact that he let it slip is exactly what should have happened to put this fucked up promotion out of its misery.
  2. Why does Russo deserve shit for this? Dixie is the fucking moron that brought him back when told not to.
  3. So...I don't know why I didn't do it before, but I bought a bunch of guns and ammo. If I die outside of deathmatch, will I lose any guns and ammo?
  4. He can go hang out with Pat Bowden, slowly going insane from stories about the Broncos winning 9 straight Super Bowls. I laughed.
  5. The other thing I read about Hercules sounds like a bunch of bullshit. I'll spoiler it just in case anyone is sensitive:
  6. Damn...your pops is a master level troll. Good on him.
  7. So, uh, Fabulous Swedish Waitress...
  8. I feel like this line perfectly describes my mentality when it comes to GTA V Online:
  9. I'm sure all of the ballhawks would appreciate there being more than a few guys on the roster again to put some balls out on Sheffield.
  10. Yeah, I heard Russell and a couple others at various levels pulled off some highlight reel plays out in the field.
  11. I hope he never dies and has to suffer for-fucking-ever.
  12. LOL Was Vinny Del Negro not available?
  13. I loved the first one. I suppose I'll see the second one.
  14. I fucking hate Edwin Jackson so much. I don't give a shit how much Fangraphs wants me to believe he's actually not as much of a shit show as he is.
  15. Were people actually questioning where Bryan got his knee of death from?
  16. Cormier gives no fucks. I love it.
  17. I'm crazy and I like fucking around. I honestly didn't know it was you I was trying to run over. I do fine on owned+pickups mainly because I'm getting more used to edging my thumb stick up for a headshot. I also hear you about freemode and there being no RP. I'm glad survival was unlocked, but I can't get past level 3, which sucks.
  18. You know he's going to be back.
  19. My apologies to jstout for being completely dumb. Not to make excuses, but I have a really hard time making out text on my TV (fuck 720p). In addition, I swear I didn't mean to shoot at you or slug you. I quickly pressed the left trigger and then right trigger and it targeted you. HOWEVER, it did lead to a moment that made me laugh my ass off. I rode along with jstout who was tracking some dude down. We got out and I'm standing next to jstout. Jstout aims with a rocket launcher and then I go to pull my pistol and start firing...Instead, I accidentally punch jstout right before they shoot, I think causing the rocket launcher to be aimed at something much closer, blowing us up.
  20. Who's going to get injured first? Cote or Cruz?
  21. Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit... it may be Javy time in Chicago. Probably not, but it's fun to dream.
  22. I did learn while fucking around last night that no cop will follow me on train tracks into a tunnel. I also forgot how much I love the West Coast Classics station. It may be my all time favorite GTA station. It would be an all time favorite playlist if there were more summer jams on it.
  23. Reminds me of Election for some reason. Looks good, though.
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