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Everything posted by Spontaneous

  1. I think that part was actually ok. Ricardo was a borderline face already and ADR ran out and destroyed 3MB with some really good looking offense to a big pop. It was surprising but not unbelievable that he would protect his friend from other heels. Losing the cars and getting a pandering "USA USA" gimmick is what did him in. I think to go from rich cool guy to Mexican hero he needed something a bit more. If they had done the Swagger-Del Rio feud first it might have worked better. They just kept taking from Del Rio what made him unique and he became this generic face. Plus he wrestled on TV so often that he was this bland, over-saturated face. I can still see your point though, I do agree that losing his personality was the death blow. Now he is "feuding" with Batista and so far he has been, except for one sneak attack, completely dominated and I would not blame him for leaving once his contract is up. They have misused him big time.
  2. I'm still waiting for the hammer to drop on it. Still seems too perfect. Need to see how it works to fully go bananas over it.
  3. Dr Steve Brule is great if you like that sort of humor. Rick and Morty has also been supreme. Eagleheart and Eric Andre Show are so niche, I like them both but you just have to watch those. Can't stand Family Guy/American Dad/Cleveland Show but since those allow them to keep making the crazy niche comedies, I am all for them staying on.
  4. How about Little Walter? If you like blues you're probably picking Muddy Waters, Son House, Howlin' Wolf, Robert Johnson. Gotta second Badfinger. Good group but can't see anyone claim them as their favorite. Duane Eddy, that style of rock is pretty much non-existent now and I cannot see anyone claim him as their favorite.
  5. I have to second the love for the WHC 2012 Elimination Chamber. You wouldn't expect much from a chamber with Show, Khali and Santino in it but it all is played well. That SummerSlam 2003 is garbage, probably only on there because of who is in it. The NYR'06 one is more about setting up for Edge's cash in, not that it is a terrible match but Edge-Cena is more memorable given it was the first time anyone used the MITB.
  6. Also makes some more money when that weird Hardy Boyz fanbase now has to keep buying two shirts to support Jeff.
  7. 20 years from now when Kurt is working Terry Funk you all will rue this day.
  8. What was the biggest wrestling show/promotion in Alaska? Now I want to read the history of some one show NWA: Alaska.
  9. What if WWE cuts John Cena back in 2002, before he started rapping? He was pretty darn close to getting future endeavored there until he showed up to the Halloween Smackdown as Vanilla Ice. Do we have face Randy Orton in his place? Cannot see that working as well.
  10. Could Wings count? It is a distinct group from say the Beatles or McCartney solo.
  11. The one where instead of Luger finally beating Flair, who had jumped ship to WWF at this time, fans get subjected to probably one of the top three worst shows of all time? Barry Windham, perenial midcarder is suddenly #1 contender? Luger randomly turns heel with Harley Race? Where the crowd chants WE WANT FLAIR the entire show? Yeah, that is odd it is on TWO sets now.
  12. I glanced once or twice, but not the in depth probe every thread deal I'm doing now.
  13. Weather Report maybe. They went through so many style changes I doubt anyone out there really claims to be a fan of all their work.
  14. Only if they start the season off 0-7 and then after working things out in the bye week come back to go 9-7, win the last wild card spot and win the big game on the very last play, on a play that earlier in the season due to their trust issues had failed miserably.
  15. Didn't help with Del Rio how they did the face turn. He just turned against 3MB for threatening the spanish announce team. No build or anything, he just went from feuding with Orton to face.
  16. No, he is Dan. More left coastish according to Vince.
  17. I remember reading a rumor stating that they wanted to do Austin-HHH at Mania with the same dynamic as Jericho-HHH, heel Austin vs. face HHH. Probably not much better, but at least saves us from Austin-Hall.
  18. Ryder is totally a squib.
  19. I just want to say, I don't check the board for a day or two and I come back to read this entire thread. Wow. Just to throw my two cents in, it would be wrong in some people's eyes if they didn't acknowledge it and attempted to gloss over it. alan said it best though.
  20. So six months down the line how confusing will it be when everyone on the roster is rolling out to one syllable names? Up next, its Bo vs. Ba vs. E vs. John for the title!
  21. Man, how pissed would Under Armour be to get told "well, you can have Randy Orton"? "He's a viper!"
  22. We will all regret a pandering face Roman Reigns. Punk disappearing was good, if Batista never came back there would be more room for Reigns has a face. Right now, he isn't going anywhere, even if he beats HHH at Mania. Look at how Langston has done so far as the IC champ and one of their preferred future stars. He was barely in the Rumble and is wrestling on Superstars and Main Event, getting stomped on MLK day. Also my confidence is a little Leakee on his solo abilties.
  23. I was really hoping he'd get The Wolves/Muta and Sanada solely for Davey getting hit with the greet mist and FIGHTING SPIRITING ~! his way out of it. Like in Bloodsport.
  24. Someone on the reddit board suggested a gimmick where Lawler is a magician but is completely oblivious to his powers, hence Barrett being gone but no one noticing. I think I would enjoy that more than what he does now.
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