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Everything posted by Spontaneous

  1. Also, though it will get lost in the Rollins turn and the awful rest of the night, Luke Harper's promo was fantastic.
  2. Really surprised Rollins turned. Is Wyatt-Cena still going or what? He got into with Stephanie so... I don't know where that goes either. Hard to get into Kane-Bryan at MITB when Cena throws the stairs at him and leaves. That Rusev segment blew big time, it just went on and on.
  3. First monster I can remember seeing as a kid is Monster Zero. Quickly became my favorite monster. Godzilla 1985 is another one worth watching, that and it's sequel Godzilla vs Biollante.
  4. Yeah, I would not have been surprised for the Wyatt glitch to have sounded and Wyatt appear outside it and Sister Abigail a stunned Cena for the win. I liked their Mania match and this was a great match until the lame ending. I normally am not on the lolcenawins bandwagon but this was just lazy booking that took no risks. Cena would have protected enough due to the copious interference in the middle of the match, if this was it for Wyatt-Cena I fear what his next feud is. What, fighting Rusev? Fight Orton again for months and months?
  5. So last year when Swagger supposedly cost himself a title win at Wrestlemania with his DUI, if he had won the belt at WM29 what was Ziggler going to do with MITB? Was Del Rio to win it back on Raw and then Ziggler cash in?
  6. I thought when Cena buried Wyatt under the box he would somehow get out, it just seemed such a lame and obvious ending to a great match. Instead they basically did the same ending as last year's Payback Cena match, AA the guy through something. I feel like this feud will probably continue because that ending was so terrible, I don't care if Cena "respects" Bray now, he could have withstood a loss here.
  7. What was with the accidental pyro in Wyatt-Cena? Did they cause that or what? Seemed odd. Xavier Woods, defeated. R-Truth, Defeated. Big E, defeated. So does Darren Young or Titus O'Neil finally topple the evil Russian?
  8. Cena beating Bray reeks of Vince. Ugh. It was a fine match until that awful ending. Where does either of them even go from here? They made it sound like the feud is over but I'll be surprised if Usos/Wyatt's doesn't continue. Mind numbing booking there, between that cage match and that ending, horrible pointless drivel. Evolution-Shield was good, I think the first was better. Glad they didn't do the rumored three on one a Roman Reigns comeback,mI liked Rollins flying around to even the match up and Ambrose braining Orton on the chair.
  9. Well let's assume he comes back for the start of 1998, you still do Michaels retiring after the Austin match and maybe have Hogan return at Wrestlemania, with plans for either SummerSlam 1998 or Wrestlemania XV to run that match. WMXV could have used something to make it interesting if not good.
  10. No way Adam Rose is still on Raw or Smackdown post-SummerSlam. He should have been an aloof comedy heel if they wanted him to get over on the main roster, as a face versus Swagger, another wasted wrestler, who cares?
  11. Eh, the feuds are pretty lifeless but Cena has said previously, always delivers in LMS and Shield-Evolution II will be good. If Barrett loses I'll be annoyed but I think he wins and Cesaro should beat Sheamus to build to him winning MITB. I'm not excited but I think the main roster will be motivated to not get upstaged by NXT, so I have hope. Plus I don't know where to find CMLL online.
  12. I liked Barrett-Sheamus and Uso-Wyatt. It's Smackdown so two good matches heading into a PPV is OK in my book. I'm still spent from Takeover so this was a fine chaser for that.
  13. Punk-Cena from the post EC 2013 RAW was excellent. Pulling out a piledriver puts it over the top. Didn't like their SummerSlam 2011 match. Night of Champions 2012 was really good, even with the ending. Need to see the RAW 1000 match.
  14. Needs to be like RNN, the Randy News Network or whatever he did when he was coming back from his injury in I think 2003? 2004? Batista rates the other superstars and celebrities fashion choices. Just a quick minute each RAW while he is off promoting Guardians. "Mygul, I don't think he liked your suit this week!"
  15. Spud should have won that, loved him copping Road Dogg's Royal Rumble strategy.
  16. Completely forgot Cena-Bryan, I would remove the Edge LMS due to that ending. Best Elimination Chamber was either 2002 or RAW 2008 though. 2009 was top three though.
  17. Miz won't come out of the entrance tunnel so they wall him in next time on Smackdown.
  18. I laughed at his reaction when Bryan cashed in and won the title. He gets in Cole's face with it and Cole just looks so repulsed and horrified.
  19. I did get confused when Natalie was for some reason in the figure four but acting as if Charlotte was the one trapped in the figure four. Bret Hart looked so confused out there, he was actually tweeting during the match apparently.
  20. They need a Topham Hatt character in WWE, a big gluttonous buffoon somehow in charge of a dysfunctional group of individuals who somehow pull something out of their ass every show to save the day.
  21. The main three matches all delivered, good show. Zahn-Breeze could be a fun feud, or maybe do a Neville-Breeze-Zahn match at some point.
  22. What if Vince's original idea for Wrestlemania 26 happens and we get McIntrye-Undertaker, Miz-HBK, and HHH-Sheamus instead? Does Michaels stick around another year or does he actually get retired by Miz?
  23. To be reasonable, I highly doubt most crowds would care if the divas match was actually some awesome match or not. It is only when it gets to Jackie Gayda levels of bad do most start to get pissed.
  24. What is worse, Cole dancing to Adam Rose's theme or JBL doing the what's up with R-Truth? I think we all collectively died and went to hell.
  25. I'd say Cena's top five are vs Punk MitB '11, vs Umaga RR '07, vs Edge Backlash '09, vs HBK on RAW in London '07, and vs Lesnar at ER '12. Any order is fine. I also really enjoyed his early stuff vs Taker at Vengeance 2003 (underrated show) and vs Lesnar at Backlash 2003, The commentary has been painful thus far and Cole hasn't even turned yet! Striker is driving me crazy, him and Booker T both have driven me mad on some of these older shows I've checked out. They make me yearn for the current trio. I think I know now why Lawler seems so insane nowadays, ever since he lost JR he has been driven mad by his rotating cast of partners. I am not looking forward to Wrestlemania 27 but I committed myself to watching all the Wrestlemanias so... Yeah.
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