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Everything posted by Ace

  1. Ebon Moss-Bachrach is Ben Grimm. Hope is that Lyonne is Alicia Masters.
  2. Glad to see Frenzy on a book. She was honestly underused in Krakoa.
  3. They already have Dustin Rhodes for that.
  4. Hopefully, this means Saki gets a rest. She's been wrestling with a screwed up ankle/foot for over a week. Thekla's aim is to kill idol culture in Stardom. She's going after Mina first, then wants to go after Tam and Poi. AWG's CatMASK Calico was spotted practicing at Marigold's gym.
  5. Beetlejuice: The Musical is really fuckln' good. As an old techie, the lighting was fascinating.
  6. I enjoyed the hell out of that. Especially when Lio does the bit on all fours.
  7. So basically, they're releasing all the "These people will be our inroads into China/India" folks.
  8. Tokyo Sports interview with Fuka, translated.
  9. Losing Fuka and The Royal to Marigold's gotta hurt.
  10. Natsumi Sumikawa is still AWG Champ.
  11. To be fair, Roman revealed this weekend, that he's on constant oral chemotherapy for his leukemia.
  12. Now? It's been like that for most of comics history, hasn't it?
  13. OJ Simpson has been compromised to a permanent end.
  14. Club Venus was on Dynamite. I'm well satisfied. Mina vs Toni is gonna be a blast.
  15. I did a performance of The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Hollywood Bowl in 2005, that was hosted by Jane. I saved her from being hit by a loaf of bread during the credits.
  16. And because Momo is a heel, she jaywalked.
  17. Mick Foley has bowed down to common sense and doctor's advice and is now not having a 4th or 5th retirement match.
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