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Johnny Sorrow

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Everything posted by Johnny Sorrow

  1. Wasn't Santino the student Cornette went off on that led to him being fired from OVW? Cornette slapped him in the face because he was laughing at Boogeyman when they were trying to get him over as scary. I love Cornette, but he's turned into a cranky old psycho.
  2. I like BBT. For a show some people say is making fun of nerd culture, they've had the characters all hook up with chicks, and a couple of hot ones at that. That aside, the OP here is just doing his typical schtick.
  3. Show isn't poor, he blew all his money with poor investments. And I'm hoping HHH ties Show to a buzzsaw in a saw mill next.
  4. Because they are mad at Orton for losing, they did not want him to lose but they had a backup plan just in case.I know what you're saying but maybe if Armstrong does not fast count him... he kicks out?They've had Bryan mention a few times that Orton was knocked cold and would never have been able to kick out.
  5. Thanks man, That whole "watching with the guys" deal is what we're going for.
  6. So an old pal of mine has been posting a ton of old pics of him, me and our friends from the late 80's. Me, apparently shirtless and stoned with hair, 1987 Al, Me, and EJ in the WCVH radio studio after our show, 1987 Me, Sandor, and Ziggy behind us, Christmas Eve 1987.
  7. Yeah, this is now my number three favorite match ever. It's just fucking perfect.
  8. What im saying is the people bitching about the very presence of them doing something to raise awareness for a cause is annoying. Shit like "Why are heels wearing pink ribbons?" Ugh. If WWE was supporting an AIDS charity or whatever these guys would bitch. Yes Kolman stinks but the main thing is creating awareness and there's nothing wrong with that, it'd be better if it was a different charity of course, but whiny fans who are upset mainly because the ropes are pink and t shirts are as well are kinda awful. So calling a charity crooked is totally kosher, but criticizing WWE for supporting a crooked charity is beyond the pale? C'mon, man.
  9. Kevin has always been one of my favorite wrestlers, and I loved him dropping those stiff fucking elbows. Like Will said, the Rudos giving KVE a receipt was cool as fuck, but I somehow doubt Kevin minded. Like Phil said on the podcast, he was probably more interested in scoring some blow backstage after the match than confronting anyone.
  10. THIS is what a heel team vs heel team match should be. It was fucking awesome.
  11. I thought the "Hey, let's impress Lou Thesz" matwork to start was kinda boring, but then it picked up and I loved the fuck out of it.
  12. I liked Corleone so much that the match was enjoyable. And to be honest. he wasn't working an old NWA style, he was working a 1970's WWWF style. Canek sucked a dick here.
  13. People complaining about SGK as a charity and how they do business is one thing, it's people who complain about WWE supporting a cause and putting it on TV in general who are annoying. It was awful last year with the bitching about it.
  14. I seem to recall either Hall or Nash on Austin's show saying the two groups got along and partied together. And even so, I don't recall any stories about the Clique fucking with the careers of any of Takers crew.
  15. At this point in my life, nothing can grab me and cheer me up more than a classic MGM musical. The talent level involved in every aspect of all those movies is just astounding. If this doesn't fill you full of joy than I fear you may be either dead in the soul or a liar. And yeah, Cyd Charisse was so amazing. Looking back, the only names of incredible dancers of the Golden Age that come up are of course, Astaire and Kelly, but Charisse was just as good. I'd say the best female dancer of the era.
  16. Ah, he's one of those " I dont watch t.v. types" so I had to explain the joke.
  17. Me today at the end of week three of my new career. About to ascend to the roof and help figure out and create proper and effective pigeon deterrents. The best part was, we basically created a cage ( of webbing), and the attachment bolted in to hold it together is actually called a turnbuckle, and that's what it was, but tiny. I had no idea there were turnbuckles in anything besides rings. So when my boss/ trainer/ co-worker asked me, "Do you know how to loosen and tighten a turnbuckle ?", I was all, "Fuck, yeah."
  18. "Please excuse Meng from selling the mace shot signed, Meng's mother"
  19. "Meng uses his laser vision to destroy Liz's Pez Dispenser."
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