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Phil Schneider

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Everything posted by Phil Schneider

  1. That was a gimmick there was tons of bloody weapons filled brawls in SMW
  2. The Digging in the Crates match last Saturday was an awesome Eric Embry v. Invader brawl from Puerto Rico that travels all around the arena. Go watch and read our write up Digging in the Crates
  3. No, it won't. Any video can be ripped or at worst screen recorded. I'm going to make it my personal mission to report any and all pirated videos after the network launches. If this fails because a bunch if cheap mingebag wrestling fans won't stump up $10 a month I'll be so mad. Man that is some weak ass tattle tale shit. The WWE is a near billion dollar company, that is some sad sorry garbage that you are all fired up to spend your spare time dry snitching for them.
  4. Hidden Gem Friday became Digging in the Crates Saturday, but everyone should go read and watch the Lightning Kid v. Wellington Wilkins match we wrote up
  5. Honestly watching stuff aimed at 9 year olds is a lot less embarrassing then watching stuff aimed at 15 year olds
  6. I was an adult during the Attitude era, I found all of that sniggling dick and poop humor really cringeworthy. I imagine people who were 13 found it hilarious.
  7. I'd argue that Goldust is one of the few with a motivation that just hasn't been explained very well - as a veteran that earned himself one last run and wants to prove that he's still got it. When he came back it was awesome and made a bunch of sense and was a great feelgood moment. Now he's a wrestler wrestling matches. What reason did Too Cool have to do what they did? I don't remember any epic Too Cool feuds, weren't they just wrestlers having wrestling matches, except those matches weren't very good and two minutes long?
  8. For 2014 we are going to be attempting to put something up every day. We are going to start with a bunch more Lawler reviews, but also I am going to be doing Hidden Gem friday, where I try to find an awesome match on youtube that I haven't really heard people talk about. Also Eric and I will be doing a combo running MOTY list. So set your bookmarks
  9. The matches happened in 2013, not sure how they would be a best of 2014 candidate.
  10. Watch the couple of opening trios from that feud. Both are under 10 minutes and awesome.
  11. Negro Casas this year, Black Terry in 2011, Negro Navarro in 2010
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmObfYh2iQs Dr. Cerebro v Apolo Estrada Hair v. Hair 12/15 IWRG hasn't been that great this year, but they will deliver a bloody brawl at least. This had a bit too much second interference for my liking, but we did get Cerebro and and Estrada punching each other in their cuts and some nasty headbutts. Estrada is fine and Cerebro still looks like one of the best guys around, even if he hasn't had a ton of opportunities to prove it
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqYXDeLlZ54 Negro Casas v. Blue Panther 12/13 This was totally badass. This was a great first fall for a match of the decade. We don't get a second or third fall so this isn't an all time classic, but it was great. Loved the knucklelock and finish. Just enjoyed every second of this.
  14. I love these OJ, I learn new stuff every time I read one and I imagine for people less familiar then me it is a godsend.
  15. What make you think Jericho could do anything with that dude if Punk couldn't? Does anyone actually think 2013 Chris Jericho is a good wrestler, much less someone who can build a compelling series with a profoundly limited guy.
  16. Don't be ridiculous. That gumpy clown clearly couldn't deliver in a main event match, and the idea that he should have been put over and had the promotion focus around him is dipshittery
  17. Yes we get the point. Yeah tone it down or be the first example
  18. Astral, Eléctrico, Shockercito vs Demus 3:16, Pequeño Olímpico, Pierrothito http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttiLQICbv7I&feature=share&list=PL2I0JwI23A_UPRSRyZMRZxXy8469ycJQz&index=4 Good to see Demus back, jacked to the gills and bumping around killing folks. There was a nasty powebomb on the floor, some big dives and crazy armdrags. What you want out of a minis match.
  19. Rush v. Negro Casas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UsJYuzZU8Q&feature=share&list=PL2I0JwI23A_UPRSRyZMRZxXy8469ycJQz&index=13 Really short, which is really the only complaint as we do get 8 minutes of these guys beating the piss out of each other. Loved the big boot sending Casas into the crowd. Obviously a tease to the match we really want to see, it is a nice tease
  20. BLOG POST YOUTUBE PLAYLIST Rush v. Casas, Rush v. Shocker and a Traumas title match, plus Demus is in the house
  21. I am getting tired of it, so if you have been doing a troll gimmick, I would tone it down or enjoy some board vacations
  22. Man that 3-way was badass. Shocker was right there in the mix throwing kicks, stomps and elbow and Casas v. Rush picked right up where they left it earlier in the year. Rush's sneak headbut is one of my favorite moves in wrestling.
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