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Rev Ray

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Everything posted by Rev Ray

  1. The year DVDVR rented a bus to watch the Super 8....
  2. If I'm Jim Johnston, I'm working on a jazz version of Undertaker's theme ASAP. I'm wondering if someone can rework the organ parts into brass parts. That would actually top Chello Kane theme for his wedding to Lita.
  3. I will also point out I caught the opening of Live and Let Die this weekend, so the jazz funeral is stuck in my head. "Who's funeral?" "YOURS!" They could always do the sad march, hit the bong, have the match, I'm assuming Taker goes over, Happy Jazz on the way out.
  4. I'm kind of hoping they do the Jazz Funeral Procession for Undertaker since it's New Orleans.
  5. This was fun. Pam was dressed as Snowman complete with the red pants.
  6. Is it possible they threw Roman/Bray out there because they weren't planning on Cena being hurt?
  7. When I fell out of doing tape reviews, it was weird to see Nakamura on a live show after remembering him as the guy they were trying to push into shoot fighting and pushing him as super young lion. It's an improvement.
  8. A young Cornel West plots what he will do to Bruno Sanmartino.... So much going on here. Mr. Wrestling as Dirty Harry.... Him hosting an evening of the best hits of light music on K-MRW... Him shooting pornos with Bob Crane...
  9. Should we put odds that fans are just going to leave the stadium with stolen copper wire from the walls and not wait til tomorrow?
  10. So... they're racing weather again. And jesus, is my yahoo starters list the fucking death note or something?
  11. This is making me miss the Torino games with the disco music and Ferrari F-1 car doing burnouts.
  12. OH MY GOD! There going to push that James E Cornette Bear's face into that flaming birthday cake!
  13. I'm down for some K-Ska myself: http://youtu.be/MOf59LJmW7k
  14. With South Korea getting the 2018 games, I wonder if we'll get a speed skating showdown between Stephen Colbert and his rival KPop star Rain.
  15. I think there's a related video that has a feature of Baba and there's a great clip of him on a panel show where you have to buzz in and he Baba chops through the desk. Awwww fuck, here it is. 10 seconds in. http://youtu.be/KtHsjPGJDnk I only wish JH would find or post the Giant Baba anime where Killler whacks his squirrel friend and Baba swears revenge.
  16. Man... that has to be the worse jobber intro for a team ever. They don't even turn on the lights. Cham Pain DIED FOR YOUR SINS!
  17. Yeah, Go's flat top is no match for the glory of those mullets, now matter how man space jews and galactic hillbillies he fought. But a flat top with a mullet... we might be talking a competition.
  18. "It's either 10 o'clock or Mickey has a boner... thanks to Shroom Tech! FUUUUUULLL MAST!"
  19. I'm 95% sure that's UFC fighter Urijah Farber, not edge.
  20. There's always Youtube to the rescue. FWIW, I gather that Baba was at least a decent worker. Given his start in wrestling 60's and he was a big and weird body type. When he was younger, his legs and arms were a little more defined so he looked a little less like a potato with toothpicks stuck in it. Anwyay, here's a 1967 match against Bruno Sanmartino, he seems to move pretty well for a big guy. He's definitely not moving like the Great Khali.
  21. If I recall correctly, they were kind of trying to throw stuff together to fill time while they were working out whatever was wrong with the building. I had heard that Young just started ad libbing his paranoia gimmick that he didn't want to get blamed for the fire and to get fired. If they just had Monty go out and kill time for three minutes on an unplanned promo, it wasn't bad for a short notice deal. A bunch of Monty's promo stuff seemed rough around the edges, but it did seem like he he stuck with wrestling, he could really have been a money guy.
  22. Is that Monty promo of him singing Hey Joe from the TNA show where they had to evacuate the building because the fire alarms went off inside?
  23. "Don't forget to the promo code "Steve!""
  24. http://youtu.be/ToaHQI9X5RI Entertainment reporter in LA asks Sam Jackson about a commercial he appeared in... only it wasn't Sam, it was Laurence Fishburne.... and the hilarity ensues.
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