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Everything posted by CanadianChris

  1. Does anything happen regularly at Fenway besides the Sawx?
  2. So, it looks like the table spot keeps Dixie off TV for one week? And she's back this week for an interview with Tenay?
  3. But if Husky isn't Wyatt, how is Ryback supposed to be Skip? At least Axel was an on screen renaming.
  4. I think Saturyne left under different circumstances than Sugar and Donst
  5. They didn't end the Wolves/Hardyz/3D series at the "PPV" Impact? Oh come on...
  6. Dunno if it's on the Network, but I'm partial to Santana/Valentine from 3/17/85 at MSG. Might be either up as an MSG show, or if they have the old "Weird Matches" Coliseum Video.
  7. What you call ghetto, I call dyslexic. Tomato, tomatoe.
  8. Also, do we know if Social Media Guy is an obese sweaty guy, or a pencil neck scrawn? We need to get our stories straight
  9. That Pounce video also reminded me of how much I hated that Slick Johnson ref. Fuck.
  10. Aren't you guys freaking out a little bit? Match 1 was 8/28, Match 2 is 9/11. It's not like they spaced them out three months from each other. No draws or anything yet.
  11. They'll be attached with Buddy Bands until the fight. For the full wrestling effect, Todd Grisham interviewed them on SportsCenter after the fight.
  12. Do they use tiebreakers in the blocks? Or playoff matches?
  13. This is such a good idea for the midcard. A lot of old territory ideas in their original incarnations wouldn't work today but could totally be updated and recycled to be used today. A dunk tank match would give midcard guys something to do. A Loser Leaves Town stip wouldn't work but how about a Loser Can't Appear on RAW for 6 months or something like that? You could have someone lose and then try to weasel their way back ala Dirty Yellow Dog style or just stay off tv for a bit and then come back to get revenge for a pop. And you can never go wrong with hair vs. hair. Heck, Miz' current movie star character is begging for a stip like that to blow off a feud. Miz already did this gimmick a few years back. Came back under a hood to win a contract on a pole.
  14. Harley will forever be a man's man. But you're telling me someone couldn't pay for him to take a commuter flight so he didn't have to make probably a 12 hour drive each way?He may be one of those people (John Madden, Tony Kournisher) who have fear of flying. Well, it was nice knowing you.
  15. Alundra dropping the women's title in a trash can on Nitro a couple of weeks later probably didn't help. Did Madusa leave because they were going to scrap Aja/Madusa? Aja/Asari happened at the 11/21 tapings, which was the last show Alundra worked before showing up on Nitro.
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