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Everything posted by AxB

  1. Well, when they were trying to recreate Edge's first title run (in Miz' title run) they put Lawler in the Flair 'feud with a Legend and have a Ladder match for no reason' spot. It didn't go too well. What do you mean it didn't go too well? That match was awesome. Probably one of the top WWE matches that year. Recreating Edge's title run with Miz didn't go too well.
  2. You know how in Sleeping Dogs, it has leaderboards of everyone on your friends list, showing how many headshots and stealth kills and... basically everything you can do in the game (that can be counted) you have? One of my friends (who I met playing Destiny, of all things) seems to have played it non-stop for several years, has Platinumed (Platinumbed? Platinummed?) it, but his stats are ridiculous. Other people who have just played it to story completion have like 42 of something, Neil has 100-ish, and this guy has 300+. I already beat his race times though. Cristobal would hate the racing in this game, because crashing into people (or objects) and smashing their cars up actually costs you money (and I think XP as well).
  3. Well, when they were trying to recreate Edge's first title run (in Miz' title run) they put Lawler in the Flair 'feud with a Legend and have a Ladder match for no reason' spot. It didn't go too well.
  4. Robbie E has always been a solid to good Wrestler, but he's always had terrible music. Intentionally terrible, mind. His douchey guy gimmick needed him coming out to an awful tune. Good Wrestlers with terrible music? Well, Mahabali Shera's tune isn't actually that good, but his in-ring is so bad, it still counts.
  5. We don't know her past, but lots of people are assuming she was a youngling training under Luke at some point before Ben Solo went darkside. Younglings recieve lightsaber training.
  6. Wreck it Ralph was on the telly, and my lad said he hadn't seen it in a few years (his big sisters liked it, but they grew up and moved out of the house, and he's a bit too Boy to voluntarily load a Disney movie into the DVD player (I have taught him well)). I hadn't actually seen it before. Sowe watched it, and... Wreck it Ralph was every saccharine Disney Princess movie ever, cloaked in a thin patina of videogame history to try and trick you into thinking you weren't watching a Disney Princess movie. But if you're watching it to see loads of old videogame characters out of character, turn it off after the first five minutes. I think The Lego Movie basically stole this concept and did it so much better, and so much less formulaically, that it basically erased Wreck it Ralph from the collective memory. I also watched the first half of Red, with Bruce Willis and them. It was really good. This is probably more like what the Die Hard movies should have turned into, rather than what they actually became, except Willis in this is a Jason Bourne unstoppable killing machine guy, and John McClane was more of a guy who's only exceptional quality was his never say die never give up attitude - but he wasn't the invincible, invisible can do anything superman guy that Willis is in Red. Even though McClane does become that unstoppable force in the later, suckier Die Hards... right when the interesting thing to do with the character would be to have him slow down and start showing his age and how carrying the weight of the world has worn him down, instead he's a fucking Terminator now.
  7. You watched all the Harry Potter films, and your reaction was the "first one was pretty good"? Did you like the later ones, where the kids had actually learned how to act instead of just saying "Wow"? Also, what does Force Awakens contradict exactly?
  8. They know better than anyone how the shared universe / different characters thing works for the Marvel franchise. And it looks like that's the model they're following, with Rogue One being their version of The First Avenger. Wonder if it'll feature General Leia doing the Princess Bride Grandpa narration?
  9. So, now I've started playing playing Sleeping Dogs. I've never been good at following advice, so I played Just Cause 2 and The Last of Us first. But that worked out OK, because having played/ completed JC2 gives you a custom outfit in Sleeping Dogs that lets you steal cars from half a block away or something*. It's early days, but I keep driving on the wrong side of the road because I'm too used to GTA & Saint's Row... even though I usually drive in the oncoming traffic lane in those games. And as an Englishman, the left side is the correct side to drive on anyway. It keeps telling me that if I keep driving clean** I can beat my friend's clean driving time, and one of my friends' best time was 3 seconds! Never mind. When I KO'ed a couple of guys with a fish in Uncharted 2, I thought that was going to be it for using fish as a weapon in hand to hand combat. But no, I already beat a guy to death with a fish in Sleeping Dogs. * It seems there's also a special outfit for people who have played/ completed a Hitman game and... Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Should I put the Deus Ex disc in the tray before playing Sleeping Dogs, just to see if I get Wei Shen a suit of badass armour and an assault rifle? ** Drive over 60 kph without hitting anything. Not too easy on these narrow crowded streets. Probably very easy on the freeway after midnight, but I've not really tried that yet.
  10. Dude he's got 30 acting credits on imdb. Remember him playing the cop in American Gangster? I remember him walking past the camera and nodding in Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai. But I've never seen American Gangster.
  11. So are you recording this stream to edit it down to a youtube video, or is it watch live or miss it forever?
  12. That first (tutorial?) level of Hard West was pretty intense. I bet the rest of the game is a nightmare (not posting this in stream chat because it wants you to sign in using facebook, and fuck facebook). Is that what XCom plays like? Is that why Fresh went nuts, because we all kept dying on him?
  13. The ten points separating 1st from 10th is unprecedented. The two points separating 5th from 10th after 19 games is ridiculous. It really could go anyone's way.
  14. I just watched The Man with the Iron Fists. It was fun... I can see people who don't watch Kung Fu movies not getting it and thinking it's stupid, and I can see people who watch loads of Kung Fu movies thinking it's a pale imitation that can't live up to the greats of the genre. But I thought it was great. RZA gave a pretty good performance for a guy in his first performance, let alone for a guy directing his first movie (in terms of musicians making their movie directing debut, this is way better than House of a Thousand Corpses),and Russell Crowe made a decent fist of a British accent (after spectacularly failing to do so in that Robin Hood film), but Byron Mann and Dave Bautista both showed a shitload of charisma on screen. I'm not surprised Dave managed to move on to big Hollywood films after this performance.
  15. Did Knobbs try to sandbag him on that suplex? Or was he so unathletic at that point that he couldn't go up and over properly? Because Maxx gave him the up and enough of the over, but for some reason Knobbs didn't roll and turtle up with it. It was like Knobbs was trying to land on his face the whole time.
  16. He never sucked at wrestling, he just had no character to speak of for about 8 years. He sucks at wrestling. The only time his offense has looked even slightly credible is that time he botched his finisher and nearly kicked Miz's face into orbit. Even Ziggler's offense looks stiff in comparison to Kofi. Kofi is the best example of there being more to being a good wrestler than doing good moves. Because he can have a good match even though there's nothing good in his moveset. Part of the reason he's having better matches now he's in the New Day, is because he never (or rarely, anyway) actually does his signature spots any more. Now he's doing generic heel kicking and stomping for the most part, and cut out his crowd participation legdrop and his low impact goofy cradle, he can make his matches more about telling the story of the match, and less about getting his shit in. By way of comparison, Davey Richards has some good moves (he also has some embarrassingly shit ones, and some moves that would be good if they were done by the right person, but are completely wrong for him) but he's a terrible wrestler... he's like RVD*, every time you see he's got a match coming up you think "That could be good if he doesn't crowbar all of his bullshit spots in there". Then you watch it, and there's all of his bullshit spots again. * I saw an RVD vs Dr Wagner Jr. match. If it had been Wagner saying "Today RVD, you are a technico bitch and I'm going to beat the shit out of you for 85% of this match" it would have been good. But instead, RVD said "Today Dr Wagner Jr., you are a generic Sabu ripoff. Now lie down and hold this chair for me".
  17. So first Lana posts her & Rusev's real life engagement on Twitter, and Rusev dumps Summer in storyline. And then Breeze's real life girlfriend appears on Breaking Ground, and Breeze he splits with Summer in storyline. Is Summer's real-life boyfriend some sort of super athlete who Vince is trying to recruit or something?
  18. It isn't so much that he sold the property, so much as he put it in a box for sixteen years, pulled it out and took a massive dump all over it, and then put it back in a box for another ten years. Nice to know he thinks it's a family soap opera now. He used to think it was about trades routes, taxation and
  19. I finished my playthrough of The Last of Us, and I wanted something to cheer myself up. So I watched The Road, with Viggo Mortensen. Didn't make me any happier.
  20. 13 months ago, you could have said that about Kofi Kingston. He was a bland, boring character-less babyface who'd had a bunch of runs with the IC and US titles, won the tag belts with various partners, and none of it was particularly memorable. He'd had a push to a main event angle, and it had died because Orton couldn't be arsed to sell it. But pretty much, he'd done everything he could, and was being kept around for two reasons: To escape elimination in the rumble in a cool way, and to do something unexpected in a ladder match. And as soon as someone athletic enough to do those things instead showed up, no need for Kofi to exist, right? And then he joined the New Day. And now he's awesome.
  21. Havoc showed me how to do that 2 years ago. How have you been getting out of the base all this time? Just stealing a jet or dying and respawning outside?
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