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Everything posted by tbarrie

  1. I don't know if it's what you meant to imply, but suggesting that Andre-Hogan wasn't a "well worked match" strikes me as a much crazier opinion than having it as one's favourite match. It wasn't the specific style of match that the Meltzerites like to throw snowflakes at, but it was awesome. It was worked exactly how it should have been.
  2. Why would you even need to have seen a Tyler Bate match to figure that one out?
  3. This is true. I remember being confused by feelings of respect for Hogan.
  4. I posted a transaction to my organization's internal financial system today that got a document number ending in THREE zeroes. ONE IN A THOUSAND, BABY! That's only six orders of magnitude short of being Satnam Singh!
  5. Didn't Virgil generally collect the money shortly after?
  6. Shane Douglas wouldn't. Matt is on the right track.
  7. I don't know. I like MJF in the ring just fine, but I don't think I'd put him above Old Man Christian, who's still really good.
  8. So in a perfect world, when MJF made his crack about "Keith Lee's manager", Adam Cole should have gone "Shit, you're right." Then Keith Lee should have come out to challenge MJF. Show was still pretty good, though.
  9. Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends would be neat to see, but I doubt Sony has the rights to use Iceman or Firestar.
  10. It's part of an elaborate multi-step plan to get the perpetrator a free burger. No, I don't know what the intermediate steps are.
  11. I finally had a chance to see Everything Everywhere All At Once yesterday and it was pretty great. Probably not news to most of you.
  12. The comic miniseries had a single protagonist for all four issues, a reporter named... Phil something? But you've got the concept basically right. A normal-eye view of the Marvel Universe.
  13. Would they climb back up to the top rope between suplexes?
  14. I don't know if that's a universal rule. Goldberg drew pretty well, didn't he?
  15. So I watched a Texas Death Match between them, which I would assume was the final of a series. Good stuff with an iffy finish. One thing I found interesting was Vince talking about how it might be mind games when Superstar was begging off and that he might be playing possum when he was selling. Did Vince disapprove of how much Graham was giving Dusty? Or did Vince always say that in Graham's matches?
  16. It's more specific than that, though. It means the amount after you deduct whatever should be. Hence my questioning whether somebody had negative photos. (Which was probably poorly worded, as "negative photos" could easily mean "photos that make their subject look bad".) And yes, technically if there's nothing to deduct the "net" is just the simple total. But it's an odd word to use in that case.
  17. I'm curious about the "net". Did some people have negative photos posted? I should probably say something about Superstar, but I haven't seen much of him. I really should track down those Dusty matches, that sounds awesome.
  18. They didn't show up when the BCC told Hangman that no one loved him and then poked his eye out. But yeah, just shuffling the Hangman/Dark Order friendship off screen is pretty bad writing.
  19. Because the girl on the ramp clearly wasn't about to let Taya take her place. Not admirable, but understandable. By the way, I don't think I've ever mentioned how much I like your username. Awesome. My suspicion is that Taya is in fact taking the belt at Double or Nothing. I wouldn't say it's a lock or anything, though.
  20. The problem with that plan is that Wardlow is presumably the guy who takes the title off MJF, and I don't think they'll be ready to do that for another six months or so.
  21. I don't know. Is taking advantage of a stupid misplay a heel move? I mean, the whole reason bidding last is a huge advantage is that you can (and should) put in a bid of $1 or one dollar higher than a previous bid. But if you try that shit when you're not the last bidder? You get what you get.
  22. Which part of the quote are you talking about? It sounds like you mean the OC being one of the best in the world, in which case, sure, absolutely. But circling back to "A gimmick's only as good as the guy doing it" - that part is debatable IMO. I would say the right gimmick can in fact lift a mediocre or even poor worker to something fun and entertaining. Hell, even OC without the gimmick would just be a guy who wrestles really well in a promotion full of guys who wrestle really well. Great as he is, I doubt I'd think much of him if his fun gimmick didn't give me a reason to care.
  23. I can't work it out, because Adam Cole is nowhere near as awesome as mayonnaise or aioli.
  24. I just love the idea that if you thrust a man into Dax Harwood's crotch, he'll piledrive him by instinct. It's a natural reflex!
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