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Everything posted by tbarrie

  1. It's time like this where only being able to issue one reaction is a real problem.
  2. So was that a Kevin Kelly-style Eliminator Battle Royal? Are all the losing teams eliminated from title contention as long as FTR retain the belts?
  3. Is that from an AEW/WBD press release? I can't imagine a trade reporter would care enough to note who on the heel team was or wasn't an actual member of the Blackpool Combat Club.
  4. Agreed. They also need to film those bits against a green screen and broadcast them against a black background showing the wrestler's logo. Corollary: they need to design a unique logo for each wrestler in AEW.
  5. In case anybody was doubting whether Matt D was well-liked on this board, I'll just throw out that as of this moment, four people have "liked" the fact that he's happy about Rush's signing, while not a single person has reacted to the post actually announcing said signing.:)
  6. I'm wondering if I actually saw the cut version of Return of the Joker, because I remember liking it but not being blown away or anything.
  7. I distinctly remember wondering whom Perry had murdered (and at one point thinking maybe he was burying Christian Cage again just for shits and giggles). I don't recall if I actually saw legs attached to the boots, but I'm pretty sure they showed him dragging them in a way that implied there was a person (or ex-person) attached.
  8. I find it interesting to see the pairing of Madagascar: Europe's Most Wanted and Prometheus on that list, because I'm pretty sure I'd have to think a few minutes to remember what the fuck those two movies were. I'd expect the contenders for any kind of meaningful box office record to be memorable.
  9. Like Hobo Joe, I think they may have just let the Swerve/Lee feud sort of fizzle out. We'll see. And on the subject of young guys to push - Powerhouse Hobbs springs immediately to mind for me. He's awesome. Shit, AEW still has a ton of young guys with potential, don't they?
  10. Good point. Can somebody tell me the company behind Jurassic Park so I can invest in them? I haven't seen any of the movies. Or should I just play Dinosaur Island more?
  11. But only with the help of a dinosaur, which makes for a moral somewhat less applicable to day-to-day life.
  12. Thanks. That's fewer than I expected. No Trios Titles then.
  13. I don't think so. He's "The Bastard" now. Although they could tie both nicknames together by saying Gravity is the deadbeat dad he never knew.
  14. Thanks. Does he work a similar style? I'd expect "Gravity" to be a huge, heavyset dude who did classic fatman spots.
  15. The Royal Rampage was fun, but there was a real lack of star power this year. That, combined with their explicitly saying it was for a PPV title match and not for some random weekly show, meant that Darby was pretty much the only plausible winner. (I suppose Swerve could have won if we assume some babyface is taking the title from Luchasaurus before September.)
  16. I had to turn to Google to confirm that "Gravity" was the name of a wrestler and they weren't just throwing Pac off a high place.
  17. So for those who have Fight Forever - how many participants can you have in a single match?
  18. Does the whole Justice League need to be involved in this? I mean, if it was just Superman vs Godzilla vs Kong you'd think 'Zilla and Kong would already be underdogs.
  19. Good question. Surely not many people book their opening night tickets that early, do they?
  20. Thank you! I knew I recognized the tune but I couldn't put a name to it.
  21. I won a bunch of gauze pad and ball bearings from Rick once. Good times. I'm sad to hear he's gone.
  22. The jungle community, of course.
  23. I hadn't thought of that, but you're right. I did like that the power of love and friendship decided the match, just like Kenny said. The BCC, Pac, and Takeshita were only united by hate, which wasn't a strong enough bond to keep them together.
  24. I read that as "Weird Al generated" and almost went to look.
  25. It's definitely the best use for Adam Cole at this point. But the problem is not that there's any need for an MJF/Cole title match; it's that they've invested a lot of narrative capital into MJF's "reign of terror" and the question of who's going to end it. I don't see any way they can leave MJF a face for more than a few weeks.
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