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Matt D

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Everything posted by Matt D

  1. That's not how reading works.
  2. Alan Moore sure counts the first one.
  3. Not a match but I love this Koloff interview:
  4. I see that picture and I still don't know.
  5. I still kind of regret we didn't get Authority-Bryan (Sami) and Authority-Punk (Graves) a few years ago.
  6. lol god damn It's still pretty mind blowing that there were advertisers who watched low budget ghost hunts, bigfoot shows and rednecks doing various redneck things who still saw TNA as a bridge too far. Maybe they were pissed off that Destination America gave Dixie their names and she asked them for money?
  7. According to Tama Tonga, Nakamura is Haku's favorite wrestler in the world right now.
  8. Stannis is the wild card there, and that's part of the frustration in this. The concern is that whatever Sansa does is going to be a third-level action. She'll act which will let Brienne act which will let Stannis win. In the grand scheme of things (grand game of thrones) that's pretty weak.
  9. To be fair, that's what it said on my old CD version of Encarta too.
  10. How the hell do I still have any likes left? It's like Christmas for smartasses.
  11. What Horseman would Bayley be? Mongo?
  12. No, tech support jokes are for the GFW thread. Get it right.
  13. It's being bought as the funniest thing since Ultimo Dragon's Wrestlemania entrance..
  14. To be fair, it's not like TNA had any leverage. It appeared to be DA or no TV, and with no TV, TNA is worthless. Well, even more worthless than it already is. It was a mild success to begin with that they were paid in something more valuable than bobbleheads.
  15. I think we all know what happened to poor schlub.
  16. For all his good points, Dave Meltzer couldn't hack someone's box of cereal let alone a twitter account.
  17. I refuse to believe this isn't a giant FU to Dixie for her immature moronity. Which is as Pro Wrestling as it gets.
  18. Have you ever seen Mark Briscoe and the Psychic Bigfoot in the same place?
  19. Stigma's flub was pretty crazy. Flyer's dive was great. I'm not 100% familiar with all of these guys (I haven't seen much, if any, of Casas for instance), but I'm relatively happy with this line up given the potential guys in this.
  20. I'm not the kind of guy to go nuts for dives or anything but Flyer's dive tonight was great. I kind of went nuts for that.
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