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Yo-Yo's Roomie

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Everything posted by Yo-Yo's Roomie

  1. I'd be all for Hogan coming back for a quick one- or two-shot, but I never want to see the Warrior's face again.
  2. Yes, someone else appreciates what a great decade Keitel had in the 90s!
  3. Some of these sound great. I'd really love a Regal set. The guy has had an interesting enough career to make for a watchable doc, and they could draw matches from Europe, Japan, WCW (the TV title run, the brutal match with Finlay, ppv match with Sting) and of course, WWE. The good thing about Regal is the variety in his career, so it would make for a really easy watch.
  4. That Slater bump was amazing, because it didn't look like Torito got full purchase on the headscissors, and Heath still managed to make it look like he'd been fired out of a cannon. Best bumper in the company.
  5. Khali is essentially a jobber now, doing comedy with Hornswoggle and Santino. And he's not particularly over even within that setting. He hasn't been portrayed as a threat for the world title in years. I'm pretty sure, given the choice, most people would rather see Christian get another shot. It's a house show anyway, so it's not like anyone is a credible threat to the world title.
  6. I love Andre but this did very little for me. The two spots I liked were when he lifted the two guys up when they had him in wristlocks, and the shoulderblocks in the corner to all three guys. I hope there's nothing worse than this on the set.
  7. So far, I think Eric is my closest movie buddy.
  8. I always try to give the much maligned Sayama a chance to be good, and he does alright here. To be fair, when his shit hits, there's few more beautiful sights in wrestling. The speed is still dazzling to this day. But then he makes a mess of that first fall. Oh well. Hamada is leaps and bounds better anyway, and this match is all about the war between he and Perro, with the highlight being the Perro senton for the second fall. Shit gets good towards the end, with the blood and the ball shot. Feels like a good match to set the bar for what's to come.
  9. Kizarny has to be quite high on the list.
  10. Why? It's awesome. Beats a lot of other stuff that's shown up so far.
  11. This was definitely a gradual thing, starting with him being a glory hog in his tag matches with Rick, and then showing a 'mutual respect' with Buff Bagwell over their physiques.
  12. I agree on Del Rio. My dream booking for Del Rio now, ever since I heard about that fight they got into, is a Del Rio/McIntyre tag team.
  13. I figured this would be running into next year now. It should be running into next year now. No shortage of stuff to watch.
  14. Do you think she tattoo'ed the date that picture was taken on her neck? Edit: This was in reference to AJ with the women's belt. Not sure why it took so long to post.
  15. I kinda assume that all indie feds are struggling to one degree or another. And they may have cornered the market, but have they Cornette the Market? There's your tagline.
  16. I have actually pitched this idea to a friend of mine that works in the television industry (peripherally... but still). I was actually talking about it on the twitter, and I think some of yall liked the idea. I actually think it could be very successful. It has that element of venturing into a niche community that has been so succussful for shows like Ice Road Truckers, Duck Dynasty, etc, while also giving the viewer that sense, with all due respect, of superiority which seems to be a cornerstone of the reality tv market. Plus, there are enough larger than life personas and potential confrontations, with the added threat of violence, to make it compelling. My choice as host, without putting a huge amount of thought into it, would be Cornette. Now, I know the bloom is long off the rose with regards to him being some creative genius, and we probably all tired of his rants a long time ago too, but I think to those unfamiliar with him he'd be an entertaining host, a tough talker who isn't afraid to get in people's faces, with a rich history in the business both from a performance standpoint and a booking/promoting standpoint, and obviously a lot of knowledge.
  17. Idea for TV show: we've all seen those shows where an expert in his or her field enters into a failing business/troubled domestic situation and revamps, re-energises and generally embiggens the spirits of those involved (think Kitchen Nightmares or Tabitha's Salon thingy). Well, why not have a show like that for indie wrestling? You take someone with success in the industry and send them off to struggling indies to try to turn things around. They can sit down with the promoter and talk business, when to book name talent, attracting a fanbase etc, and then talk to the workers about how and when it is appropriate to shake someone's hand, why going to a show promoted by someone else makes you a mark, and so on. The first show is a two parter in which our expert visits TNA, also the last shows filmed after he ends up like the nanny who tried to tame Eric Cartman.
  18. Yeah, I believe it was a 2 saves rule. I kinda wish they'd bring that back, but I think there should be more rules/rule enforcement in general.
  19. I believe that they were not going to tolerate saves with that many guys in the match. Like with the old Survivor Series matches. If saves were tolerated, the match would still be going. I wish they'd have said that, because it looked kinda bad to me given how you never see guys get DQed or even warned for making saves in tag matches.
  20. This sounds terrible. I guess the Shield stuff and Real Americans/PTP should be okay. I like 3MB but that's cancelled out by them being involved in a segment with Khali and Santino. I can't imagine anyone on earth wanting to see Maddox Vs Vickie.
  21. I thought this week's Raw was a lot better than last week's. The main event was really good, even though it did bug me that everyone just stayed outside the ring watching their partners getting pinned. Reigns looked awesome spearing the shit out of people, and then needed 4 guys to put him down. The Rhodes boys! Show knocking out Miz without a second thought or quiver in his lip was quality, and way better than the long Miz beatdown from last week. The Punk segment was the highlight of the night for me. I thought Punk cut a really good, passionate, sincere promo, and then looked great holding his own against two guys before getting overpowered. Really good stuff.
  22. I've watched that spear gif about 50 times now and I still don't totally understand what is happening. How does Reigns land on his back? How does Ziggler land at all? Shouldn't he still be going?
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