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Curt McGirt

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Everything posted by Curt McGirt

  1. Verdict (of the People's Court): Kate McKinnon is awesome. The gags revolving around Trump's Circle of Tyrants are funnier than the ones about Trump himself, though I'm sure he's gonna explode about being portrayed by a black woman. Three really terrible trailers for three really terrible films, and that Ed weenie toting his acoustic singing about getting laid and country driving needs to be flushed ASAP. Baldwin had a great save of a line flub in the Army segment and the Update crew can't stop laughing which I always like. So, 6/10 or so Oh, and it was really really good to see Tracy Morgan again.
  2. Thanx for reminding me, I think I'm gonna watch in realtime for the first time in a LONG, LONG time tonight, just because.
  3. Ooooo, I have a secondary e-mail too, didn't think about that... might try it. EDIT: Yeah, they want payment via PayPal or credit so that nips that in the bud. Sorry but I'm not giving out my CC number to some Dutch streaming company for a 40 minute wrestling match (though I probably should, considering the participants)
  4. That first menu would make me probably get dizzy and pass out if I was trying to read it in a drunken haze at 2 AM, just because of the random colors and fonts. But hot damn, the prices! And of course they have Cheerwine, because it's the Mid-Atlantic. RIP Chavo Sr.
  5. Yeeeeeeeah this Cleeng thing asks for permission to either your Facebook, Google profile or e-mail so I'm avoiding it. Maybe Phil can put it on his next comp and I'll watch then.
  6. WILL OSPREAY/VOLADOR JR. has Ospreay win with Cena's springboard reverse stunner. Yeah. That's all I have to say about that, aside from that this is a clipfest and Volador never had to wear a mask in the first place, he's a handsome dude. KUSHIDA/BUSHI: Just like airing those pre-match interviews that give away who won, they need to stop putting the commercial for the next episode before and during the current episode when it's tournament time because that gives away the winners of two of these matches. BUSHI almost 20 counts KUSHIDA twice immediately but he survives. The receipt is a koppo kick where both boots smack dead on into BUSHI's grill at top speed which looked vicious. Work is all based on BUSHI's arm but of course they sneak in a forearm exchange anyway. Boy the MX is a stupid finisher. BUSHI uses two to win; I'd rather see KUSHIDA/Ospreay but there you go. BUSHI misting the title is an inspired bit of assholery. I'd say someone should rip his earring out but it looks like a clip-on. BTW, JR and Warmaster are sleepwalking through this thing. RYUSUKE TAGUCHI/GEDO: Another interview giving away the winner. This is the rematch from the previous Best of the Super Junior where Gedo won with the Gedo Clutch in kind of a feel-good moment for Gedo who doesn't get in the ring much anymore. He's 48 (!) now so I don't blame him. Warmaster says Taguchi looks like Mike Muir from Suicidal Tendencies with his bandanna and JR says he wishes he knew who was and Warmaster replies he'll burn him a CD, haha. The mockery does not make Gedo happy so he takes the ringbell hammer to Taguchi which of course Red Shoes just watches. Who just watches as they repeatedly use the exposed turnbuckles too. I'm actually with Jim and Josh's irritation about this and they wake up to make some wisecracks about putting a Young Boy in the way or a photographer because nobody wants to put the pad back. The ankle lock out of Gedo's crossface was really unexpected and looked like it hurt a lot. Both guys have really nice reversals and Taguchi manages one from the nutshot-into-Clutch that Gedo won with last time to pin him, which makes Gedo have a childish tantrum in the ring to our amusement. Fun little match and I guess I can get behind Hip Attack Boy in serious mode next week.
  7. Somewhere in an alternate universe, in WFRR Bill Murray is up against an evil Roddy McDowall. I'd like to visit there sometime. Tim Curry though DAMN
  8. Genius Nat Geo miniseries Dir. Ron Howard Geoffrey Rush, Johnny Flynn, Emily Watson
  9. I didn't know anything like that even existed. You are a true superfan my friend
  10. Any movie where the trailer opens with Bruegel's The Triumph of Death is something I'm gonna watch.
  11. They should dye that Cena mask white to make a John Myers/Michael Cena
  12. I wonder what going to Super Astro's torta shop and trying to defeat (or at least wound) one of these beasts is like.
  13. Oh, you know I got all the love in the world for Tiny Lister... just not as a wrestler.
  14. Remember after all that he was incoherent in a gas station, apparently yelling and vomiting and got arrested for that. The dude's been in bad shape awhile. I think he might have cleaned his act up a little in the last couple years but you'd have to ask Nattie about that. Happy Ernie Ladd Month to New Jack and the Gangstas (D-Lo baby!)
  15. OOFTA. I just spent about $50 and I have 11 records coming because of a discount offer from a distro. But that's punk rock for you On the other hand my tax return is gonna be a splurge at least half of yours
  16. Not to push the food discussion any further (my omelette for lunch was good btw) but the only Arby's Reuben I ever had was slimy and detestable, hopefully OSJ's was better. But then again, like any chain joint you just need to know what to get when you go there. And there's always a 50/50 that they will still probably screw it up depending on where you are anyway. While we're on the theme "THAT FAT SLAWB LOOKATIM"
  17. Sam Houston doing that reminds me of nude Harvey Keitel in Bad Lieutenant.
  18. FWIW, I don't watch SNL except for when something good ends up on Youtube but Michael Che is a great standup who had a really good special. He also had an interesting opinion on the Great Dictator when he was on the Daily Show about trying to not be openly angry and just make simple jokes, because the man is a farce in and of himself. As far as the Daily Show knocking on here, some of us need our bitterness jag in the evening after coming home post-work to a couple drinks and solid @Midnight laughs to catch the replay at 12:30 and be juiced enough to not put our foot through the screen
  19. http://bloody-disgusting.com/news/3423971/violent-castlevania-tv-series-headed-netflix-year/ OH SHIT The key term here is not just "violent", but "animated".
  20. Tracy remembers EDIT: I'm blaming you all for making me eat breakfast for lunch
  21. Ooof. I can't think of what else they even have on their menu... fried chicken? Meatloaf? Pork chops? It's all about a cup of coffee and the Smokehouse Breakfast with all the sides you can get -- biscuits with ham! Basically that makes it like going to a weirdo pimped-out IHOP (and I actually like IHOP. Which probably says a lot).
  22. I've never had anything BUT breakfast at Cracker Barrel and I consider getting anything else bizarre.
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