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Curt McGirt

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Everything posted by Curt McGirt

  1. Yeah, that was a helluva four-way. The goofy guy from Heavy Machinery come out and blathering on behind Heyman and Alexa was hilarious. I didn't even recognize that guy. What the hell was he saying, anyway. And because you brought it up, Nikki Cross and Sarah Logan in the ring together was "hottest Diva dream match" tonight.
  2. Yeah, that's what I figured. He's probably lucky to have a nose at all.
  3. What has amazed me about Artie was for all these years he's weighed so much while doing that shit. I don't want a picture or anything but what does a missing septum look like? Is the middle of his nose completely gone on the outside?
  4. Shit, I like Scream better than the original Blacula. You can probably blame Pam for that. I'm in.
  5. It's really hard for me to watch The Crow, and I've actually never read the graphic novel. Being that the great Dave Schow wrote the screenplay for the film and had to deal with that death really puts a nail in it for me. Him dealing publicly with it in his Fangoria column was just heartbreaking. It also sucks how much of a fall-off the sequel was...
  6. That isn't a wrestler, that a miniature version of Russell Crowe!
  7. If they really want Wade back, we'll take him.
  8. Curt McGirt

    Japanese GOAT

    Kawada. Fujiwara is the close second, Hash and Jumbo (a great match we never got) round out third and fourth, Liger fifth. This is all personal preference however.
  9. The CLAW HOLD and Jerry Brisco going into spasms are the best!
  10. "Your dad never beat my dad" is a beat of pure, hilarious wrestling poetry. We'll miss two of those guys more than we'll ever know.
  11. Before I get to work: Full Metal Jacket > The Shorttimers. But The Shorttimers trilogy IS crazier.
  12. I love Silver Bullet to a ridiculous extent but Bernie Wrightson? Hell no, Cycle wins.
  13. Name 'em (and try to beat 'em). Here's your starter:
  14. If Tom Petty shows up Tupac style as a hologram...
  15. A top five or ten might be even more feasible, at least to me honestly. Drilling it down to one genre/subgenre/band/album is... an issue.
  16. I'm only 35 and I still get that reference, it isn't that old. Or maybe I'm as old as I feel.
  17. "Gangsta's Paradise" is the thread winner. That movie suuuuuuuuuuucks, and that song is incredible. Sorry Eddie, but as much as I love Slayer (and I LOVE SLAYER) I just can't get behind the Iron Butterfly cover. Love the original but that doesn't work.
  18. Yeah, I gotta see him and Nakajima kick the piss out of each other now. Thanks.
  19. I didn't have a problem with the beatdown mainly because the shank/spike/whatever looked weird and though you probably could kill Konnan by stabbing his donated (I think?) kidney, it's not like Low Ki went for the throat. The best part was the roll of quarters cause it came out of nowhere and Ki sold the shit out of it.
  20. I forgot all about that. Hilarious. With most characters in The Wire you get a duality. You tend to get a pair where their fates split off and they either learn from their mistakes or meet self-destruction, as with Herc and Carver, or the kids in season four. And then there's the villain with a positive trait which reminds me of Vondas and his affection for Nicky in season two. It's small, and Vondas is an important though not constant character, but it's there. Attention to detail like that is why The Wire is superior to most all television.
  21. HA! I'm defending it and I've only seen it like twice! I did read the book though. Bret Easton Ellis should have stuck to yuppie serial killers.
  22. My nonsensical defense: it's trash but it's fun trash. And "Hazy Shade of Winter". AND that soundtrack had Danzig on it, plus "Bring the Noise". EDIT: Oh yeah... and Jami Gertz.
  23. Pretty sure I saw that at the Walmart excursion, though I doubt it was a fiver. I'll have to go back when I get paid.
  24. For some reason I'm unfamiliar with Werewolf and the Yeti but looking it up, I HAVE to see it now. EDIT: Oh thank you so much Youtube...
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