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Michael Sweetser

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Everything posted by Michael Sweetser

  1. The McMahon chauffeur being in the HOF makes the standard pretty low. Seriously, if we're discussing DDP, he deserves to be in the HOF just based on the fact that without him, two recent HOFers may not have lived long enough to be inducted themselves.
  2. Hell, even DDP taking the belt off Goldberg at Havoc 98 and then being plugged into Goldberg's spot (losing to Nash, fucked over by the nWo in the rematch, etc) would've worked out better considering how things went. (DDP probably would've carried the stupid angle with Elizabeth claiming assault on 1/4 better as well.) Also, DDP probably wouldn't have tried to punch out a car window with his bare hands.
  3. Another concern over it being on the Network might be rights to air footage of the games themselves - that would probably get really expensive really quick, especially on current-gen games.
  4. No shit. Yes, I want to see Asuka beat Eva - in a pro wrestling sense, for a championship to send the crowd home happy. Who the hell actually wants to see a woman get legitimately injured?
  5. To be fair to Bischoff, a lot of this stuff happened nearly twenty years ago. You also have to remember just how busy and overworked Bischoff was in WCW leading through the Nitro years. It doesn't surprise me that a few things haven't stuck around in the noggin.
  6. I think people would be shocked how many that are considered good/great workers actually script their matches beforehand. Calling it in the ring, much like die-cast construction, is becoming a lost art. I wonder how many in WWE right now can actually do it outside of basic spot sequences. (Also, don't pan guys that call it in the back so badly - believe me, that shit's hard, especially if you don't have a great memory to begin with. The one major singles match I did in ECCW was completely worked out beforehand, and my brain almost exploded trying to keep it all straight - and that match only went about six minutes.)
  7. Reminds me of the Hit Squad's old gimmick where they would take a guy and press slam into the ceiling at the Charity Hall in Bayonne. Fast forward to the Russ Haas memorial show in 2002 where they faced the Shane Twins, who press slammed THEM into the ceiling. The whole building lost their minds for that spot. I recall a match from TCW here in Tulalip, WA where one member of a tag team tried a top rope spot, went through the ceiling, and faceplanted. Funniest thing in a while, and to their credit, they used it as a transition spot for the heels to go on offense. Oh, TCW.
  8. At this point, the biggest response they could get is to have Eva take the belt off Bayley and then drop it to Asuka in a total squash.
  9. Agreed here. The only guys he really had a problem with were Rene Dupree and, near the end, Ken Anderson, and both had some very good reasons. Actually, Holly on Twitter seems way too happy and a guy that's content with what he did in the business. I enjoyed the book.
  10. Wasn't that the match where DDP ended up breaking his neck on the superplex?
  11. He did in his book (which I'm actually re-reading right now) - he enjoyed just being a talent and not involved in creative.
  12. Bad news is, my comeback as a manager has been cut off and finished, due to various reasons that are too boring to get into. (I did get to work the main event of a show that raised over $2K for a cancer-stricken child, so it was worth it just for that. I donated my cane as an auction item and it actually brought in $40.) Good news is, it's because I'm now the main play by play commentator for ECCW. I started up last Saturday in Vancouver and had some good chemistry already. I can't wait to start on the third phase of this bizarre little career of mine.
  13. I was pleasantly surprised that JBL stepped away from WWE's usual anti-WCW stories and was far more fair in questions to Bischoff, deferring to him on a number of points. Bischoff was also a great guest and they had some great back and forth, especially about the AOL Time Warner merger. I can't wait for part two on Thursday.
  14. Imagining the ol' Freebird bopping on down to the cage where the servers are to reconnect a cable. Definitely wearing a sparkly rebel flag cape. I get the feeling he wouldn't get along too well with the outsourced tech support.
  15. If Brock faced Cesaro in October, Brock SHOULD go over quickly. Brock has been built as a monster that only the absolute elite (Cena, HHH, Undertaker) even has a prayer against, let alone beat. Cesaro needs a lot more rebuilding at this point to be seen as a threat to Lesnar, or hell, at this point, to anyone.
  16. Considering 99% of the sleaze thread it was based on was basically slashfic, that's not surprising. I'm surprised nobody tried to sue him over that book.
  17. What i'm struggling with is why they're upset they lost. Sure, competitive athlete wants to win at everything he does You just answered your own question. Hyper-competitive people take any sort of loss personally.
  18. Gary Hart - amazing insight into his booking philosophies Bret's, just for the detail in his career Jericho's first book - before his books break down into self-important starfucking. Foley's first book - set the standard, and without it, none of the others would've happened. And oddly, Road Warrior Animal's. I really enjoy the writing style and the stories are great.
  19. I've been reading it off and on throughout the day, and the good feeling about the book keeps going. The book is detailed without going too in depth and keeps the story moving. Like I said, you get a great sense of how his time in each territory and certain experiences shaped him into who he became as a wrestler and as a person. There's also some great insight into how Backlund was in line for the NWA World title and how he became the choice for WWWF champion. There's a bunch of sidebars from guys he worked around or with like Patterson, Harley Race, Stan Hansen, Terry Funk, Ken Patera and a lot more. I usually hate those in a book like this, but they have a lot of stories and are a good contrast to Backlund's stories, giving another side of what happened. The thing that gets across is how nervous Backlund was before matches and how concerned he was that he was doing his best.
  20. And/or everyone else on the roster *already knew* the guy was gay, and is just confused as to how he didn't know.
  21. Shit, if TNA's looking for promotions, I probably still have some sort of stake in DOA. I'll sell for cheap. Hell, there's a couple of Davey Richards matches somewhere in that tape library. They better hurry before I sell it to Vince. Got some Finlay in there, too.
  22. I'm about a quarter of the way through Backlund's book and I'm really enjoying it so far. Great stories and you get a real sense of how he developed as he progressed through life.
  23. That level is evil. But I'm the first person to have beaten it. Well, second, since you had to beat it to post it. But I'm the one in 55 and one. You make good levels, dude. I also enjoyed Pow! Right In The Kisser.
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