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Doubting El Dandy

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Everything posted by Doubting El Dandy

  1. This! Big time. The look gave off a slightly advanced indy promotion vibe. Never mind that Tenay and Taz recorded the commentary in an RV and it sure as hell sounded like it. It was a passable wrestling but not worth the price tag obviously.
  2. And they haven't had an update in days. Any chance these guys are just sleazy indy wrestling promoters? "Hey guys we got a call and all of our Mothers are in the hospital, we will be back later tonight to make sure we fix all of the connection errors with the server then okay?"
  3. They could have easily done one of the titles I already mentioned - Knack, Infamous, or Killzone - as a freebie. Or Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. I'm not saying I had huge expectations, given the age of the console, but man, it seems like 90% of the offerings have been "random quirky indie title with crappy graphics". They really should put out launch titles fairly soon. I'm hoping for Knack as I haven't played it yet. Killzone came with my uber bundle. I actually liked it more than expected. Good mechanics, very pretty, decent enough story.
  4. Outside of them showing the PC Box art on the WWE Network? There have been a handful of people who have contacted 2K support about the PC release which support confirmed was coming but said they did not yet have a release date for it.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqJwE7_nIpY In October, PS Plus membership includes a bonus game: DRIVECLUB PlayStation Plus Edition. Along with Dust: An Elysian Tail, Spelunky, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara, Pix The Cat, and Rainbow Moon.
  6. My understanding is that it relies on good back and forth, playing up your part by doing taunts and hitting big moves or if you are a heel pull off the buckles and cheat ect ect. The better you are at that the more "social media buzz" you get. And apparently that has a lot to do with you getting called up.
  7. Yeah I'd recommend it. Nothing approaching GTA in terms of the sheer amount of things to do. I'm expecting a more expanded world in the second game but it has its charms. And I agree Niners Fan. The game looks really good, but not like the demo footage that was shown. I do believe there was a story not long ago about some PC players got into the code and realized that a lot of graphical improvements were still in the game but switched off.
  8. Jordi struck me as a lunatic gun for hire. I liked the game a lot as well. It wasn't a blow away story, I didn't care for the voice acting choices in relation to Aiden Pierce, and the driving mechanics for all but a few vehicles is actually pretty terrible.... Outside of that that game looks great there is a lot to do and outside of the driving the rest of game play is solid and I personally really enjoyed making people explode inside a building while I patiently waited outside.
  9. According to this article there is suppose to be a free version of the game available for plus members. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/here-s-what-driveclub-s-free-playstation-plus-edition-includes/1100-6419359/
  10. Shadow of Mordor is next on my list. Also intrigued by the upcoming Sherlock Holmes game. Is there any positive buzz going around in relation to it?
  11. Via: http://instagram.com/2k Bo Dallas, Sami Zayn, and Adrian Neville are confirmed for the game.
  12. According to the WWE 2K twitter there will be a game play trailer on Monday. That is what the WWE tweet from earlier was all about.
  13. Okay...so I'm on the fence with this game. Not really sure if it is down my alley or not. I played the beta, and while it was enjoyable in about the same way that virtually every 3PS game I have played in recent memory has been the story felt a little thin, Is there suppose to be some large scale Mass Effect/Bioshock/Uncharted style story or is this going to be another thin story that exists so bros can level up to teabag each other in multiplayer? Those types of games aren't really my thing. Unfortunately the internet hasn't done an overly good job of telling me if Destiny IS that kind of game or if there is more to it than that.
  14. I thought episode was a lot of fun and was on par with most post regeneration episodes. At least in the new reboot they tend to serve more like origin stories where the the plot isn't all that thick because they want to focus on defining who the main character is. However: But I have seen a lot of people dislike the fact that they made so many references to the previous Doctor specifically, and a few people who really disliked the inclusion of . For me, Clara wasn't standing in for the audience in this episode, she was a stand in for all of the Hot Topic Whovian fan girls that loved the show because they thought the lead was cute and now the Doctor is an older guy so they spent the entire episode (including the man himself) basically begging them via Clara to please please please except this new guy and keep watching the show .
  15. Just a general question for people who might know more about the gaming industry than I. Is 2K well known for not releasing a lot of information and especially gameplay footage so close to the games actual launch or does it just vary based on the property? I only ask this because I've seen play footage from games that don't come out until next year or like in the case of No Man's Sky a game that doesn't even have an official release date yet.
  16. Full roster is here: http://wwe.2k.com/index.php/roster/2k15 RVD is in the game so that should mean that Paige and Emma will be as well. But my guess is that they will be apart of the NXT MyCareer (which was confirmed) I think it was already stated elsewhere that they were scanning guys at the performance center so its safe to say we will get a fair amount of NXT guys.
  17. Found out how you cancel your subscription. It was easier than trying to find out how you cancel a recurring payment on Paypal. We simply didn't have any money when the bill came due. Ironically I still had access to the network for four and half days after my bill was due. On my account page it said I didn't not have an active membership. I didn't get an email saying payment was due....nothing until four and a half days later when they finally sent me an email saying I didn't pay and they were shutting down my service, nothing was said about paying the remaining balance or anything. With technical support like that it's a wonder more people aren't dropping out.
  18. Per IGN they also announced a MyCareer mode which they said was akin to what there is in the NBA series but molded to WWE. This really enhances the possibility that the NXT guys or at least some of them are in the game.
  19. TNA Reboot - AJ Styles and Bad Influence + Snitsky and Eeekzeekal They wanted CM Punk but thought he was too obvious a choice. Deep cuts TNA....deep cuts.
  20. Looking back at the past rosters and DLC (at least under THQ) it seems like they would lock a roster sometime before Mania and the DLC guys tend to cut off at around the end of April. So if they debut in ring at Mania or in April they will likely be DLC. A lot of people made the argument that the Uso's should have been in the game as well but they didn't get back on TV until like June last year I think.
  21. Only played through a bit of watch Dogs so far but I am really enjoying it. The story might not be as good as GTA V's but I am liking that you have to think a bit more and you really can't just plow through with guns blazing. For me the city feels more alive thanks to the profiler. Even though you see some repeats about who the people on the streets are it gives them some kind of life which the people in GTA just don't have. Plus it is a gorgeous game. Also the driving mechanics blow sans motorcycles and boats, I think those handle well.
  22. Bo Dallas got almost no reaction at all. I can't wait to hear the massive heel heat he gets on the edited broadcast.
  23. I should never have watched that video. My eyes hurt now. FUCK CANCER!
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