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Everything posted by Eivion

  1. Omega, the Bucks, and Meltzer have all implied NJPW has tried to screw over Omega and keep him out of Japan despite no evidence. This stuff isn't coming from nowhere. Jericho and Moxley basically have high level contracts that allow them to work as mostly proper independent contractors so no it doesn't necessarily mean a real relationship. It basically sounds there isn't shit there yet as far as an actual deal is concerned, but they are a lot more open to the idea of one now than they were a year ago when the departure was fresh. Something people really need to keep in mind is that Cody tries very much to be more civil and professional about this stuff publicly than Omega, the Bucks, and even Khan.
  2. The amazing thing is these assholes don't even have to believe the apology (though I hope they do), but still can't bring themselves to do it.
  3. She doesn't retire till the end of this month. She left Stardom on 1/26 so she could work as a freelancer her last month and not force Stardom into the troubles of dealing with other companies. Her retirement match is against Meiko. She should be having a match this week against Chihiro Hashimoto so those will be two to look out for.
  4. If it wasn't for some of your other comments I was going to say she could just be an asshole/idiot like me who doesn't always change their loadout when they should because they are chasing Not Forgotten. Luna is nice, but I definitely should switch up more often than I do because of that quest/bounty. Its nice that you try to work with your teams. I tend to end up with a team of individuals which would be fine if all of us were good, but it tends to be that I'm either carrying a team (which I shouldn't because I'm average) or one guy is good enough along with my average self that we manage. I dislike the moments when I'm the top guy since it usually means my team is losing be that Survival or regular Crucible. So scout rifles are pretty much the only way to deal with snipers, right? I tend to be fucked unless I'm using one against them and throw them off guard with the rapid fire. Are there better ways?
  5. If i thought there was going to be another Mass Effect any time soon, and it was going to follow Andromeda then I would probably check out the novel. As it is I read the highlights a while back. It likely doesn't cover what the Quarian dlc would have actually been, just what was going on with their late arrival.
  6. Becky/Asuka III was pretty damn good and possibly their best match. The attack from Shayna was neat until it got weird with the bite. Save that shit for a proper crazy character. I kind of ff through the Becky toughs it out moments. They were even more unnecessary. They need to actually let her put over an ass whooping occasionally. I honestly paid little attention to what Matt actually said to Randy. I just dug the general idea of him trying to stick up for Edge only to get his ass kicked. Kind of disappointed Mojo's 24/7 reign is already over. I dug him trying to legitimize the belt. Ruby wanting to Liv to only be a follower is interesting. This would work even better if Logan was with Ruby instead of trying to face Charlotte and Rhea on her own only to get destroyed. The 8-man tag was pretty solid.
  7. Its kind of interesting how Austin has started off with the giants of WWE for these things. Show interests me more than Bret so this works for me.
  8. Saw Takumi vs. Mayu yesterday. that was a great little match and a reminder that Takumi would totally be Stardom's ace if she was still around in Stardom. She is just so charismatic and knows how to command the audience. Even the post stuff was neat and put her over well.
  9. I didn't realize she hadn't actually signed before now. Now I'm thinking of Rey's kid. Is he signed yet or just training occasionally at the PC like Simone was?
  10. I have such little memory of Gyo other than it being shit. So it actually did come from something decent? Aniplex just fucked it up bad?
  11. That reminds me. Stardom has another dlc coming to Fire Pro next month. Will include 12 more wrestlers and Daichi Murayama.
  12. Still haven't seen the main event yet, but I'm not shocked it was a classic. Their last match in Marvelous was pretty good, and there is nice history there since Takumi is a former Stardom wrestler and stablemate to Mayu. In truth I think the match was always goign to happen this year, partially as payback for the Marvelous match. Sareee getting sick just made it happen early. The Artists match was nice and solid. DDM aren't quite there as a team yet, but they are strong enough on their own as singles that this worked out well with segments mainly being Maika/Utami, Momo/Syuri, & Giulia/AZM. I really want a Momo/Syrui match at some point. As a character I don't think Giulia outclasses Hana. That said, she is still good character wise and way better in the ring than I have seen some reddit fans give her credit for. I think she and Hana are close to even as a whole which is saying something because I think Hana only just improved to that point in the last 5-6 months. Giulia was seemingly already that good before Stardom and will likely only get better as she faces off with and learns from the better wrestlers in Stardom..
  13. You skip the first page or do you have poor Pete on ignore? I just lazily named dropped the match on the first page, but this was one of the best matches from the 2000s in general to me. I had only been watching BJW for a year or two at the time, but I dug the general work they did in death matches. The better ones worked similar to this, but none of them ever reached the same heights. The matches were nothing impressive, but I loved that story so much and wish someone would steal it again already.
  14. Charlie leaving is the only surprising departure to me. I'm still kind of shocked they did so much Gary last season for the exact reason you mentioned.
  15. He came into NXT at a bad time when there were plenty of people who stood out above him, and the main roster already had Roode and Miz.
  16. Pretty sure Naomi will be Bayley's WM opponent.
  17. The opening with Miz/Morrsion and New Day that led into Usos vs. Roode/Ziggler was solid. Braun continuing the feud with Nakamura isn't super interesting to me, but the crowd got into it and hate for Sami. Goldberg vs. Fiend could be fun. regardless its a nice way to put the Fiend gimmick over a bit as long as Bray wins. Roman/Corbin still going on is depressing and a waste of both guys. Not sure where they are going with Bryan. He murdered Slater, but Slater kind of brought it on himself. The main event was solid fun, but really should not have been the main event. I'm glad Carmella won though I don't see why Naomi had to take the pinfall, especially with Dana there. Mella vs. Bayley should be solid though why they are only just doing this now and not 3 months ago when they should have I have no idea. The show was technically solid. Its just again a case of not much super interesting going on with many pieces still in the wrong place and nearly no one having much momentum as a result. There is plenty of decent-solid story, just nothing super exciting.
  18. Is that a bad thing? The lead always looked the most off compared to the rest of the cast. Wonder what led to that.
  19. With Dream back I wonder if they don't just have Dream run through Strong and take the belt off of Cole on WM weekend instead of Ciampa getting the belt back. There really isn't much there for Ciampa as champ again right now aside from a rematch with Finn on a bigger stage.
  20. There is a difference between grabbing for the brass ring and acting like an ass towards top stars. Also Riddle didn't work NJPW because of marijuana. He had his original appearance there canceled over it. That doesn't seem likely to change if he left WWE.
  21. Iroha/Mayu is a better and more interesting match in general. I'm honestly disappointed only because I was hoping it would happen later in the year after some build.
  22. Never seen the Minions movies though I have watched the Despicable Me films. They tend be ok and forgettable. Why do so many of you hate them so strongly?
  23. I don't think a disband would help much. They really need to just move them to Raw or Smackdown. Give them a new playground with fresh opponents. If they do break them up I would still say they shouldn't all be kept in NXT.
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