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Everything posted by APO

  1. The Twitter meltdown when the scorecards were read was fucking hilarious. All I saw for a good 30 minutes were people bitching about how Maidana threw 2x as many punches as Floyd like it matters when he whiffed on almost 70% of them. I had it 115-113 Mayweather personally. Damn good fight. If they go through with the rematch, I think Maidana gets worked, though.
  2. Oh man, I remember losing my shit like I was a freaking little girl when they did that reveal. Arn being in disbelief and saying that Ricky was "just a man" had me fanboying so damn hard.
  3. Man, Beal should've brought Williams a pillow and a blanket before rocking him to sleep like that.
  4. Only one minor quibble about Bray: I think he should transition to the "He's got everybody here" verse from the song since that fits what's going on with the feud, at least IMO.
  5. I think The Raid 2 has absolutely spoiled me as far as action movies goes. Went and saw Brick Mansions this afternoon and all the parkour stuff just came off so damn lame. Oh, and the last twenty minutes of that movie can literally go fuck itself. I'm shocked my eyes didn't fall out of the sockets from how hard I was rolling them.
  6. Rollins looked like he was running out of gas by the end of his party of the promo. It wasn't bad by any means, but it felt like he was talking for 10 minutes when it was like a minute and a half tops. Everything about the first Wyatts segment was picture perfect. The promo, Harper and Rowan being lit up by the lights under the stage, Harper going all crazy eyes when the camera focused on him... couldn't ask for anything better outside of Cena/Harper winning the vote and putting on another damn good match. Cena's backstage promo is really getting slept on, though. The sense of helplessness on his face when taking about what Bray had been accomplishing and then when the crowd started chanting again was damn good. And the ending bit where he just gives off the aura of a man resigned to his fate was well done. Yesterday was pretty shitty for me like Bryan's was(though nowhere close to the same extent), so my heart goes out to him and his family. On that same note, I laughed at Emma's cobra and the cobras trying to mingle. Yeah, it was lousy and stupid, but fuck it, it felt good to laugh at something lousy and stupid and I have no regrets. Sheamus/Barrett was fucking awesome. Hopefully Wade won't get injured again like every other time they've thought about giving him a push.
  7. Went and saw this last night and thought it was awesome. The first Cap/Winter Soldier fight was the fucking SHIT. Heard a bunch of gasps and a couple of "holy shit"s being thrown around. The lack of WS for much of the movie is certainly valid, but I think they balanced it out by having shit get REAL whenever he showed up. I actually liked the spy stuff since it was an interesting way to take Cap. I don't like Falcon in the comics, but Anthony Mackie was pretty damn awesome playing him. I'm gonna go see it again to see how it holds up, but it's probably my favorite Marvel movie at the moment.
  8. The Jags aren't going anywhere, lol.
  9. You misspelled "Titans."
  10. I love when Ambrose gets all spastic like he did in the chinlock. His mannerisms from promos to in-ring stuff is fucking awesome. Speaking of "fucking awesome", Seth Rollins is kinda good at this pro wrestling thing, isn't he? Missed the Kane promo at the beginning, but that was a damn good beatdown on the Shield. Harper/Cena may've been 5 minutes and some change, but holy SHIT did they cram a lot into those 5 minutes. The ranas, the big boot kicking Cena's head off, biting Cena's arm to get out of the STF... just give these two 20 minutes and blow my mind already.
  11. APO

    2014 NFL DRAFT

    Mason has crappy field vision and runs into his own blockers too much for me. Any time before the 4th is too high for him, IMO. I don't think you hear his name called before the 6th round. Small and slow just screams "situational pass-rusher" at best.
  12. APO

    2014 NFL DRAFT

    Meh, media members make a big deal about pro days. Hell, Mayock said that Russell had one of the best pro days he'd ever seen and it was roundly said that Gabbert killed it at his pro day. I'll take game tape any day, all day over the underwear olympics and the game tape says that Bridgewater is the best QB in this class.
  13. Kinda amused that Hopeless retconned Cammi's mom into being alive when she died in Drax's Annihilation mini. Other than that, Undercover was pretty meh to me, though Cullen destroying shit and then doing something really stupid to drag everyone else back together was pretty funny.
  14. I missed Lockdown so this was my first time seeing Willow. What the fuck is the point of him even doing this gimmick when everybody already knows it's him? Also, Abyss is just the fucking WORST.
  15. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!! Sorry, couldn't help myself. Thanks for the pick, though.
  16. I'm looking forward to the fact we'll prob get Cena vs Harper sometime before Wrestlemania. Unless I completely read the screen wrong when they were pimping the Network, Cena/Harper is next week.
  17. If it's between Bridgewater and Manziel, Caldwell and Bradley will take Teddy.
  18. Has the Thunderbolts art gotten any better? I read the Infinity tie-ins and it wasn't my cup of tea. I almost want to try the New Warriors comic, but after what's happened since the end of volume 1 of the original series, I refuse to let Marvel sucker me in again. Read, Magneto #1, Uncanny X-Men #18, and the W&TXM relaunch. Magneto and Uncanny were pretty damn good while W&TXM was incredibly BLAH.
  19. APO

    Archer Thread.

    Pam's creative ways of getting her cocaine fix in is pretty damn hilarious.
  20. Really hate this because I've enjoyed the hell out of the last three seasons.
  21. APO

    2014 NFL DRAFT

    Ugh... Daniel Jeremiah is just the worst.
  22. That Winter Soldier poster is boss. Wish they'd have used a battle-damaged shield for the background image, but that's a minor nitpick.
  23. He lost the belt to Kane at KOTR '98, though.
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