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Everything posted by Jenalysis

  1. I think the market for 2nd-tier wrestling is saturated right now with MLW, ROH, Impact, and NWA competing for the same dollars. The good news is NWA lacks the baggage Impact and ROH have, so I think there's a shot, but MLW seems to have the best shot of making it. If AEW starts raiding, which I think they're going to have to at some point, one of those four promotions is probably going to go under.
  2. I think by this point, WWE fan and non-WWE wrestling fan have mostly split, and the non-WWE crowd just looks at WWE with total indifference for the most part.
  3. Would also recommend his match vs Jay White in NJPW. Jay wasn't really the Switchblade yet, but was a coming out party for both of them. I do think AEW needs more young up and comers, there's a lot of folks they could raid for from Impact/MLW/ROH that I'd like to see in AEW, esp from MLW.
  4. The rival faction thing will work if it's more that and less DOA vs Boricuas vs Nation.
  5. Thankfully MLW gets a lot of the psychology aspect through the promos- even if they're cheesy as hell, such as the Dynasty/Von Erichs promo. MJF being as talented as he is promowise, and the Von Erichs knowing how to do earnest good guy (my guess is that's all they can do, but they do it well) really helps here. The Injustice promo was really good as well, especially coming from teenagers. Oliver and Reed have some real potential down the road if they develop.
  6. MLW had three very different, each good matches this week. I won't be surprised if it ends up being best wrestling show of the week.
  7. Wonder if Kitamura (the New Japan composer guy, not the other Kitamura) would be avaliable for AEW? I think he does some good stuff and doubt he's a full-time employee.
  8. I really wish AEW would just buy MLW, and use their TV slot as like their B-show with Court booking that MLW-style. The MLW talent would fill the gaps in their roster heavily. That said, doesn't DBS Jr dislike the Elite? Contra jumping the Elite would be so money. Even the green low card guys like Oliver would have a solid use in AEW.
  9. She even did game reviews for Xbox in Japan and was sponsored by them. She's as legit a gamer as Kenny or Taichi.
  10. The Great-O-Kharn discovered the Wonders of Cook-Out on the New Beginning Tour and spends his days now randomly ordering all the milkshakes and burger with a quesadilla while someone in the car constantly yells "undefeated!" at the drive-thru. He comes back looking as big as Mr.Juicy and feuds with Okada over who has the better burgers.
  11. I'd argue Narita going to the LA Dojo instead of ROH might be more of a sign that ROH/NJPW relationship is on the rocks. NJPW controls the LA Dojo, but LA Dojo doesn't do shows. I would not be surprised if Narita ends up working a lot of west coast indies and NWA instead.
  12. Mox did say in an interview that he wanted to face ZSJ.
  13. El Desperado disagrees with your last statement.
  14. the NWA used a couple of NJPW folks for the Crockett Cup (think it was Nagata+Tenzan, was GOD in that tournament?) I don't think you'd need a relationship to send folks to work- I mean, Rocky+R3K worked a NC Indy after the first night of the G1.
  15. The question then becomes what is NJPW's US strategy if they lose AXS. My prediction- NJPW does something with the NWA if ROH doesn't shape up fast. There's history there, the NWA would likely be reasonable, and NWA affiliates a lot with Southern indies, which would be good for excursions- you'd probably get more work associated with the NWA as you would with ROH. I wonder if the Rock N Roll signing is more than just Gedo and Chase wanting to stooge for Ricky and Robert.
  16. AEW will clear out the indies just as much as WWE, though a successful AEW will result in pro wrestlers allowing indies to come back after a few years.
  17. Kenny's OWE match is going to be streamed here in a few minutes looking at translation I think this is an official link.
  18. Any idea if this guy is any good- at least he's got decent size and they do need a few hosses.
  19. There wasn't nearly as much of a difference between current NJPW style and NOAH style as I anticipated. That match would have looked ok as a G-1 match. I'm pretty high on Hammerstone though- I think he's going to be money for somebody eventually.
  20. They've announced some of who will appear: R3K and Rock N Roll Express are who I remember off top of my head.
  21. I don't think wrestling fans are that scared of Baltimore. Especially younger progressive wrestling fans. They're probably more scared of Gibsonville NC than they are Baltimore.
  22. If you want weirder, the Rock N Roll Express is going to be working New Japan US tour at the end of this month. Chase Owens stooging intensifies.
  23. I hope we see some flash matches, I know they'd said they don't want that on PPV though because they don't want fans to feel cheated, but I think the formula of pro wrestling needs to be upset a few times for it still to have meaning. Once or twice a month a competitive match on paper should end up over in 2-3 minutes or a squash.
  24. For years I thought it meant good at King of Fighters.
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