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Everything posted by HumanChessgame

  1. Jay getting a title shot out of nowhere was kind of weird when you consider Lethal beat him clean (I think he did anyways) in his last title match not too long ago, and the Briscoes just lost clean to War Machine. C&C Wrestlefactory really should have gotten a tag title run. Both Alexander and Coleman are really good.
  2. Kevin Dunn: JTG Vince: Who's he? Kevin Dunn: You know, black guy, was in some mid-card tag team for a while Vince Oh, yeah. Kevin Dunn Yeah, we can't actually find a record of him being a current employee here. Kevin Dunn I looked into it more deeply and I found that apparently what happened is that he was laid off five years ago and no one ever told him about it; but through some kind of glitch in the payroll department, he still gets a paycheck. Kevin Dunn So we just went ahead and fixed the glitch. Vince Great. Vince: So, uh, JTG has been let go? Kevin Dunn: Well, just a second there, professor. We, uh, we fixed the *glitch*. So he won't be receiving a paycheck anymore, so it'll just work itself out naturally. Kevin Dunn: We always like to avoid confrontation, whenever possible. Problem is solved from your end.
  3. I'd like to see them rename Extreme Rules the Clubberin' Classic.
  4. I first saw Clerks when I was 16 and working my first job in a small town grocery store and found it moderately amusing at best. The attempts to bring in actual philosophical or nerdy conversations just came off as trying too hard and annoying. For the most part his other movies have done little for me, Mallrats was a lame juvenile comedy that hasn't aged well, and the entire plot of Chasing Amy was utterly asinine and came off like something a lonely loser would write about a girl who friendzoned him. I remember liking Dogma well enough when it first came out, but trying to re-watch it, I think I checked out about halfway through. JASBSB was slightly funny, but not memorable. There was actually a good movie somewhere in Red State, but the ham handed political statement it tried to make towards the end really took away from that. Ironically enough, I liked Clerks 2 and find it the only one of his movies I'm interested in watching. I'm not in the same station in life as Randal and Dante, but it's actually kind of relateable as far as describing being listless in life in your early 30s goes. The actual statements he tried to make about life and friendships/relationships in his other movies actually came off as sincere and somewhat accurate.
  5. After this and Blindspot had put out a couple episodes each I watched them all back to back. At this point I'm in "I don't really care about the show but I want to see what happens" with both of them. They're both also in the same vein of Prison Break in that their stories don't need more than a season or two to tell, but could very well become even more convoluted if they get renewed.
  6. I'd be getting really excited about Brock/Owens, but after Brock's matches with Harper and Ambrose were basically squashes with 15 german suplexes I'm not getting my hopes up.
  7. It depends on what other jobber tag team they're trading wins with when they're dropped down to Main Event in a few weeks.
  8. Sandow never should have stopped with the intellectual savior gimmick. Even the Rhodes Scholars were over as hell for a while. Is it weird that I'd like to see him bring that back in LU?
  9. They haven't been able to get his theme music queued up in time for him to run out and help.
  10. Ryback got a world title program and several other upper midcard pushes despite being a mediocre at best wrestler and having to have his catchphrase chant piped in to try and cover the "you can't wrestler" jeers he was getting. I'd say he got a better deal than a lot of more talented wrestlers. As far as how fair his actual salary was, I can't speak on that because I don't know how much he made or how he went about negotiating. Not saying that WWE pay disparities and how they figure into booking policies are not worth discussing.
  11. Isn't "guy working a gimmick where he claims to be the illegitimate son of another wrestler" a staple of just about every low budget indy out there?
  12. He needs some ratty beanbags and lawn chairs around a wooden wire spool
  13. When I'd heard the finals of the tag tournament were going to be at Payback instead of last Monday I thought that was a bit odd, as it would make more sense to have a title match on the PPV instead of the night after. I guess they wanted the Vaudvilians to get a PPV payday and the exposure out of it though. I hope Enzo is able to make it back soon. It seems pretty obvious he and Cass were going to win the match, it makes me wonder if they had planned on hot shoting the titles on them tomorrow night? Rest of the show was solid to good, though Jericho-Ambrose went longer than it needed to. The screwjob finish to the women's match was also pretty stupid. Regardless of what people think about Roman, that was probably the best match he's had so far and easily could have been even better if it wasn't for the dog and pony show finish.
  14. Seriously. I realize they weren't exactly setting the world on fire, but they couldn't at least get a PPV blowoff match against The Wyatts (or is Bray hurt)?
  15. Flair has a senior moment when he falls and can't get up, but attributes it to his lifestyle as admitting he's getting old and feeble instead of being able to party all night would be as damaging to his reputation as someone losing a barfight in an 80s deep south territory.
  16. Didn't see this posted here yet- http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=SJW
  17. I'd like to see Gallows and Anderson join Reigns to help him beat AJ in his subsequent heel turn and run the upper card for a while. Then when Finn gets called up, they can turn on Roman and align with Balor, leading to Roman try and get the band back together to go after them.
  18. She was featured a bit in this documentary from several years ago. It' a bit dated, but a good watch-
  19. My guess is they're trying to build up some more guys as viable main eventers. Itami is still injured, Crews and Corbin are pretty much main roster guys so that leaves Nakamura and Aries as the only guys I can think of offhand that would be suitable for world title contenders at this point.
  20. I'd like to be cautiously optimistic based on what we've seen the past couple weeks, but there have been too many other brief periods where it looked like good wrestling, fresh faces, and an absence of the usually dull bullshit would be be the norm only for the status quo to eventually return or said awful booking coming back to the forefront. Seeing the (mostly) positive turn the women's division has been taking and how on fire NXT has been, there's an outside chance that the main roster is going to improve but it's way too early to tell. Things seem to be going in a positive direction now, but I'll wait and see how everything plays out or if we get Cena and Orton main eventing for the world title come Summerslam.
  21. Man, that sucks. I seem to recall he had numerous injuries (mainly oral surgery he needed) that lead to his drug addiction. Always hoped he'd pull a Jake Roberts and find the help he needed to clean up and get better, but I guess it was like Axl Rotten where he was too far gone and without the resources he needed.
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