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Everything posted by Shartnado

  1. Brian Danielson and Brianna Danielson. Hell, if Brie ever wanted to work outside WWE, she's got her post-WWE name all set.
  2. It really has. Against all probability, it remains a good show. The freshness of new characters has taken the edge of the fact that 30% of the recent roster is now on AEW tv.
  3. Sounds scary af! I take it you were driving by yourself with no family members in the car? If so, that was a blessing. Good to hear you are ok. These things are always terrifying. Very few mundane things make me as anxious as driving, in general, so crashes are nightmare-fodder.
  4. Hong Kong is all like, "Anything is fine, we just don't want Chinese!" Also, I can't stand ketchup in anything, but a huge section of Finns will absolutely insist on ketchup with their pasta.
  5. I was pretty tired, so I could have just misread it, but I'm also pretty sure that's what I read.
  6. Got 3 workouts in this week, doing bench and alternating a set of lat pulldowns with the resistance bands between sets. 280 being as high as I went, getting a one, then 2 with 275 and 3 sets with 264 getting 3-4 with each, then dropping 5 lbs per set and getting around 5 until I got down to 220 with went up 7 times and then 25 reps with 132. Tuesday's trapbar went like 5x419, 5x449, 4x471, 3x491, 4x449, 4x419 Thursday was just light and moderate curls and dropsets with kettlebells doing behind the neck overhead presses, but I did get 2x515 on the trapbar, since we found a way to add yet another 11 lbs. I also witnessed the other guy in the gym casually forgetting to use Versas and the belt and still doing 2x449 (then 4x491, 1x504 and 2x515 with the gear on). I can get 400 without Versas, but that's out of reach for me, at least for now. Also, I'm never without the weightlifting belt on in the gym, so I wouldn't just forget to put it on before a big lift.
  7. Did the graphic of Kings of the Black Throne accidentally say "Knights of the Black Throne" or was I just seeing things?
  8. Casting one more vote for Meat Lover's Pizza or by any other name as long as it contains several different meat and/or meat-like products.
  9. Damn, it sure seems like Shane was bumping into assholes all day here, so to speak!
  10. Punk's selling of a lot of things have been mentioned, but yeah that was an awesome main event.
  11. Because there's none left? We can't have any, because there isn't any!
  12. I'm assuming the trick is to get them while they are asleep?
  13. Thanks guys! I think I'll buy Full Gear 2021 with money and will then have enough credits to buy All Out 2021, too! Next Monday will be payday, so I'll treat myself with those at that time! And as the year progresses, I'll get to other classic PPV's in due time.
  14. And you can bet that as long as Flair is alive, there will be future endeavors!
  15. Well, this one may have lasted longer than many people thought it would, based on previous experience.
  16. As far as earlier PPV's go, I'm guessing Full Gear '21 is a no-brainer, but what are the other overall best value for money shows AEW has produced? For now, I'd only be interested in the most top shelf, top to bottom greatest shit they've got. What would those be?
  17. I already have some credits upon subscribing for a year and some other extra for whatever reason. I'm not sure if there's enough for a free PPV yet, but I'd imagine there would be after ordering Revolution. I need to see some of the matches actually announced before I do that, though. Apparently, I had more than enough credits already! I just purchased Revolution, because why not?
  18. Why does it seem like every year after Royal Rumble, the fans are at their most disappointed at the booking/ overall quality? Every year WWE seems to fuck it up. Sometimes they correct it by Wrestlemania, sometimes they don't, but fucking up Royal Rumble seems to be the rule rather than the exception!
  19. Over the weekend, Finland's South and West coast were supposed to be hit by a vicious snowstorm and rough winds. Warnings were issued. At least over here on the West coast, things ended up being not that bad. Yes, we spent an hour plowing snow off the yard on both days, but nowhere near as bad as after Christmas. This morning, the roads were ok. Bike lanes not great, but I've already had worse this year, so whatever. Haven't read the news about the South coast yet so I can't tell you if they had it rougher than we did? Seems like we may have dodged this particular bullet.
  20. Yeah, I finally found Mechanix gloves from a hunting section of a local sporting goods store over here! Sadly, they weren't the padded ones Sting had. But I bought a pair right then and there!
  21. Any idea where I could get a pair of those Seth Rollins gloves?
  22. I haven't seen much of the build, but I kinda assumed it was heel vs heel, though at the end of the match Rollins sure seemed like the face to me!
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