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Everything posted by MORELOCK

  1. Seriously? He's gone over every face on the roster cleanly other than Bryan. Him going over on Sunday in any form or fashion would be awful.Seriously. Orton has been humiliated by Daniel Bryan consistently for the past month. Sure he is beating the Zigglers and Kofis of the world (and have a hard time doing so) but he is outmatched and outwitted by DB almost every week now. The other reason I see Orton winning is because we have seen the babyfaces get too many wins recently. Really, what big win has The Authority had in the past month? Between the Rhodes Bros. winning (twice) and Daniel Bryan being on a tear... for the story to continue much longer the bad guys really need a big win at this point. After all, what's the point of fighting a one sided war? It's like playing Madden on the rookie level.Are you forgetting that the Rhodes Brothers got their wins over The Shield (who didn't even lose for the first six months of their tenure), and not Orton, who, by the way, is the person that beat both Rhodes Brothers clean to set the angle up? The entire storyline is that the war is one-sided in the opposite way that you're saying it is and Bryan is so talented that he's able to overcome the deck being stacked against him.Putting Orton over on Sunday would be a huge misstep and would piss away any goodwill they've built up over the last couple of months. There are 12 PPVs a year and 7 hours of TV a week; how long are they supposed to drag this out? This angle just doesn't have the legs to last until WrestleMania. I don't know what angle would in the current WWE environment other than the ones involving part timers that don't have to be on TV all the time.
  2. Faking death? Wow.We weren't the sharpest knives in the drawer on RSPW, but the theory I remember making sense at least as much as Vince was DiBiase, as he had money and the history of having been the one to debut Taker initially.
  3. and Booker T, Christian, Goldust, R-Truth, Rob Van Dam, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Xavier Woods...Way to ruin the joke with facts, young man.Yes, it was he that ruined that stillborn "joke."
  4. Yeah, I don't get harping on Rowan for that. So he fell while doing a Booker T-style kick. The kick still looked like it hurt, which is more than I can say for a lot of the WWE guys' offense.
  5. They've done this so often that every title that isn't the WWE or tag titles might as well be done away with at this point. They're all worthless. I'm hardly a Ryback fan, but I fail to see what the problem was here. On his podcast Austin has gone into what a terrible effect this kind of stuff has on the product. Changing only this aspect of their TV would make the shows 1000% more watchable. Him calling Big E "rookie" was rich. If they do anything other than a Warrior-Honky squash with them it will be a mistake.
  6. Seriously? He's gone over every face on the roster cleanly other than Bryan. Him going over on Sunday in any form or fashion would be awful.
  7. Answer to this is basically that all the things that make Killer Mike so great are irrelevant to radio play now. If anything, great lyrics make him less likely to be played.
  8. When was this stated? Did I miss it? It's been a week. He was never a major part of the angle. And what, the Wyatts are a comedy act now? There's nothing less serious about Miz than a few weeks ago. He still hasn't fallen back on the goofy comedy cocky MizTV stuff.Should probably wait until after HiaC to start with the sky is falling stuff, but I guess people were doing that the night after Summerslam. I think if they don't pull the trigger on the title win Sunday, then it starts to become a real problem.But hey, clearly the only way to save the WWE is to turn the Shield face and have HHH be the Wyatts' higher power, so what do I know?
  9. I don't think anyone would have put together a top 5 workers in WWE list when those two were around without them on it.
  10. Yeah, he's been wearing those for his entire WWE run, if not longer (I don't know).
  11. "U.S. based" means your list is 6 names too long, but you're probably close to right anyhow.
  12. Not sure why people are no-selling me mentioning Foley and Shawn in the fourth post of the thread, and Benoit was mentioned at one point (albeit as "He who shall not be named") but it's more than understandable that nobody would be all that excited to praise the man.
  13. You didn't miss anything there, but he still belongs in the discussion.I thought a case could be made for anyone brought up in the thread until I saw Bulldog mentioned. No way.
  14. Why aren't the people that watermark these potentially great pictures dead yet?
  15. Owen is one of those people who everyone will agree was a great worker, but there just aren't that many great matches you can point to in order to back that up.
  16. Might as well make a greatest of all time thread. I'm thinking Steamboat, Flair, Vader, Austin, Bret, Shawn, Vader, Sting, Eddy, Foley, or something like that.
  17. Big E's sell of the GTS was one of the best I've seen. Loved JBL when Big Show was out there and Zeb's "What type of people kidnap a person and put a bull mask on him?" Glad to see they aren't dropping the Usos being No. 1 Contenders. Crowd sucked. Looked like Bryan got the weakest reaction I've seen in months, and poor Miz couldn't even get the 10 punches in the corner over.
  18. They didn't want him to be Shane because Shane McMahon was in a prominent position on tv at the time.That's pretty well known, I think his point was that the reasoning behind that is stupid.
  19. JGL is so much more overexposed than Shia it's not even funny.Watched Tuesday's Agents episode and it will likely be my last. Every time a main cast member opens their mouth I want to reach for the mute button.
  20. Contentious statement aside, I refuse to sit idly by while people have good things to say about Bill DeMott.
  21. Why?At this point, it is probably just coincidence, but they've just happened to come out after a couple of the fringe guys who have stood up against the Authority (Kofi, now Miz). Given that HHH and Steph were bitching out the Shield even before losing the titles, it would be easy to spin it as HHH has been using them all this time.It'd be hard for a heel to go after a face at this point without running into someone HHH has had issues with.I think "HHH is the higher power behind the Wyatts" adds a whole new ripple of awfulness to this "either the Wyatts or the Shield must turn face" nonsense, and it also would cut the legs right off of the Wyatts' gimmick.
  22. He had made millions in WCW and was working a tougher schedule for people that were essentially out to sabotage him. He made the right call for his career and his body. If he'd stuck around it's not like we'd all have fond memories of a mid card feud with Test.
  23. I will grant you Bo, but really?It's also a bit early to say.
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