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Technico Support

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Everything posted by Technico Support

  1. I have such a love/hate relationship with this show. It is shot beautifully, pretty well acted and has some cool ideas but I'm still not convinced that Sam Esmail isn't a derivative hack. There's a good review on i09 about this episode where they made the point that an unreliable narrator is fine for a movie, but when you use on in TV it can have diminishing returns and end up being detrimental because TV is a long-form narrative and you have to buy in and trust the narrator at some point. After two Shymalan-level gotchas, why should you be invested in this show? The narrative loses its weight when the specter of "it could be that none of this is actually happening" is always in the back of your mind. In other words, why should you give two shits about any dramatic events from here on out when there's always a possibility it isn't happening? The big reveal that the narrator lied is supposed to be the end of the story. St. Elsewhere didn't keep going after the snowglobe thing because that would be dumb.
  2. Definitely. The slow, deadlift German looks awesome when done on a bigger guy because you can buy that the impact of his body weight can put him out for 3. But I can't buy it as a finish against a small guy. The snap German should have been the finish after Gallagher kicked out of the deadlift. I liked the end result of the spot itself but as @Kyuubi said, it needed to be set up better. There was no struggle at all. It came off way too cooperative and phony. But Tozawa being stuck in the move and the ref being flummoxed? I loved it. This. Sabre and Gallagher could have the exact same match and Gallagher's would be better because of the way he portrays it. Gallagher understands his character and that makes all the difference.
  3. "Older guy looking for some young strange to shore up his insecurities meets immature girl who doesn't know any better, probably has daddy issues" is a tale as old as time my man. Typical midlife crisis; can't wait to see ADR's new sports car or maybe a Harley.
  4. I think the neon sign says "Summer Ray Tanning Salon."
  5. Just finished the game. Just as awesome as it was the first time. I got a little verklempt when the splash screen for the final mission came up, knowing what was coming.
  6. If you ain't down with the Pythagorean theorem, AJ's got two words for ya.
  7. A "gym rat" gimmick for Roddy wouldn't fly in WWE since Vince's perception of gym rats is that they should all look like this:
  8. Naomi working an EDM festival kid gimmick just as the EDM bubble is bursting is the most WWE thing. Vince is too busy rockin' out to AC/DC with KD on the corporate jet to be current with pop culture.
  9. Do they raise gymnasts like veal? I saw a Brazilian (allegedly) 16 year old last night who was 4'5". That's 2 feet taller than my toddler who isn't even 2 yet. Man that sport skeeves me out.
  10. Yes! That was the show I was talking about! Same here, I was like, "wait, when did they start interviewing Rey?" If you're reading this and haven't heard it, they literally jumped from a talking segment right into the middle of an interview. The following week they started trying to salvage the shitshow by having Gill doing intros for the segments. It's beyond bush league.
  11. It's tough but I'll say the former. TNA is awful but nobody has died due to their shitty product. Well, except Candido. But at least Sunny got a canned ham out of it. Always a silver lining.
  12. I'll put it here because it's part of the "Jericho Network;" wow, the drop in quality of Konnan's show since moving over to Podcast One is stunning. If you haven't heard it yet, the format of the show is pretty much 5-10 minute interviews with different people, one after the other with very little in the way of connective tissue, interspersed with poorly-disguised sponsorship segments like the "Lucha Minute." Like they'll be talking with Rey Mysterio for a while and then the segment just ends inexplicably, with Kevin Gill doing a half-ass intro for an interview with Shane Helms. A few weeks ago, they forgot to do the intros and the show just jumped from one segment to the next to the next and I was wondering if my mp3 app had gotten buggy. It's really obvious that Konnan, Disco & Kevin Gill sat down and recorded long "evergreen" interviews and are parceling them out in bits and pieces, stretching them like turkey meat. The show has zero flow and really nothing feels current. On top of it, weekly guest Juventud Guerera is a waste of time and Disco continues to have terrible opinions and ridiculous HAWT TAKEZ on pro wrestling. The worst of it was listening to Konnan and Bischoff's views on politics, which are barely at a 7th grade level. I'm definitely taking them off my download list. Damn. PS not hating, just stating
  13. I assume she'll work Smackdown since Cesaro is on Raw and fucking with couples gives Vince a chub.
  14. "I thought YOU had him!" It's like when two outfielders are running for the same fly ball and both back off, each assuming the other will get it.
  15. AJ looks like he should be hosting a home improvement show on HGTV or maybe taking a peewee league football game way too seriously.
  16. Dress Joe like the AOP and call them Fat Shield. I loved and miss Nation greatly. Went to a bunch of Dj shows there back before dance music became exclusively hot garbage for bros.
  17. I blame all you motherfuckers who bought Siamese Dream back in 1993. This is some butterfly effect shit.
  18. Instead of memorizing absolutely foreign commands and stressing over it, couldn't Angela have just written them all down in a notepad document and copied/pasted later? Or couldn't the hacker guy just scripted out the commands so she could have just double-clicked and been done with it? Instead of typing one thing at a time on the phone with Darlene, couldn't she have used Teamviewer? I do like this show but their approach to technology is ridiculously hit or miss. They do the impossible but then shit the bed on the easy stuff in order to make things more dramatic. PS Angela couldn't think of an excuse for the FBI guy?? Anybody who's ever worked in an office building knows there's always one awesome bathroom that's always clean and never crowded, and you reserve that for #2. She couldn't just tell the guy that this was her special bathroom? Jeez.
  19. There's a bulldog on the bench and come on, look at the fountain.
  20. I hope not, because that's my least favorite and most intellectually-dishonest response to criticism. Does the chef whose restaurant got a bad review brush it off because the reviewer is not himself a restaurateur?
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