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Everything posted by J.H.

  1. I remember right after Dean and Angie had child #1 I sent him a congratulatory email. I got a heartfelt "Thanks" as a reply (no seriously not being facetious or anything, the fact he replie brought a smile to my face). Now his kids are getting Facebook accounts. I'm getting old. James
  2. Fair enough... but Flair showing up on WWF TV for the first time was really a big deal. Hell the first time Bobby Heenan said his name was just a jaw dropping moment because I figured Flair wouldn't show-up until Survivor Series. They really made it a big deal when he first came in. I remember working at Marvel and how all the wrestling fans in the Marvel Bullpen were buzzing about Heenan just saying Flair's name. James
  3. Ibushi being 3-0 so far is a pleasant surprise. I figured he would win maybe 2 matches but now he is a top of his block! How long he stays in the hunt is another matter entirely though James
  4. Flair didn't do anything in the WWE in his first run is a preposterous statement. He Set the sandard for a Royal Rumble performance. He won the world title twice, was involved in a Marquee feud both during and after Mania season and was the catalyst for Vince attempting to phase out Hogan. Flair, for having a short run had a HUGE impact on the WWF/E James
  5. I can totally see Eddie Gilbert being added to the FBI, it just makes so much sense it hurts! James
  6. The latest Geico ads have been gold. I still laugh at the Dikembe Mutombo one James
  7. AWESOME~! AWFUL! Seriously, the Japanese do NOT fuck around with their action figures
  8. I will be so happy if its Capaldi. I'm hooked in The Thick of It and loved In The Loop! James
  9. Morrison's run is probably my second favorite run after Gene Colan's. Hell I started off HATING it but then as I re-read the whole thing in trades and saw how much of it fit together something in my brain unlocked. In fact that might be the only thing I hate about the run, it is utterly frustrating to read individual issues. For me to truly appreciate the run, every arc needs to be read as a collection to get the flow of one continuous story. I mean I originally HATED Batman RIP when I first read it. Then I read everything before it in collected form with RIP in collected form and suddenly my brain said "wait, how could we hate this?". Probably the best analogy I have is that, when I start doing a 1000 piece puzzle it pisses me off, but the more I complete of the puzzle the more I appreciate the challenge and in the end, the sense of accompishment. James
  10. I enjoyed In The Loop so much I started watching its TV source The Thick of It. Really good fun and if these rumors of Peter Capaldi beign the next Doctor are true, well then I'm on board! James
  11. Gardens of The Moon is conquered... AT LAST~! After I buy my new helm for fighting I am getting the next Malazan book. I see a very big Joseph Campbell's "A Hero's Journey" thign playing out with Crokus. The final exchange between Cotillion and Paran was pretty chilling. I'm very fascinated with what will happen with Vorcan and Rallick Nom. I really loved how everythign just dovetails to the big fete at Lady Simtal's.. I just love every character in this damn thing! James
  12. Seriously, God Bless Derek Jeter! That is all. James
  13. Man I remember being in Cleveland for that Jimmy Jacobs/BJ Whitmer spot of doom. We and my friends were certain that someone had died! BJ is best used as white meat babyface. He spent so long trying to be Brad Armstrong with a pseudo-Japanese moveset. He is someone that should be chasing that TV title or hold it and get screwed out of it, leading to like 6 months of blood drenched matches where the guy who stole it barely escapes with his teeth. Necro was by the perfect guy to book him against during the CZW feud James
  14. Actually that can play into storyline quite well. That way they are actually feuding over the tag titles like the Bulldogs/Dream Team, RnR.Midnights or Horsemen/Doom. Of course that only works if Forever Hooligans are regulars and will be around for awhile. James
  15. JLA 200 might be single favorite issue of any JLA ever done! Just the sheer volume of great artwork and a fun pre-Crisis JLA story! James
  16. I ahve always been and probably always will e J.H. What is the ratio of old green/yellow board members to board membes that came after? I've always wondered just how many of us ol'timers are still around. James
  17. J.H.

    FOOD on TV

    For anyone interested, all of the Bourdain produced PBS "Mind of Chef with David Chang" is now on Netflix streaming. I enjoyed the show immensely the first time around and find it is worth a second viewing. James
  18. I took my Dad to see Ghost Dad for Father's Day. I apologized after and he still hasn't forgiven me! Though that wasn't as bad as the "Happy Birthday Dad! We're seeing Robocop 2!" fiasco James
  19. You can always try to ween him on Heavy Metal L-Gaim James
  20. Th remake of 1st Yamato is surprisingly good as it its handled by actual hardcore Yamato fans like Nobuteru Yuuki and the like. Its pretty faithful and it still has all those parts of Symphonic Suite Yamato we all love. James
  21. Seriously, can't Disney/Marvel just straight buy the rights to Rom from Parker Brothers/Hasbro already?
  22. I always love when Spider-Man is put in these insane situations that put him so far over his head that when something amazing happens even he is stunned he's apart of it!
  23. Hey my love of the Giffen 5 Years Later Legion is well documented here. I thin kthe real shame of Blok's death is that it wasn't necessary yet it was the perfect story hook (REVENGE!) to reunite the Legion. My dream of of the first 13 issues being collected will never happen. James
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