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Craig H

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Everything posted by Craig H

  1. Technically, this would be tied if BigFresh weren't a numbskull.
  2. I feel like this has made me closer with FSW again. Fucking plebeians voting for Cesaro.
  3. Cesaro up by two. Where the fuck is Gus Johnson?
  4. Wow, STILL? Some people grow up out of that shit. Jesus...
  5. Like shit. It was barely featured until the end. That was my other problem. The big race obviously doesn't occur until the end, but all of them look so identical that it's hard to make out who is who. There's a sweet ass sweet Shelby Mustang, but if you're a car nut, you've seen that many times over. The big one is the super, super, super gorgeous Koenigsegg Ageras, which has been featured on Top Gear, among other places.
  6. I like the way you think. I would be more productive that way.
  7. I haven't watched hardly any of the trailers for the Winter Soldier posted in here, but I did see one in front of Need for Speed and I will for sure be there opening day.
  8. The two of us are mired in the most retarded of time differences.
  9. So, Javy Baez annihilated another baseball last night: This one went about 450 feet into center field. That makes 5 for him in 38 at bats, tying him for the spring training lead. His bat speed and power are RIDICULOUS. I would really like to see Theo be a little flexible and bring him up out of spring training, but his defense is going to be suspect. Still, if Javy Baez is starting for the Cubs, I'm more likely to buy some tickets this year.
  10. It's less that and more an acknowledgment of his awesomeness, along with recognition that everyone else is playing for second place. Did people want UCLA to be prohibited from being in the NCAA tournament during their historic run? Or the Boston Celtics?
  11. Rippa is right. There are some dickholes waiting in the weeds to try to be the one to cast the winning vote. I'd look through to see who is left, but I don't care enough.
  12. So...Need for Speed was a movie. My girlfriend summed it up best saying "It was so terrible, but I also loved it for how dumb and ridiculous it was." I felt the same. It's really ham fisted for the majority of the movie and there sometimes isn't the greatest feeling for speed when these cars are going close to 200 MPH. What really got me was how fucking short everyone in the movie was. Not like it's a big deal, but I couldn't stop fixating on how no one in the movie was close to 6' tall.
  13. Everyone who is familiar with Sean Shannon has read this, right? I'm afraid to even look. I assume this has to do with Sean being transgendered?
  14. People asking for Cesaro promos really need to watch the interview between Zayn and Cesaro from NXT a few weeks ago where Cesaro basically was like, "I'm above all of this shit."
  15. I gave my reasons in my post. They have nothing to do with being "tired of Bryan winning" and everything to do with me enjoying Cesaro more this year. It's sad that people can't see that I'm goofing around. SERIOUS BUSINESS.
  16. Can someone translate that bullshit for me? Is he describing a Dio album cover?
  17. I have to believe people voting for Cesaro are just people tired of Bryan winning, which is sad, because it really just means they have no faith in Cesaro and are poor fans.
  18. Bryan hit his ceiling? No way punk. (RE-SPECT-WALK)
  19. All spots are technically stupid and crowd pandering. But I concede on his fucking shiny head. Jesus Christ, I never noticed how blinding that shit is. Be nice. Those of us with shaved heads get a little bit of chrome dome going. Some more than others.
  20. I figured I'd get a fucking like from you or something since I actually said something not nice about CM Punk. Thanks for nothing.
  21. The answer is always Sean Shannon.
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