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Everything posted by TimLivingston

  1. How the fuck has Danshuko Dino not wrestled Mutoh and stolen that spot?
  2. Baron and DA CRUSHA~! was the best. Just getting into wild brawls and not giving two fucks about who they faced. Best Claw ever.
  3. That was incredible to watch live. Best bat flip ever, couldn't be happier for the former employers.
  4. I always loved that he was presented as the muscle of DG and didn't weigh anymore more than like...230.
  5. Gotta love guys like TE coaches and DL coaches getting head coaching gigs. Really effective.
  6. Even as a CMLL homer, i would say Pentagon Jr is right up there. And Sombra and Rush as a double act might be greater than sum of their parts. This is a good point.
  7. I'm not saying Sombra is the greatest rudo going right now in lucha. I'm just saying I'm having a tough time coming up with one better.
  8. You all are way too young to overlook this but this is basically the greatest tag team gimmick that hasn't been tried yet.
  9. I am BEYOND stoked for the Ironwoman. Sasha laid it out perfectly as to why the stipulation works. If they study the Rude/Steamboat match as their guide, this could be even better than the Brooklyn match, but I hope they go for substance over style. Stoked for the Kana/Asuka debut. That tag match was really well done. Rhyno ain't afraid to lay it in and Ciampa was there to match him in spades. Corbin beating the two indy guys is an awesome thing to go back to later in the tournament to put him over as the "indy killer." Bull Dempsey being over as the poor man's Buddy Rose is great. NXT seriously is a machine of weekly television awesomeness. After a slow start due to the injuries, they've picked it up in the second half of the year and are threatening LU for the #1 TV show of the year right now.
  10. That Diaz suspension is bullshit. That being said, never enough Sasaki/Hokuto gifs.
  11. God, I was a little bit more loud than I remembered on that show. Boyce was great, though.
  12. He's still only 27!!! And six months younger than Okada! The hell. I know he started young but how in the hell is NJPW not trying to sign him for their junior division?
  13. Misawa and Kobashi were taking fucking forehead/top of head bumps (Kobashi in that fucking Williams match, Misawa X amount of times in the Vader matches), so on the scale of crazy All Japan bumps from 1 to 10, this is about a 5.
  14. He worked the last PPW show that Eric and I did commentary on. The match should be up in the next couple days.
  15. There was a time in 2002 where if you told me Nish was the best wrestler in the world, I wouldn't have argued. The 2002 G-1 was all his and while it was Tak's coming out party, it was Nish who shined. This is my personal favorite match from the 2003 G-1, complete with Jun Akiyama being the best invading heel ever. Osamu Nishimura vs Jun Akiyama (NJPW) | PopScreen
  16. Yeah, he was gonna be right there with Neville for superstardom in NXT until he ripped his knee to shreds. A good worker and had a great dynamic with Neville.
  17. Man I want to see the Japanese translations for when he has the mic.
  18. So go see Leviathan right now. Fucking harrowing movie, and makes you question ANY moral choice you make in your life. Acting is awesome, the setting and tone is fucking incredibly unsettling...just all in all a movie that by the end made you hate life and wonder what the hell pride even means. Russian and subtitled, but it's just mesmerizing.
  19. Interested on how you felt about Belfort and co on rewatch. Most people I spoke to came away from the first viewing thinking he was amazing, wishing they had the life etc but on re-watching they start to see him in a more cynical/pathetic light. It's a really interesting piece to go back over and see how differently you feel. I'm pissed off at people who just want to get rich just for the sake of being rich in the first place so I had an inherently negative point of view, but I did try to look for more sympathetic parts the second time around. I think it was more apparent early on that there was something sympathetic about him, but once he started his own firm, I started to lose the sympathy. Maybe I tried to look too deep into it, but I didn't see too much sympathy. He really went above and beyond by the end of the movie just to stay on top. It was all ego, and I can see why some would find him sympathetic, but I didn't.
  20. This is an awesome story by Woody Paige talking about him covering Piper back in his NWA days and BOBBY HEENAN is involved. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1LADs_ZIVA&feature=youtu.be
  21. Re-watched The Wolf of Wall Street and it was good, but not great. I really wish they gave more time to Kyle Chandler, but the depravity of everything in that office was enthralling. It's not as re-watchable as the other Scorsese movies, but I think it's definitely a fine piece of film.
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