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Hail Sabin

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Everything posted by Hail Sabin

  1. Yep Carla needs to be the Disney Queen Villain for our Disney Hero Princess JoJo to conquer later this year.
  2. Has Erika Silva learned from the Fitch fight since is the only fight I've seen of his and was recently on TV in full UFC 153 I believe?
  3. Yeah I don't like the finisher either it's one of those finishers you look at and go fuck that I'm not taking it.
  4. Ending up going with Daniel Bryan but it was razor close.
  5. Have only watched the 1st episode Best: D Bry being himself stealing the show and I look forward to his book. Worst: Nikki Bella for the selfie incident and Singer Shane Hollister for not wanting to be fuck buddies plus being a Emo asshole.
  6. Looking forward to the Top 4 fights on the main card and will probably try to convince my buddies to go to a Sports Bar for the PPV. Just so I know going into Saturday do I get credit if Carla loses the belt like I predicted or does my sweet JoJo have to win the title?
  7. The Hollywood writers will probably make it a storyline post Mania and we will get more Brie "acting" in the storyline which will be a trainwreck like every other time she tries to act.
  8. When is this happening? I may have to take a day from work so I can follow the action with no interruptions. Come on, Timothy and Michael--don't let BLR down! TO could also attend the Veterans combine.
  9. I thought THOR did a pretty good job of hosting this week and the Zac Brown Band were really good for only seeing them before on FOO Fighters Sonic Highways.
  10. Haven't voted yet will probably vote sometime between 6 am and 7 am before going to bed.
  11. Watch the 1st 7 episodes of Agents of Shield season 1 then watch Thor the Dark World. Watch episodes 8-15 then watch the Winter Solider (This is where you must Watch Capt 2 before going back to Agents of Shield) and finish season 1.
  12. FUCK YEAH!!!!!! TEX is coming back home and I just did an Irish Jig as my happy dance that our offense isn't losing our 1B WR.
  13. Yeah he always goes back to her because she's so hot and he could never do any better then her. The last season and a hour they haven't been doing it but this Thursday new episode should be worth watching since it's all about Howard's mom.
  14. Yeah I still watch mostly this season I wonder when Penny will have long hair again.
  15. After watching the show looking forward to Spud vs. EC3 Hair vs. Hair and Kim/Taryn/Kong for the Knockouts title.
  16. This week's It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is them playing Family Fight (Feud) and it's glorious!
  17. Don't know them. Are they good? VERY YES. Christos Gage is one of only 2 comics writers I ever sent a fan-letter to (the other being Mark Waid), responsible for the Deadshot mini from 02 or so, the Union Jack mini from 06 or so, Avengers Initiative (with Dan Slott), Avengers Academy, Absolution and a ton of Buffyverse stuff. Avengers Initiative was awesome I got the 1st Graphic Novel edition for cheap at Books a Million then ending up buying the whole run between Books a Million and my local comic shop.
  18. Just wait you have lots of great episodes to watch for the 1st time before the series finale.
  19. Thanks for the heads up I might be able to watch an episode in 35mins now.
  20. Tyson's had a hell of a year and I could vote him since his opponent was in several of the long opening promos on Raw Seth was involved in. This pairing makes me want to see the two wrestle each other. FACT!
  21. I have the last 2 episodes of the show to watch on the DVR but I've got to the point with Fish Mooney when she appears on the show I fast forward until another plot point on the episode comes up.
  22. Yeah I will take the weekend to figure out my vote for fun I might chose Bryan's best 4 matches during the time period vs. Brock's 4 matches to help decide.
  23. I'm thinking of voting for Ryback because of the stuff after the Punk podcast and to piss off some of my friends off who vastly overrated his entrance at NXT R Evolution.
  24. Yeah I'm going to wait to vote to watch more Tanahashi matches and rewatch some of Cena's.
  25. Hell YESSSS! Fish Mooney needs to die as soon as possible.
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