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Travis Sheldon

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Everything posted by Travis Sheldon

  1. I can get in to the 30s/40s, but the times that I revert to trying to play Pac-Man are what sink me more than anything. The explanation for what's going on continues to be vague, just like Mario 35 and Tetris 99. Or maybe I'm old and can't keep up with the busy display.
  2. Paul Ritter dead at 54 of brain tumor. https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2021/apr/06/friday-night-dinner-star-paul-ritter-dies-of-brain-tumour-at-54 I hate this news. Friday Night Dinner is one of those special shows I can throw on in any order and chuckle. Martin was one of those characters that's super relatable. And the fact the he's close to my age doesn't help.
  3. If that is the Ultimate Iron Man armor, I guess the budget for red paint wasn't there. And those arc reactors look weak.
  4. More class from the NCAA. They kicked Oregon State out of their hotel and sent them packing in the middle of the night after their loss to Houston. https://www.nbcsports.com/northwest/oregon-state-beavers/ncaa-kicks-oregon-state-beavers-out-hotel-middle-night-after-elite-8
  5. I just wish I could have 3-click swing back in a PGA game. Hated the swing mechanic in The Golf Club.
  6. I haven't been a stathead for a long time. The 80s and 90s were my prime years interest-wise for sports. Getting older and losing most of the friends I ran with for sports had a lot to do with my disinterest. Last week I got the urge to play a baseball game, so I checked out the upcoming games. My research hasn't yielded good results. RBI 21 has numerous graphical glitches that take me out of the game and I feel that simming with it would probably be a bad experience. OutOf The Park 22 has too much munutiae and I feel it would be hard for me to pick up. The last OOTP I bought was 17 and I barely played that one. With MLB The Show coming out next month, I'm not certain that's going to scratch my baseball itch either. Too much Ultimate Team gatcha crap with their recent releases. 09 was the last The Show I truly enjoyed. TLDR: I'm old and don't enjoy things like I did previously.
  7. Turns out it didn't matter that I forgot about the Sanrio cards. I've had enough of the PS5 tease for one week.
  8. I'm happy for all that were able to get the consoles. I'm putting a pause on my search as I have some big bills coming up. Probably get back in the hunt next week.
  9. I found out about the PS5 direct late so I only had to close out of the queue after 20 minutes. So Target, Gamestop, and Sony had drops today. I guess that's looking better... Maybe?
  10. Damn, that looks like something that would not be out of place in Bloodborne. Looking forward to this one.
  11. Best Buy had a drop today. I looked at the sale and there was a one week delay on picking it up. Amazon is supposedly sitting on 46,000 units, but they did not drop them yesterday as reported. I want one, but I'm not sure that I want it for the right reasons.
  12. I remember the film being discussed in a Half In The Bag. Looks craptastic.
  13. A decade with the Bengals will do that to anyone.
  14. Zell moved out on Sunday and I spent most of Monday looking for a replacement. Took too long and woke up to Tasha moving in on Tuesday. We'll see how she turns out.
  15. Whenever I read discussions on Song of the South, I always chuckle and wonder if the participants have ever seen Mandingo.
  16. I found a code for an extra 15% off the WB sale, so I got A Mighty Wind, Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, The Thing From Another World, and Fearless Vampire Killers. Probably could have found four more I wanted, but got the cheaps instead.
  17. I'm thinking more 6. Really don't want to buy that one for the forth time.
  18. Until a Grand Theft Auto game shows up on PS5, outside of the Spider-Man game and Demon's Souls there's not much on that console for me. I'm more interested in a PS5 for the UHD capabilities.
  19. I can order camel and red for you. Your island is Bellow, right?
  20. I really wanted Apollo, but settled for Keeton when he showed up in the camp one day. So far Keeton has been cool, but if I ever ran across Apollo...
  21. Has DQ9 been remastered for modern consoles or are you playing on 3DS? With my eyesight it's hard for me to play games with heavy text on small screens.
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