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Rev Ray

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Everything posted by Rev Ray

  1. It's good to know TNA can beat a cartoon in reruns at 1:15am.
  2. I'll point out with the purple pants, maybe she's turning into the Hulk.
  3. In Dukes booking, EC3 makes more sense as Roscoe due to his relation to Dixie. If they were still tnn maybe they could have had shooter Jennings as the narrator and had country music guests who parked illegally in town. Willie Nelson's bus mysteriously smoking outside so he has to play the impact zone as community service.
  4. Yeah on Austins. He mentioned he was interviewing him when ddp said he was in town and asked if they could do one.
  5. Did JBL joke that Naomi can't tell Jimmy and Jey apart sometimes?
  6. The first one asks to be run through an olde timey filter. "And so, with this axe, they chopped out a cabin in the base of this tree..."
  7. As seen on the Colbert Report last night: Also, a few weeks ago on Smodcast, they did a story about The Gimli Glider that was pretty fascinating. Found a news story about the 30 year anniversary of the incident:
  8. I'm hoping he's just wearing them for promo shots... Adrian didn't actually wrestle in platform shoes, did he?
  9. Man, they so missed the boat by not having a tear roll down SoA's cheek when Eric dumped that can out.
  10. Even when Embry worked as a babyface, there was something about him that said "Do not trust this guy." A very young Dustin Rhodes with the unfortunate curly hair at the end of this.
  11. I could imagine how many people were clamoring for the director's cut special edition. Like you don't have the Criterion cut of Hard Ticket to Hawaii. The follow up to this: Return to Savage Beach, Bagwell goes from bad guy to good guy. They explain the guy he killed in the first movie with a piledriver was actually a dirty FBI agent or something.
  12. Tony was still wrestling a few years ago. I think he was doing a hip hop gimmick as 2 Falk 4 Sure: Tony keepin' it gangsta.
  13. Did you know that Mae was Shawn Stasiak's mom?
  14. The entrance where Jack and Antonio do the hand on heart.... On an incline....
  15. Impact Wrestling: Kick Ass Chew Bubble Gum... but really, waste 30 minutes of your life with a meandering promo.
  16. You all need to watch smackdown at a minimum for Usos/Real Americans. Zeb in a wheelchair is fucking gold. FUCKING GOLD!
  17. Man, I would love if Bazooka Joe became the new sponsor and they start making Samoa Joe wrestle in an eye patch.
  18. Watching Mr. Ooh-La-La try to put the moves on LLL member Steve's nephew Ryan's girlfriend while they were getting a picture with him was fucking hilarious.
  19. Harley rocking the most 70's shirt of the 70's.
  20. I now know why should was so bendy when people put her in submission holds. Combat (that is combat, right?) broke her spine right there.
  21. "Be on the look out for Madman Pondo. And this guy Llamanamanumi."
  22. That's fucking crazy. Is the KISS Army considering a para-military orgainzation?
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