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Everything posted by Raziel

  1. Because while Clavell wrote the Asian Saga, the characters of Shogun were only in the one book. There is no story of Season 2 to tell (going by the episode titles and pacing, they'll get through the book in the next 4 episodes).
  2. Oh, and in figuring out how to get past a particular boss, it taught (forced) me how to properly use Barrett as a Tank, and as a result inadvertently got me to figure out Aerith. She definitely got nerfed from Remake, as she's MUCH slower. But, if you set Barrett up with stuff that speeds up his ATB gauge, you can get him up to 2 quickly, then hit Steelskin and Lifesaver. Steelskin ramps up his Defense, and Life Saver give him a max HP boost AND DRAWS ALL THE AGRO. So it gives you time to get Aerith's wards up and she can start double casting shit and all her other stuff. Then let Barret do his thing, eventually ordering him to reup Steelskin and Lifesaver, and have Aerith hit him with heals when needed, and use the Bodyguard synergy skill when needed with Barret. That's the best I got, but I've gotten more out of Aerith with this setup. Don't miss the Barrage Blaster as that's the weapon that you learn Lifesaver off of. I still need to figure out how to effectively use Cait Sith, but that's what the traveling back to Kalm and cleaning up regions is going to be for.
  3. So about my last spoiler I think I'm hitting the end of Chapter 10, but I want to do more rolling back and possibly backtrack a bit to missed stuff. But I do dig the one story modification they made, that I'm sure will get talked about when others catch up to where I'm at. But The Show comes out today so I might be taking a bit of a break on and off.
  4. Now's the time for Ireland to make good on that Star Trek prediction... https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/048/291/The_Irish_Unification_of_2024.jpg
  5. X was also very good in retrospect (X-2 is suspect though). XIII on the other hand... Woof.
  6. Also, while Yuffie and Tifa are damn near broken if you set them up right, don't sleep on Red, he can be a fucking Damage machine if set up right.
  7. Spoilers about what ya'll talking about I finally got into Chapter 10 (at 45 hours) and Cosmo Canyon and holy shit does it make the slog in Chapter 9 through Gonaga worth it.
  8. I'm hitting the end? maybe of chapter 9 at 40 hours, 5 of which were figuring out that 1 fucking boss fight. Even trying to builds, Aerith is slow as molassas getting going, but at least I figured out Yuffie is the exact opposite speed wise and it was enough to whittle that boss down finally. Fuck, if I wanted to spend 20 minutes on a boss fight, I'd play Dark Souls. If I did everything I could do (which is near impossible first time through Corel anyway), I'd be up near 50-55 hours.
  9. There's a whole lot I *don't* like about MyRise or Showcase mode. I do like Universe Mode though.
  10. I'm going to be very upset if he doesn't, also, soar on the wings of the eagle.
  11. So my main complaint about this game is that it's just too fucking big. I'm past 20 hours and I just finished the main story from the first visit to the Saucer and got the Buggy, and I'm not near done the Corel region and the story has me moving on. I am hitting some weird scaling areas as I'm level 29 and some regular mobs are deleting me with haste but I'm mostly able to brute force the bosses without much issue. Once i can find a region fast travel I'm going to roll back and wrap up some earlier stuff and hunt for some Materia I know I missed, because I know I'm not getting the best out of the characters (Craig is right about Aerith being glass until you find the right combo of stuff to turn her into a magic spammer), but for sure the way I built Cloud and Tifa in Remake isn't translating to Rebirth the same, so I'm going to have to do some build research to see if I can clean that up a bit. I do know that Assessing and exploiting the weakness and stagger is paramount to combat this game, as even shit I know I should be melting is taking a bit. I also just finally got Cait Sith and between not having figured out Red yet despite 20 hours and a couple boss fights with him, I'm not looking forward to having to learn him too, especially since I HATED using him in OG.
  12. It's also still in the PS+ catalog, so that might be swinging it a bit.
  13. It's almost very likely "Fuck, we need to give Boras money for Snell" time though.
  14. It'll be fun to watch Saquon nit make a difference when he can't get yards up thr middle because Hurts can't read defenses.
  15. Might as well skipped it on TV. I think I only managed to make out like, 6 people, but we sure saw the ballerinas and the Bocelli's, because the In Memoriam is all about that.
  16. So, now we're just not showing the In Memoriam at all.
  17. Jesus tapdancing Christ on a Motorbike, this fucking Cactuar fight.
  18. They've already done that once with SHO (and are doing it a second time with Narita). Third time's the charm?
  19. Rebirth continues to be fucking awesome. I'm about 20 hours in, level 25, done most of the sidequests (man, the Summon Shrines make getting the summons way easier.) and I only now got on the boat to Costa del Sol. I also finally got the hand of how Synergies and Summons work now, with having to stagger monsters to start the summon timer, and Synergies needing ability use to charge up. Comes in handy when you're fighting a boss to do massive damage, get a cool affect like unlimited MP or fast ATB charges, and be able to mop up. If the story stays much the same, I know I have a Jenova fight coming up. But that's going to be on hold as the boat has a Queen's Blood Tournament going on! Thing I like about QB is that it gradually introduces you to different card mechanics as you go, so if you're playing as you go, you'll ramp up to. Shops are mostly useless though, outside of the Folio shops to work on the "Not the Sphere Grid" and the crafting mats at the Chocobo ranches. I think I made the Junon Parade harder on myself than I needed to, but I'll eventually circle back to that to see if there really was any value to going hardest difficulty.
  20. I was gonna say, it's not like AEW ever gave a fuck about how matches were finished when someone got concussed before, especially with a Hardy involved.
  21. The only benches that are itemized are the Chocobo Stops, which only unlock after you catch the region's wild Chocobo. There are still regular benches that are unlimited use. So, thoughts 5 hours in: I think the intro is just telling us how fucked the timelines are right now after whatever occured during the ending of Remake. I loved Remake so I'll just finish this before I say anything about the story. So I wasted about a hour looking around at stuff before progressing through the first 3 stops post Calm and unlocking the Chocobo and Chadley's stuff, and now the game is wide open and there's a fuckton to do. I do know that all Chadley's shit is region specific so I'm going to clear it out a region at a time, so it's going to take me a while to get out of teh Grasslands and move onto the Mythril Cave and Junon. I can see this game taking forever. I'm ok with the crafting as it seems a cheaper alternative to get stuff (possibly better than store stuff?) given the abundance of materials and how quickly they and other fiends respawn. I do like how regular stuff are in yellow chests and equipment are purple. It also looks like the Folio is doubling as Remake's Weapon upgrade stuff, as it looks and acts like the Sphere Grid from 10, which given some other theories and how the Fiends "die", makes a lot of sense depending on how you feel about the "7 and 10 are in the same universe" theory. I do like the Weapons' unique abilties go quickly. Also, that non-active party members also get XP and Materia levels as you go, although I'm guessing there's some issue with Synergy if you don't swap around when needed.
  22. Well, when you get to it, only one character in this show actually speaks English. The crew of the Erasmus would all be speaking Dutch. So, yeah, you'd have to find at least one actor that spoke all 3, then enough Japanese actors that spoke Portuguese, then enough Dutch actors that spoke Portuguese. Oh, then there's the Franciscan, who would be speaking Latin, which Blackthorn and Mariko also speak... Or it's just easier to use 2 languages and whatever.
  23. Went a couple hours into Rebirth, and this game is great so far. I have to respect that the path they went for explaining why all materia, items, gear, levels were reset is... well, fuck you, we're just doing it and hand waving it, that's how.
  24. I'm guessing it's just easier to have everyone not Japanese speaking english for viewing than everyone try and act in Portuguese (and to be honest, at that time they really all *would* have been speaking either Japanese or Portuguese). It does look like we're getting more of the intrigue around Toranaga's rise than everything directly from Blackthorne's POV like the book/miniseries. I'm good with the first episode, even if it did breeze through getting Blackthorne to Osaka
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