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Everything posted by AxB

  1. Well, it was always Tony Khan's plan to start a money mark promotion at some point. It was just the first All In doing what it did that convinced him that the iron was hot and it was time to strike. If he hadn't started AEW in 2019, he would have started a Wrestling promotion eventually. But it wouldn't have been called All Elite Wrestling, probably.
  2. The ICW NHB show from last night (that was head to head with the WWE HoF, ROH Supercard of Honor and GCW Spring Break), it's really good. Same building as DEAN~!!, 24 hours later, and bloody as hell. But unlike a lot of "Every match is a Deathmatch" shows, it's not got that monotonousness. Every match has been different. Hoodfoot and Clint Margera were even doing limbwork! Strike the arm, twist the arm, stab the arm with glass. Lovely stuff.
  3. Anyone like Star Trek, play D&D, and have shitloads of disposable income?
  4. His name is literally Ref Shiny Shoes, he has to live the gimmick.
  5. This is a better angle of the Fireball than the broadcast version: https://twitter.com/WrestleACTION1/status/1776069187678380257
  6. https://twitter.com/WrestleACTION1/status/1776371366070984718 My tweet made it into the video. And so did a few other people from here's tweets.
  7. That was Makowski's third match of the day. He was on SHPxLOL Presents Euphoria in the morning, then had to drive across town for Bloodsport, then drive out of state for DEAN~!!. Daniel Makabe was also on Euphoria, he wrestled Edith Surreal. It was really good, but one of those matches where you could tell the rematch would have been better. Only there probably won't be one, because he's retiring soon. Speaking of hoping Tony Khan watches the show, there was a bit of a twitter campaign to get Makabe vs Danielson on Collision in Vancouver next month. If that's in any way under consideration, watching Makabe vs Thatcher would hopefully tip the scales.
  8. Frost vs Snow, it became clear very early that Lindsay Snow trains MMA legit, and Lady Frost never has. And then it finished super quickly.
  9. Yeah, he wasn't really a Basketballer. It's just, when he was training to wrestle, he was short on finance and couldn't afford to go to the barbershop, so his afro grew out really big. So they gave him an ABA gimmick because he looked the part.
  10. I don't think Suge D's DVDVR Board name was Suge D, he only started using that as his wrestling name 5 years ago. He was Sugar Dunkerton for years and years before shortening it. He started his wrestling career using the ring names Carl Wilson and Lamar Phillips (which I think is his shoot name). And Kareem Abdul Jabbar.
  11. The VoD is up on IWTV, as of five hours ago.
  12. People in Discord during DEAN~!! were asking about when the Ugly Sucklings (Rob Killjoy and White Mike) used to be on rival teams and feuding with each other. So here are a couple of Ugly Ducklings vs Gym Nasty Boys matches: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FnYlReVJBw8&pp=ygUgZ3ltIG5hc3R5IGJveXMgdnMgdWdseSBkdWNrbGluZ3M%3D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCD90DhA59w&t=1262s&pp=ygUgZ3ltIG5hc3R5IGJveXMgdnMgdWdseSBkdWNrbGluZ3M%3D
  13. My feed has been fine all night.
  14. And why should I give a shit how much he's being paid? I'm not his accountant.
  15. Why would you willingly wade through BS though? If you see a river of bullshit by the side of the road, do you think "Well, I'd better stop the car and get out to wade through that, there might be a good point somewhere in there"?. Nah. You keep driving, and hope to outdistance the aroma ASAP.
  16. Hopefully all of the wrestlers who are travelling in from other shows that just ended an hour ago aren't going to have any trouble getting to the building. Can we get this image on the front page of the website or something?
  17. No, it doesn't. You can't pause or rewind a live stream, only a VoD.
  18. Wasn't that Drew McIntryre's gimmick in his first WWE run? When Teddy Long would book him like a midcarder, and then he'd show up with a letter (he claimed was from) Vince, saying to put him in the main event instead?
  19. Jay White isn't supposed to be the Stan Hansen of AEW, he's supposed to be the Rat Boy Ogawa. The Billy Gunn match went exactly the way it was supposed to. Besides which, it was a night where we had Will vs Will*, and Willow, and Billy. It was a night for the Billiams. Obviously Mr Gunn was going to do well. *The World was wondering, will Will win, or will Will beat Will?
  20. A Fifth Matrix movie is in development. Drew Goddard (The Martian) will be writing/ directing, with Lana Wachowski as an Executive Producer.
  21. It was basically, every wrestler wrestled identically except for their finishing move. Same moveset, same CPU logic. Punch, Bodyslam, Irish Whip, Clothesline, repeat.
  22. The first wrestling game I played was this: It's not very good.
  23. Anthony Henry was born in 1983. He's 40 years old. Here is Henry and Blackwood facing each other: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DZ_Gktfg71A (It's very stiff)
  24. Drew McDonald's been dead for 9 years. Did you mean Drew McIntyre/ Galloway?
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