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Everything posted by tbarrie

  1. "Mike" is the standard short form for"microphone", though I realize "mic" is growing in popularity.
  2. That explains it. I don't have the bladder capacity to stay for those things any more.
  3. I thought I did remember Far From Home fairly well, but I don't remember that either.
  4. I don't know who that is fighting Baron Corbin, but dude knows how to sell a finisher.
  5. They'd have to change the previously-released brackets to make it happen. Private Party and Lucha Brothers are scheduled to meet in the semis. Since they teased Lucha Bros vs SCU on the first week of Dynamite, I've been assuming that's the final. Still seems like a good bet.
  6. To be fair, nothing about Gallows and Anderson is memorable. You can't really pin this one on WWE booking.
  7. Yeah, what kills me about this series in general is the way good features get dropped instead of continuously improving. Like, I'm pretty sure the original Smackdown vs Raw in 2004 let you pick a specific "reversal style" for each wrestler show you wouldn't have Big Show backflipping out of moves or Spike Dudley muscling through them. As far as I'm aware, no version in the ensuing fifteen years has had this feature. Has the technology to do this been lost to the ages or something?
  8. Is that the one where Robin has a "special mummy ray gun" that has no effect on the mummy?
  9. That does sort of sound like something she'd do.
  10. Yeah, it's definitely overpriced for Blu Ray. I assume Casey is talking USD, so that's actually over seven hundred dollars. Amazon.ca will sell me boxed sets of Phase One, Phase Two, and Phase Three Part One for just under three hundred. Pretty sure I could track down the last five movies for less than four hundred dollars.
  11. I liked most of the MCU movies a lot and don't own any on disc yet. Problem is, at that price point I'm not sure it's actually cheaper than just buying them all individually.
  12. They should release a premium version that excludes Thor 2 and the Iron Man sequels.
  13. I went to bed after Bayley vs Charlotte. Seemed like a pretty good show. But I take it I missed something... memorable?
  14. The latest one just looks like the previous one is starting to sag.
  15. I like the sound of these changes. I particularly like that they've apparently made it "more likely" that the Royal Rumble match will happen at the Royal Rumble PPV.
  16. I have absolutely no recollection of Natalya beating Naomi for the Smackdown title. I'm not even making a joke about how forgettable Natalya is, though I probably should be.
  17. If we start questioning whether beating somebody in a wrestling match is the best form of revenge, the whole genre sort of falls apart, doesn't it?
  18. Reaching back a day (and, like, twenty pages. You all are verbose today.)... I'd like to see a condensing of that argument, because it seems clear to me that it's a genre, not a medium. It's a genre that's traditionally been presented through the media of television or live performance, but there have been pro wrestling comics and films too. (The only pro wrestling prose I'm aware of is fan fiction, or "fantasy booking" as it's called in wrestling circles.) If it's a medium, it seems to be an oddly restrictive one. Every storytelling medium I can think of can tell a story that's non-stop wall-to-wall action, and they can tell a story where nothing happens besides a group of friends sitting around talking about life and shit. It's hard to see how the alleged medium of pro wrestling could tell the latter type of story and still be pro wrestling.
  19. I can't find a post saying anything of the sort. Casey implicitly disagreed with your assertion that they keep doing that whenever they're worried about a film's performance, which is a different thing entirely. And I'd say Casey's right - they didn't add Downey to Black Panther or Captain Marvel, which I would think would be seen as chancier than Spider-Man.
  20. Is that what Brazzers is? I've never understood that meme.
  21. The problem is, if you tie him specifically to the Holocaust, you can't use him in contemporary media without his being really old. But there's an easy solution for that. Just say that at some point, Alpha the Ultimate Mutant turned him into a baby, and now he's an adult again. Simple!
  22. My streaming services: Netflix at $17 a month That is all. I pay $45 a month for internet access (600 MB/s). No cable. You all are profligate spenders.
  23. You may be the only one who remembers that Gil Gerard/Ernie Reyes Jr show Sidekicks.
  24. None of those guys look particularly restless. Luger and Sid are downright chill.
  25. Well yeah, if you ignore all the times people have been screwed in ladder matches.
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