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Matt D

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Everything posted by Matt D

  1. To be fair, I'm sure the other half of the world who are googling CM Punk probably feel the same way.
  2. First Law is probably a very good choice for you. It's well written, only three books, complete, done by an author prolific enough that he has more stuff written, both within and outside of the world in the books. It's a great cross section of fantasy tropes merged together in an interesting way. It is very, very bleak though. There's dark humor but it is not a pretty world by any means. I found it cynical enough that I haven't read more of his works but not so much so that I didn't enjoy it at the time. Another possibility is The Warded Man by Peter Brett. I've only read the first two books in the cycle but the third is out as well and it's supposed to be 5. I think. It's been a few years now but I remember it being good. Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy is another solid one if you want something that's already done. If you like Sanderson he's extremely prolific, writing one or two books a year in a number of different settings. He's a stickler for magic systems and the actual construction of writing and has a great website with annotations. The problem with Lynch is that he's had a mental breakdown before so it's still iffy on whether he'll be able to complete his series in any length of time. Lies of Locke Lamora is a great standalone book but after that things are more tied together in books 2 and 3.
  3. We're good. Carry on. God damn FOX.
  4. I imagine some of the problem with it was that it was on the same card as Angle/Benoit.
  5. If we're pie in the sky, Vince could say "Well, we've got more eyes than ever. It's time to turn Cena," but I don't know how desperate they are. It's probably not worth the risk.
  6. I'm pretty certain that Vince feels that Cena HAS to be the centerpoint since this will have more eyes than usual.
  7. It is the most legit pro wrestling HOF there is, yes, and that's a shame. There's been a lot of talk about Sting. I know Dylan and Dave did a whole wrestling culture podcast on whether or not Sting should be in the HOF: You can find the link to it somewhere in here.
  8. The thing to remember, always, about the WON HOF is that it's Dave's HOF. The WON is a very particular publication with certain norms and preferences. For instance, it makes a lot of sense that Gorilla Monsoon wouldn't be in considering how negative the publication was to him throughout the 80s and early 90s. It makes sense that Lesnar might be more weighted due to the fact it is a MMA publication as well and has been for years, even if he doesn't have the wrestling credentials to be more than a laughable candidate at best. It makes sense on some level that Tanahashi is in at such a young age, before we can really have a good understanding of historical perspective because he's so lauded by Meltzer and the WON audience. It makes sense that a guy like Angle would make it in due to amateur credentials and because he worked a style that Meltzer personally loved. This isn't some objective body. It's a Meltzer guiding the argument and then a bunch of hugely carny former wrestlers and fairly dubious reporters/historians whose actual knowledge really runs the gamut. Never get too up in arms over the WON HOF is basically the moral of the story.
  9. Jerry Jarrett's book on the launching of TNA is actually most interesting for the negotiations with Savage.
  10. Yeah, what the hell? They don't call him William the Conquerer for nothing. And you guys got Cnut'ed before that.
  11. Mark had a good point. This was all Dixie's master plan to draw in JR
  12. He drew in wrestling better than Brock at least
  13. On the plus side, they have key cross-promotional potential for Destination X. On the minus side, everything else.
  14. I bet When Turkeys Attack gets better ad rates though.
  15. Once a week I feel like saying this but today I feel pretty certain: NOW you're just making things up!
  16. How do you feel about Virus' year?
  17. It was freezing pretty bad for me tonight but I was watching a Mike Graham match so my cpu might have been granting me mercy.
  18. Wow, New Years is sure coming extra quick this year.
  19. I on the other hand wake up every night to shouts at 3 am on the monitor of "Where's Daddy? Daddy? Where are you daddy?" which then leads to me waking up with a crink in my back at 5:48 as my alarm goes off on the floor upstairs. there are a hell of a lot of worse fates though.
  20. Back to Hogan in 94-95 WCW: 1.) He wouldn't let Flair win the second match in their series, which was such a no brainer from a booking perspective. Split the matches, make a rubber match, put the career stip on the line there. 2.) He wouldn't let Vader beat him down to build up their match but insisted Vader beat down Bockwinkel instead. 3.) The Brutus thing is amazing. A masked man attacks him for a while, he finally gets his hands on him and legdrops him, in the middle of the ring, after a match. Once he has the guy completely at his mercy, he unmasks him and it's Bruti. But by this point he already legdropped him. The heat was already blown off, basically. It was insane. It's probably the worst build for a match I can imagine. 4.) He puts over the giant by losing by DQ and the Jimmy Hart turn due to a shady contract. This is after knocking him off a building during the Monster Truck thing. It'd be one thing if you were putting over Diamond Dallas Page or Honky Tonk Man or hell, even 95 Flair that way, but the Giant in his big debut? Look at the BS way he lost the title to Andre in 88 or Undertaker in 91 and then compare it to the Giant in 95. It's night and day even though both are bullshit. You could go on and on (like the match where he and Savage beat everyone in the cage or later on him bringing Warrior in just to get his win back). He'd let guys (from Perfect destroying the belt, to Slaughter throwing the fireball, to Earthquake taking him out) get heat on him in WWF in a way he never would in WCW.
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