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Everything posted by Jamal

  1. - First African American WWE Women's Champion - Good to decent runs in USWA, WCW, and WWE - Former Cruiserweight Champion (yeah, I know that one is kind of whatever) - She was pretty good in the ring and probably the most underrated woman during the Attitude Era
  2. Yeah, with the return of Total Divas, we're going to see the return of more nonsense face/heel alignments based on whatever contrived storylines that show is pushing this season. Yay. lol On a positive Diva note, loved Becky's promo against the Flairs. Great job of having her sucker Ric in.
  3. Loved that all of the women got promo time. I was pleasantly surprised that Billie Kay got as much time in there as she did. I'm patiently waiting for her and Royce to get some real play.
  4. Yeah, I can see what they were going for, further solidifying Charlotte's heel turn by having her refuse to then compete. But I would have liked her left laid out too. But I def enjoyed Becky's promo after. Really fiery. And I love that the crowd is behind Becky. For a while, I was afraid that she would get lost in the Diva Shuffle.
  5. Another good Charlotte/Becky match. Cool to see the crowd really behind Becky and into the match. Heel Charlotte is the best Charlotte along with Stage Dad Flair.
  6. This should be good. Um... based on what, exactly? A tag brawl is perfect to hide Kong and Sky's weaknesses while Jade and Rayne can both still go.
  7. The Knockouts have always been a bright spot on Impact. Decent six ladies tag match and I like the idea of Kong taking over the Dollhouse with the others being her minions. Reminds me a bit of the Kongtourage from back in the day.
  8. Did they blow off this whole feud on Smackdown? Or are they just doing what they always do with the women and have them wrestle the same match 17 times and then expect anyone to care when they do the 18th on PPV? Nah, the Flair assist is to set up the eventual PPV match. They'll probably have them in some divas tags until then.
  9. Yeah, totally her strength, especially with Ric in her corner as the ultimate stage dad. I dug her and Becky last night and really hope that this leads to Becky winning the belt.
  10. I knew this was coming when she posted about being saved and sort of evaded questions about portraying a character that goes against her morals. Sorry to see her go though. She had some good matches and had come quite a long way.
  11. One of my favorite things about The Revolution has been the increase in time the women's matches are getting on the main shows. We used to only see that on PPVs or B shows. And I really hope that the reception this match got doesn't change that. Even though the stuff we've seen from the women has not been on the level of their NXT stuff (and I blame a lot of that on the poor story telling), there has still been a lot of quality in-ring work overall.
  12. I have to agree that Becky/Sasha wasn't that good, but I did like the finishing sequence. Almost thought Becky would go over for a second. Kinda sad to see the crowd crap on both women but there were periods of the match that lagged and were just plain boring.
  13. Nikki looked like a video vixen from 1996. Trying to shoehorn the Slammys into a Raw is never fun.
  14. I also enjoyed Paige/Charlotte but I do agree that the storyline is a mess. The best thing to come out of it is Charlotte going full heel as she plays that role much better than a face. Paige looked really good last night and that DDT she took looked nasty. I must be in the minority because I like Team BAD and their antics. Poor Becky. At least she is starting to develop a personality even if it is screwed over babyface lol That tag title match was insane. All men involved need raises lol
  15. That trailer is everything! I'm so hyped.
  16. LMAO Jimmy's a lucky man! So glad that it looks like Becky is finally getting something to do other than be PCB member #3.
  17. I enjoyed Paige/Charlotte from Survivor Series but this Raw match was even better. Much more of the hate I wanted to see on Sunday. Paige excels at playing the bratty heel. I really liked that post match Team BAD/Eden segment. Team BAD are just awesome. I'm hoping this brings in Nattie to align with Becky against them.
  18. I enjoyed Paige/Charlotte too. I had a feeling that they would water it down after the backlash though. I wanted a hate-filled brawl, which Paige showed flashes of, but this was good for what it was, spear shot aside. And the crowd was more Team Paige than Team Charlotte. They need to turn Charlotte already. lol
  19. Just finished my binge. Another winner. I feel emotionally drained but in a good way lol stoked to see Rachael Taylor do such a fantastic job with one of my favorite Marvel characters. And I'm looking forward to Luke Cage
  20. Good Naomi/Alicia match. Dig that Naomi is breaking out the submissions again
  21. I was thinking the same thing. And I liked Bayley leaning in to hear Eva speak because the noise was killing her. I liked Emma vs Mary Kate too because it felt like they hated one another. lol Evil Emma is 100 times the woman Dancing Emma was.
  22. I was glad to see Paige/Charlotte being treated like a big deal match with the highlight segments and getting the final slot of the night. I thought the promo work was good and I couldn't believe that they went there with Reid. Very old school and so unlike current day WWE. Very nice brawl too. I've been looking forward to this match since Paige became number one contender. But this got me even more into it.
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