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Everything posted by twiztor

  1. watched the 2nd ep yesterday and the 3rd today. quick thoughts: Eddie Gilbert has worn out his welcome. He's on 5 of the 6 segments of the week 3 show, and annoying on all 5 of them. people complained about the ECW Zombie on the first episode of the Sci-Fi show, but they must've forgotten about the Kodiak Bear (who gets a title shot on #2) and Canadian Wolfman (who gets a tag title shot on #3). some pretty low rent stuff going on. the TV Title Tournament came off pretty well but wasn't anything special. Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka wins it. Surfin' Sandman is tremendous. but only in the "it's so bad it's funny" vein. it would've been just plain bad in '93. Terry Funk's the only one on any of these shows that is over with the crowd.
  2. yeah. until they add a Wii/Wii-U app, or one for Sony Blu-Ray players, i can only watch this on my PC or Kindle Fire. not exactly ideal.
  3. so the last couple of days, i've been trying to answer this question in my head: "who's the most famous wrestler to never win ANY title in a major promotion?" i was thinking of US-based wrestlers and promotions, so WWF/WCW/AWA/ECW/TNA. best answers i've come up with yet: Scott Norton Kamala
  4. no picture, but "pro wrestling is....." being a big enough fan of someone to bring a sign in their honor. and then spelling their name wrong. "Rick Flair Rules" is my favorite.
  5. 1- i actually texted my buddy (who shares a Network sub with me) that just said "Gillberg!" 2- Magnum was on the Mid-South dvd, but i did a double take at Lanny Poffo. Macho Man next year for HoF.
  6. whoops! put that in the wrong category. fixed! results: i used to have a handheld of it, but that's not really the same thing. they should just take their internet commentary and put it over any video they recorded of it.
  7. AWA. there's not a single scrap of footage up. at least put up the SuperClash shows! the WWF Hall of Fame inductions for '93-'96. WCW house shows. there was a show 11/96 in Baltimore that was hyped pretty heavily on TV and they showed clips of it the next week. WCW internet PPVs and pay-per-listens. there was WCW Saturday Nitro from LA in summer '97 and one with a Hogan/Sting cage match, among others. the WCW matches from the World Wrestling Peace Festival, summer '96. there was Sting/Giant and something else. WWF specials. WWE "Super Tuesday" from november 2002. the lead up specials to the Big 4 in the early 90s. "March to WrestleMania", "Survivor Series Showdown", etc. the NWA world title tournament held in SMW in '94 where Candido won. and subsequent title defenses. on a similar but different note, stuff i'd like to see WWE acquire and then air: World Wrestling All-Stars. from 2001-2003, they had 5 ppvs that were all at least decent (i love the first one) World Wrestling Network. one or two shows by Heyman and Crockett in '92. pre-ECW Tri-State Wrestling Alliance. had seasonal supercards.
  8. as long as whoever is inducting (or accepting) brings out the Undertaker's urn. or does that make it too gruesome. i can't decide.
  9. i hadn't heard that before, but i love it. i appreciate that Buff thinks he's on the Big Show's level. Kayfabe or not, a 7'2" tall monster with multiple world title reigns in both major promotions > 6' muscular midcarder with tag title history.
  10. i'd never seen this show but thought it was decent. minus the Legends stuff, which i didn't particularly care for. the Sid Vicious return/squash was glorious. Rude, Rhodes, and Sasaki were all good in their match. Orndorff was ok but brought it down overall. Sting vs Nailz was just weird. the tag title steel cage match was good, but everything after the hot tag to Steamboat made it great. Anderson/Windham was a good match, but nothing special by itself. Vader/Bulldog was a great match. the power moves and hard hits really were a treat. overall, B-. edit: i agree with KidKash, i think our viewing period should be 2 weeks. one isn't quite long enough but a month is way too long.
  11. AND, finally got to see the Goldust bit. very cool.
  12. yeah, and the "something major" was revealed in Issue #1, and it is a big deal, but hasn't been followed up on since. Oh, and Grayson's been tied to a chair for a bunch of issues. Oh, and now he's strapped in a bomb. Oh, and now Luthor stopped his heart. granted, he's clearly not dead. this issue (#6) did not "reveal the final fate of nightwing" as advertised. and it won't even be in HIS book, because it's cancelled. x'hal! the entire thing's so frustrating. Johns hypes up Nightwing to be the best hero around (when the JL isn't available) and how he is a leader, and a rallying point. And then doesn't show it at all. Instead we get 6 issues of him doing........absolutely nothing. He seemingly didn't put up a fight when the CS grabbed him, and he hasn't had a singular moment of shine.
  13. it just makes me sad, because they pretty much have to own the rights to all of those games. what's the harm in releasing a 20+ year old game, especially when you're putting out a collection like that?
  14. i've got 4 friends with a Wii-U, plus myself. one has a 5 y/o son, three have no kids (including me), and one has three kids of varying ages. all of us love it for varying reasons. There's just so much to love. and i second the love for NES Remix. can't wait for part 2 to drop in April.
  15. all i want is Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter. now, to be more nit-picky, i want MK2 vs SF2 (in all its various modes). 2 outfits per character (that way you can have Sub-Zero masked and unmasked, human and machine Smoke, etc.) 2d. cartoony but bloody. and with secret characters. Guy and the Final Fight people for the SF team. Glacier and Mortis for the MK team.
  16. no Pac-Man Jr.? loved playing it as a kid on the Atari because it was TWO SCREENS! that means twice as good, right?
  17. maybe they bought Invicta
  18. too late, i already watched R2R again. it is just a fantastic movie. was also able to find Cena in it without even knowing where to see him.
  19. since we don't keep real individual event records, i'm keeping it until (i notice or someone points out that) it gets broken.
  20. i expect that Eddie & Barr are getting their asses handed to them, so i'm rooting for a miracle upset and picking them.
  21. how does that get overturned so quickly and we are still stuck with the ambiguous 12-to-6 elbow rule?
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