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Everything posted by twiztor

  1. Batman: Brave and the Bold needs to have a "complete series" dvd release immediately. i've only watched the series once but it is absolutely one of my favorites ever. doesn't hurt that i had been reading the 50s/60s Batman comics at the same time i was watching the show.
  2. on tonight's Nitro, DDP faced Lance Ringo. who, as i googled it to find video, turns out to be Sick Boy from Raven's WCW Flock. anyway, thought it was hilarious that this never-before-seen dude comes out with the Kimberly playboy mag. not a way of making a good impression on the guy you're debuting against. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xas452_ddp-vs-lance-ringo-sick-boy_sport on tonight's Raw, Bret Hart interrupted an Owen/Bulldog European title match to begin the reformation of the Hart Foundation. touching moment. not sure if Lawler's tears are legit or not, but it's pretty obvious that Owen's are. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2f2fw_bret-hart-reunites-hart-foundation_sport
  3. one of my all time favorite matches. the amount of punishment these men put themselves through is just unreal. and that non-breaking glass. damn. i'm cringing just thinking about it.
  4. i read that as "testing of SOUL" and then thought it was an even more appropriate name for the Undertaker's finisher. or, in another world, perfect for Slick.
  5. How weird was I? I used to rush down the driveway after being dropped off by the bus, because I didn't want to miss the show's opening and Bats punching those bad guys in the shadows. If I had been a small child, I could understand. But I was practically grown! Good memories, though. this is my exact story. i would've been 10 or so, the bus dropped us off at 3:58. Batman started at 4 so me and my brother had to rush up the lane so we didn't miss a single second.
  6. ugh. heard this earlier in the week. SO pissed that Nightwing's final issue is pushed back also. all i want to see is what happens. fucking ridiculous.
  7. finished this book today, and it was fantastic. i can't say enough good things about it. all the characters feel like real people, and i was quite addicted to it for a while.
  8. There was a later issue where Bats basically said he knew the Best would escape and they would have to face off again but it was never followed up on as Bats next fought KGBeast's protege the NKVDemon. KGBeast wouldn't return until... I think the 3rd Robin miniseries. James wow, that's actually impressive that they left him alone for so long. i figured it would be a year or so down the line. thanks for the info!
  9. read Batman: Ten Nights of the Beast. very good story. find it hard to believe the bats would leave.the kgbeast trapped in the sewers.to die, but i assume that gets remedied or retconned at some point. i'm really digging Starlin's batman run in general
  10. Savage always seemed to work out a good deal with his friends/family. see: Lanny's WCW deal, which has to have been the best contract ever.
  11. yeah, the one they just added is nWo: the Revolution. it's just a couple years old and they did interview Luger for it. i still find Back in Black superior.
  12. this was going to be my #1 example. i also dig the Halloween Havoc match, but it isn't really on par with the other 2. his stuff with Flair is ok, but doesn't touch their Mania match.
  13. just read Batman: the Cult for the first time. wow. what a great read.
  14. no, that wasnt until 2001 i believe. don't remember his 99 absence.
  15. i'm a big fan of those skits. the dX/Nation and the nWo/Horsemen ones are my absolute favorites, ever.
  16. i'm not much of a book reader (i read tons of comic books), but i just started reading Bram Stoker's Dracula. i'm like 3 chapters in, and so far i love it. i love how the tension is gradually built up, with more and more instances where our narrator just can't explain and gets increasingly frustrated and frightened.
  17. and i will second it. Higgins finally hits his stride and it's a great ride.
  18. Nightwing #29 is the perfect ending to Higgins' run. very good issue that touches on pretty much everything that has happened up until now. the art is excellent, also. VERY interested in the 1-2 punch that will be Forever Evil #7 and NW #30 next month to see where this leaves the character. as of right now, we don't even know if/where we can follow him.
  19. i remember, in 1997, being shocked that he beat Regal for the tv title and thinking that he was actually pretty good. within 3 months i had stopped caring about him. upon my recent rewatch, he's very bland and not so good.
  20. Brody held the tag title in World Class, if that counts. Likewise Kamala was champion in Memphis. I was going by the promotions listed by the person asking the question. Fair enough, though I'd argue he left out a lot of promotions that were major in their day. yeah, i didn't make a definitive list, just a starting point. whoa. good call-out. i figured he must've had a Cruiser reign during his WWE run, or at least that the Jung Dragons won the tag titles or something in WCW.
  21. watched the 2nd ep yesterday and the 3rd today. quick thoughts: Eddie Gilbert has worn out his welcome. He's on 5 of the 6 segments of the week 3 show, and annoying on all 5 of them. people complained about the ECW Zombie on the first episode of the Sci-Fi show, but they must've forgotten about the Kodiak Bear (who gets a title shot on #2) and Canadian Wolfman (who gets a tag title shot on #3). some pretty low rent stuff going on. the TV Title Tournament came off pretty well but wasn't anything special. Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka wins it. Surfin' Sandman is tremendous. but only in the "it's so bad it's funny" vein. it would've been just plain bad in '93. Terry Funk's the only one on any of these shows that is over with the crowd.
  22. yeah. until they add a Wii/Wii-U app, or one for Sony Blu-Ray players, i can only watch this on my PC or Kindle Fire. not exactly ideal.
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