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Everything posted by Ramsey

  1. That's tantilizingly close! I know it was from a six-man. Punk was in Cena's corner and after the punch, we got a "JUSTICE" wave from Ambrose on the opposite side.
  2. I hope I'm asking this in the right place. I'm hunting for a gif I saw around these parts as a sig. It's the Reigns Superman punch on Cena with the "street fighter" video game treatment. I have no idea who was using it. Help me...I'm cuddly...
  3. As a child of the 80's, I saw the rise and fall of Warrior. I was never a huge fan of his ring work or his promos but I dug what he was as an attraction. I enjoyed the energy he brought. When his music hit, it was like a bomb exploded in the arena. The pops he got rivaled the biggest reactions Hogan was getting. I saw him wrestle live at the Boise State Pavillion back when we used to get the occasional house show and he blew the roof off the place. May he rest in peace.
  4. Ok....just 5? Big Trouble in Little China: Jack Burton has the strength of ten men. The Godfather 1 or 2: Maybe my favorite movies ever. The Departed: Worth the price of admission for the off the charts cast alone Jason and the Argonauts: TALOS, BITCHES! Bullit: Gritty, mean, and car chase-o-riffic.
  5. Harey Race...let all know His good works. In all seriousness, Harley is easily in my top five wrestlers ever. Legit tough guy, according to some, the toughest guy this side of Samoa. HUGE offensive set. Big bumper. Great psychologist and over all ring general and travelled the entire world (GOD'S GREEN EARTH) to prove he was the best in the world. Whether it was Porkchop Cash or Jumbo Tsuruta, Harley could work 'em. I said this about Nick Bockwinkel and it applies to Harley too: he was better at being Ric Flair than Ric Flair was. Give me a Harley Race match from 1976 - 1988 over any five Flair-by-the-numbers matches. I'm an atheist but I believe in Harley Race.
  6. Agreed...this match up pretty much guarantees me viewing in a state known as "sans pantalones." One must ask how long Brock is going to want to keep playing ball. He's got a sweet deal now obviously but, he's been known to change his mind. Personally, I'm hoping he stays for 1000 years. Sort of a full on ass-kicker version of Rene Goulet.
  7. I'm in agreement with lots of what I've already seen here. Yes, this year the WWE managed to bring me back to the fold since leaving their product (minus a match here or there) 15 years ago. Something personally important happened for me as a fan tonight too. I was truly digging the entire show but, well, I'm 40. It's rare that I get excited/mark out/do-anything-more-than-smirk-knowingly at anything in a wrestling event/show, especially a WWE show. However, the moment Kane went for the choke slam on Reigns and Roman powered out, took a right and rebounded with the Superman punch, I slapped my knee and marked like that kid that saw Hawk stand up and no-sell after a piledriver for the first time. Yes, wrestling is back and I'm so happy to be on that ride again.
  8. I did some voice work for Adam a couple years back. The trailers for his "7 Levels of Hate" dvd that landed on youtube? Yeah, the voice over was me. Anyway, he was very demanding when it came to when he needed said FREE audio and NEVER said thank you. Hell, didn't even offer a copy of the dvd when it was done. Baseball can have the asshole...
  9. My two faves are David Chang (for the above mentioend reasons, all of them valid) and Marco Pierre Fucking White. Marco was the man, the O.G. British celebrity chef. Marco gave Ramsay his start AND made him cry while doing it. He's also completely fucking nuts but a mad genius is still a genius...
  10. Nah man, you can be straight edge and love jazz and tits...
  11. Just jumping in to mirror the Roman Reigns love-fest. Like OSJ, I'm old and I saw all of the big names of the 90's come up and the top guys on the 80's in their respective heydays. Roman Reigns has IT and the only way he isn't THE GUY at some point is because of injury, booking, or death. Athletic, great look, menacing on the stick, cross gender appeal (girls want him, dudes want to be him), the entire package. Imagine what he and Cesaro could do against each other in another two years. I've looked at Ambrose, Reigns, and Rollins as the WWE 2010's version of Mutoh, Chono, and Hashimoto in NJPW in the 90's. Three guys with GREAT potential who could lead the company through some money years.
  12. As a grown man, I can tell you that April Fools Day is about as amusing and interesting to me as a new package of store brand tube socks. In my business (radio) you can always bet that some lame ass "we flipped format to country" pranky shit will go down somewhere in the market.
  13. I think what I like here there is room for whatever. I can talk 80's JCP, 90's AJPW, last week's Raw, the kick assery of Jerry Blackwell, AND the last episode of Justified with men...men that can grow beards and have had sex. Grown men. Men like me.
  14. I seem to remember tOa (the other arena) being the home of some really intense nerdery as well. Once I discovered this place, I never went back.
  15. This is exactly it for me. While I've recently been seduced back to the current product, I'm old school all day long. Once I can watch Harley Race, Wahoo McDaniel, Jack Brisco, etc. on my magical wrestling-blessed Xbox, then I'm in.
  16. Oh, tyhere are so many. However, "Highlander" is begging for a re-make/re-launch. Get a younger Scottish actor (yes, a real Scot to play the Scot) for Conner, maybe Emun Elliot. Javier Bardem gets to be Connery's character because he's a handsome Spaniard with chops. Clive Owen or Mark Strong play the Kurgan because they both are capable of bringing the evil and it's my movie and I cast who I want. Then, we write the thing so a sequel or two actually make sense as opposed to the raging shit storm the original "trilogy" turned into. As an aside, yes, the opening scene will still involve a sword fight in a parking garage during a wrestling show. The Shield will be featured in the wrestling footage because it's my fucking movie.
  17. OR the second coming of Jerry Fucking Blackwell which is what our world needs.
  18. I love how Blackwell just leans into Hansen kneeing him directly in the temple. The toughest motherfuckers in the world. And he gives as good as he gets, too. Stan ate more than one "Idaho baker" in that opening exchange. Because I'm from Idaho, the land that wrestling forgot, I'm trying to somehow imprint my state on the fake fighting that I love. Please, won't someone help me turn a stiff punch that lands from "potato" to "Idaho baker?" Please...
  19. And that Blackwell/Hansen match is one of my favorite brawls ever.
  20. Of all of the truly great "fat guys" in wrestling, Jerry Blackwell is my absolute favorite. He's a perfect example of "don't judge a book by it's cover." The dude could GO in the ring with damn near anyone and was equally great as a face or a heel. I absolutely agree about how tragically underrated he really is.
  21. My parents divorced when I was 6 and I know it affected me in lots of ways. Even now I discover things that my parent's divorce touched that I wasn't even aware of and I'm 40 now. Just know that, in her head right now, she now knows that life ain't the Brady Bunch and that reality is a bitch. Trust me, that's EXACTLY where that cynicism comes from. Be there to be a superhero when she needs one. For me, that was my grandparents on my dad's side and they will always hold a special place in my heart because of that. When reality was shitty, they wer ethere for me to escape to and feel loved and safe. I feel this has been a "very special episode" of DVDVR.
  22. I'm a dad twice over. Madelynne (my 13 year old) and Emma (my 9 old) are both amazing , brilliant, hysterical kiddos. I also firmly belive they are trying to kill me. Fatherhood is not for pussies. I for one like seeing a topic for dads. There aren't enough good dads in the world.
  23. Agreed. You said it better than I did. No one should be anymore afraid of NOLA than any other big area. Just be aware. The bigger problem is dumb drunk people going to places they wouldn't go sober.
  24. The last time I was on Bourbon, I didn't see any drawers on the purdy ladies. Also, I would disagree with the "walking should be fine." Two miles through NON tourist New Orleans to get back to the Quarter on a weekend with extra folks in town carry extra money... ...follow the buzzards. (see what I did there.) The reason New Orleans has such a high crime rate and was the murder capitol of the country for awhile was partially due to drunk tourists wandering out of the quarter. New Orleans ain't Anaheim. Take a cab. Don't be dumb.
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