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Everything posted by goc

  1. Because the money went to her dad, and now she has to share with MVP. Thank you for your answer and not trying to act like I was stupid for asking. The spoilers haven't really touched on that and I have definitely not been watching. MVP is a good get for them, but it's a little late. He hasn't been on TV for years now but it's not like anyone can move the needle for them anyway so he should at least help the TV product.
  2. I really do not understand that whole investor storyline. Why should Dixie be afraid of the guy who has already given her his money?
  3. Truth vs Cena did main event Capitol Punishment 2011 Yea Truth did get his one PPV main event, but it nothing memorable. Maybe Cena's weakest PPV main event.
  4. It is kind of funny how they always talked about Shad being the one they wanted to get over from Cryme Tyme and he was gone like 6 months after they broke up while JTG is STILL employed. As far as Titus goes, I'm glad that they might be doing more with him, but I don't like him turning heel either. I think the guy could have been a breakout star as a babyface, I'm not so sure as a heel.
  5. You can use me as reference if you want.
  6. Between that and people who seem to record their TV using their cellphone, I don't even look for Raw clips on youtube other than the ones WWE posts. At least they do that fairly quickly
  7. Honestly, I was thinking the same thing for him at Mania. I know a lot of people won't be happy unless he wins the Rumble and main events, but seeing as I really don't think that is going to happen, a Team Hell No reunion and an actually payoff to the Kane/Wyatts deal would be very enjoyable to me. Obviously that would pretty much just tie up all the loose ends for Kane/Bryan/Wyatts and let Bryan move back into the title picture after WrestleMania.
  8. Upon originally reading this topic title I was hoping for a Ben fantasy booking thread. I'd take that over fantasy booking where TNA is going to wind up.
  9. I was thinking about this possibility too, but I think that now with the Performance Center, they really aren't even looking at the indies any more. I'm not sure there is really an indy out there that they would want to associate with right now, style or talent wise. They certainly aren't short of their own footage to add to the Network, and they might add another hour to NXT with the amount of people they have at the Performance Center and the need for original content. I also wouldn't mind seeing them try to do another "bridge" promotion like ECW was. Kind of half way point in between NXT and Raw & Smackdown. With a mix of good veterans that aren't really doing anything and young guys they want to slowly bring along.
  10. I was just thinking about their website protection to stop people from ripping things, and I actually don't think it will be that hard to make it possible to trace where the rip came from due to the subscription model. They could have software that would create a blip of your subscriber # somewhere in the video that wouldn't be visible to the naked eye, like the way movie studios started putting tracking codes in their movies so they can trace what theater online copies came from to try and crack down on pirates.
  11. Plus they know people are going to find a way to rip it and it's going to hit the torrent sites. Putting out everything all at one time would be kind of silly because I think their ability to stop people from ripping stuff will evolve over time.
  12. They are going to post Attitude Era stuff and none of it is going to be censored. They have been planning that for a while by making the deal with the World Wildlife Fund. Doesn't make sense to pay them all that money and then turn around and censor the content anyway.
  13. Unfortunately that will probably happen also. They used to do it on the 24/7 online thing and it was so frustrating.
  14. I think expecting to have EVERYTHING in the library available at launch is pretty crazy. It's also just as crazy to think that they won't be adding stuff over time. I watched a thing about the WWE video library on the website a few months ago, I don't think they're really even all that close to digitizing their whole library yet. The more interesting aspect is that I think this is going to give them a whole lot of creative freedom to try new ideas. We're definitely going to see some different types of shows like Tough Enough, Total Divas, Legends House and I would imagine they'll try and do an updated Tuesday Night Titans deal. They are going to be able to throw shit at the wall with very little consequences of failure. That could lead to a lot of good, a lot of bad, or a combination of both.
  15. I thought the same thing the first time I saw Ron Wright. But from everything I've heard about him, he was a pretty big deal for a long time in Knoxville.
  16. They never told him if he got the surgery that he would get another chance. He tried to get them to say that and never heard back. So he didn't want to get the surgery and then they still don't want him.
  17. That Hogan Survivor Series promo isn't quite as good as the one with Ultimate Warrior, Texas Tornado & LOD where Warrior stares at his hands so long that Animal has to look around a take a peek at them.
  18. They couldn't fit it all in their graphics software man! It's like when you're trying to type your segment into TEW and you gotta figure out where to cut that one letter out.
  19. I did always wonder if someone is going to look at Darren Young when roster cuts are going around and they're scared for their phone to ring and wonder if they could lie to TMZ and get away with it.
  20. Gregg I am positive that you have put far more thought into Bray Wyatt's character than anyone booking him.
  21. Not the only one, I've been excited about it ever since they had Orton tease Cena about cashing in the MITB briefcase on him. But it does seem like no one else is interested for some reason. I mean, I think the ending to the Daniel Bryan/Authority angle was garbage and The Authority angle itself has gone off the rails, but Cena is Orton's best opponent and they always have good matches together.
  22. Seems like even here everyone decided to watch Monday Night Football. I don't know if I've ever seen the Raw thread be this small outside of when it's taped.
  23. They should repackage Kofi in a mask as Kofi Kwangston.
  24. How could I forget Deadly Danda!? I should rewatch Ring Ka King.
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