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Everything posted by (BP)

  1. Like a fourth of the belts are tag titles, so it might also mean you don’t have any friends.
  2. I saw Buddy Rose for the first time on one of the Shawn DVD sets tagging with Somers against the Rockers, and my first thought was “where have they been hiding this guy?” PWO has some tremendous write-ups about him. This is more of an oddity than anything else, but I love that it exists: Buddy and Hogan in Japan teaming against Fujinami and Yatsu. Hogan later main evented the WWF Wrestledream show with Yatsu, presumably because they were familiar with each other from the early 80s.
  3. I’m aware I’m becoming the board’s DPW shill, but this is so cool of Cole to do. Chris Danger becoming a wrestler and turning himself into his own CAW is a great 21st century twist on the Dude Love story.
  4. Emi Sakura is DPW’s Women’s World Champion. Deadlock partnered with Gatoh Move, and she’s even defended the title in Japan on a show they co-promoted.
  5. I don’t have anything against Jay White, but all of the singles matches I’ve seen with him seem kind of rudderless and samesy until there’s a really hot finishing stretch. That’s how I feel about a lot of the NJPW-style wrestlers in AEW though, so I mostly chalk it up to his matches just not being my thing.
  6. Yeah, I remembered after I posted it that it was right after the chair spot on the ring post that had a lot of daylight. Though Starks giving Danielson a Hogan swing chair shot in that setup was the right move, especially a week before Wrestledream.
  7. RVD doing the Taz arm cross and mean mugging ruled. I don’t know what that heckler said to Ricky that made him say back, “so is your wife’s orgasms.” But goddam.
  8. The eventual Randy/Elizabeth reunion moment between Miro and Lana is going to blow the roof off. I’m hoping Willow’s not hurt and they just decided not to job her out to Julia.
  9. Nemeth’s debut match as Ziggler against Batista was a really good sprint where Dave gave a lot. It kind of reminds me of Danielson’s NXT debut match with Jericho where someone is put directly in the deep end with a top star and comes out looking great.
  10. If their only ambition with Rampage was to fill two hours of tv time, they nailed it. Collision looks great on paper.
  11. I’d be way more terrified of Renee if I helped her dumbass husband seriously hurt himself.
  12. I thought one of the most unnerving parts of the whole match was Fenix trying to roll Mox into the ring and Mox floundering on the apron like he didn’t know what he was supposed to be doing.
  13. It’s been a week since AEW has had a tournament, so we’re due for one anyway.
  14. In retrospect, it would’ve been pretty easy for Fenix to just get up and shove Knox for not making the count so he’d get DQ’d.
  15. It was especially weird since Excalibur seemed to be trying to ring the alarm bell on commentary without totally breaking kayfabe.
  16. I popped for whichever one of the Kingdom got in the “I’ll take it from here, Nurse.”
  17. Stevie Richards does a deep dive in his new analysis video.
  18. When Fenix scurried over to Mox and gave him the hand squeeze after the first dive I knew we were in for some scary shit. Joe hardly ever does the big sell reaction after kick outs, so him going bug eyed over not winning with the Muscle Buster was aces.
  19. I think Edge and Christian had a house show loop with Owen and Jarrett shortly before Owen died.
  20. My theory on Cage’s appearance in that is that he wanted to play it bald but he didn’t want anyone to think that’s what he looks like without his toupees, so he had the hairline made to look so absurd no one would believe it’s real.
  21. The circumstances sucked, but spit curl Daniel Bryan fucking around and having fun on Talking Smack was a great career detour.
  22. The Billy Dee-inspired Two-Face in the Batman ‘89 comic miniseries is probably the best part about the whole thing. It’s a truly unique take on Harvey Dent, even if it doesn’t really feel like what Burton would have done in Batman 3.
  23. Claudio/Kingston feud recap/match compilation debuting on YouTube right now.
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