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Everything posted by Dewar

  1. Crippled Goose Shit Factor of 9.5 this afternoon. Dunno what was in that omelette I ordered for breakfast, but my stomach does not approve.
  2. Nobody said they have only played the Little Sisters of the Poor. My first post pointed out they played Saint Louis and BYU. My point is that instead of playing Emporia State, North Carolina Central, Oral Roberts and Davidson, maybe they should have been trying to get a Gonzaga, Creighton or Memphis on the schedule. Gonzaga and Memphis seemingly have no problem playing a home-and-home with anybody, and they were conference rivals with Creighton until this season. That being said, Kansas and Kansas State are wussies for refusing to play Wichita State. WUSSIES!!!!
  3. No, but it's their fault their non-conference scheduling wasn't very good. Hopefully in the future they get some better major conference teams to play. DePaul, Tennessee and Alabama are not the programs they used to be.
  4. What's wrong with that is he busted the shit out of Paul London's face with that move.
  5. If you don't think he's one of the top 64, leave him out. Can't wait for the brackets to go up, so you asshats can cost me the March Madness pool again this year.
  6. I just looked at Wichita State's schedule, and damn, there's not a lot on there. They beat Saint Louis and BYU, and that's it for RPI top 50 teams. They only have 6 wins against the RPI top 100, and one of those was #99 ranked Alabama. If they run the table and get to 34-0, then they are getting #1 seed, but man, that's not much of a resume. I also did not realize how badly most of the Mizzou Valley schools suck this season.
  7. "LIve with (insert hosts names here)" has been a syndicated show for years. Not the same as Andrews working for two different networks at the same time. I like Shark Tank, but Cuban annoys me, and Kevin O'Leary needs to really finalize deals more than once a season.
  8. Wichita State is a damn good team. but they are going to get over-seeded like the team they knocked out of the dance last year, Gonzaga. For the record, unless Indiana wins the Big 10 tournament, there's no way they are getting into the NCAA tournament this year. Their RPI is way too low (99) to deserve consideration. The entire state of Indiana might get shut out this season, with Purdue and Butler both sucking too.
  9. I'm trying to vote based on work as a team, so Gringos Locos win easily.
  10. The owl bath .gif is awesome. Best thing about this thread is how many cuddy animal .gifs Dolfan is going to have to find.
  11. Because no matter how poorly they are run, they still finish ahead of the shitbox team you cheer for. They have also won a playoff game in the last eighteen seasons. Let's stop and bask in the glory of that shittiness for a moment. Someone could be legal age to drink in Canada, and not remember the last time the 7/8Buffalo-1/8Toronto Bills actually won a playoff game. Oh yeah, selling a home game to another city every season is a bigger F-U to your fans than allegedly being interested in that shitbum Vick. Bills fans pointing out other teams shitty management is like a guy who sleeps with his cousin insulting Miz because he couldn't land someone hotter than Maryse.
  12. This guy is so white you guys The Humpty Dance tipped me off. Don't care, he's still awesome.
  13. I've thought for years that Popp wants to be coach and GM in Montreal, but ownership knows he sorta sucks at the coaching half, and he can't admit it to himself. Surprised to see Higgins leave a cushy league office job though.
  14. I'm not sure how the hell Michael Vick can mentor ANYBODY. Geno's problem is reading defenses and throwing shitty passes into coverages he shouldn't be throwing into. Vick's done that his entire career. If you want to teach him how to toss more interceptions, Mark Sanchez is already around.
  15. The 15 drivers with the most wins after race #26, as long as they are top 30 in the points, make the chase this season. It's highly unlikely there will be more than 15 winners in the first 26 races, so unless he suffers some injury that keeps him out for months, he's in the chase already.
  16. I guess he's no longer the Dolph Ziggler of message board moderators, he's got actual responsibility now. And look at him, he should be the face of DVDVR. Well, him or Mad Dog Marty Sugar.
  17. Think of all the time saved with "Will Junior win? Will he make the Chase?", because he's already done both. Now everyone can focus on the important NASCAR matters, such as "How many races until SHR teammates punch one another?" and "How many times can Stenhouse and Danica wreck each other before they finally break up?".
  18. Dewar

    2014 NFL DRAFT

    So what your saying is since none of can throw a 20 yard out with pin point accuracy or run a sub 10 40 yard we shouldn't judge football players at the combine? I'd like to think most of us could run a sub 10 40 yard dash.
  19. Junior wins!!!! Junior wins!!!! He was at the front yesterday whenever he wanted to be there. The man knows his restrictor plate racing, that's for sure.
  20. With that Korean time difference, they can start the Canada games first every day, and we can watch before going to bed. Bars in Winnipeg will be open at 5 am on Sunday for the gold medal game. In related news, I will not stop drinking after visiting the Festival du Voyageur on Saturday night...
  21. Nice to see you back, Vic! Hope all is well. Taryn Terrell isn't in TNA right now because she is pregnant, not released from the company.
  22. The future of the Jones team will probably be discussed seriously in the next few months. Jones has a young child with a curler from Ontario, and there's a pretty good chance now that the Olympics are done she is moving out there to put the family together (she's a lawyer in real life, so she can work pretty much wherever she wants). Not sure Jill Officer keeps curling if Jones is gone, since they have been together on the same team since they were juniors. Kaitlyn Lawes will be skipping somewhere, either here or in Saskatchewan (she's dating a curler from there, apparently). Two full days of competition to go, then gold medal hockey on Sunday. It's been pretty fun to watch, even with the time difference meaning I miss too many events to sleep.
  23. I think Canada will look a lot better tomorrow playing against a team that plays actual hockey, and not the nap inducing trap style. Not sure they are going to win, but I think they will look a lot better.
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