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Everything posted by zendragon

  1. Its him being stripped of his vanity
  2. A few years ago I got to see a film print of The Devils when warner bro wouldn't allow the film to be released https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xeg1yIvalSo&ab_channel=JAtube documentary that shows some of the cut footage from the communion scene
  3. they have been making a big deal about her being undefeated
  4. If more wrestling promotions included passion plays my mom would have been more okay with me watching
  5. Joey Janella should do "The Ed Leslie Invitational" where he wrestles all of his personas in chronological order in a gauntlet
  6. But that's not on the Dynasty album
  7. Brock on the right, Opsreay on the right
  8. Since our fearless leader neglected to make a musical pun I'll do the honors
  9. "boy has his aim been off tonight!" Bobby Heenan on the Giant. Still remember that line. My thoughts pretty much line up with yours really disappointing match from Bret and Sting and boy did that steiners explode stuff SUCK
  10. Saw an interesting bit of fantasy booking Drew costs Seth the tag team match, but then comes out to even the score the next night cause he has issues with roman as well
  11. According to Doc in his book and interviews he was going to be managed by JR, turn on JR and that was going to lead to the Austin program. Pretty much the HHH breaks JRs arm angle in 99. Now looking at main even scene in 98/99 they run a lot of repeat PPV main events, so if Doc doesn't get KTFO and hurt them trying to run a one month program between him and Austin similar to what happened to when the brought in Paul Wright (mainly house show loop). Ditto for Pillman if he doesn't die. I also think its a possibility that either of those two could have gotten a similar spot to Bossman and gotten used in the Deadly games tournement. And its possible that he never gets over with attitude era fans to young to have seen his earlier work and kinda ends up as another steve blackman
  12. memes aside he has a very strong voice
  13. He also did Brian Solomon for as much as it is a wrestling institution it would make so much sense
  14. Ballyhoo!: The Roughhousers, Con Artists, and Wildmen Who Invented Professional Wrestling by Jon Langmead 239pgs A telling of the early days of prowrestling from the late 1800's through the 1930's. Basically a history of pre National Wrestling Alliance American Wrestling set against the life of promoter Jack Curley as a framing device. I mentioned in another review that I enjoyed An Idiot's Guide To Pro Wrestling back in the day cause it gave me incite into the carnival days through Gotch/Hackensmidt. This book covers the same material, even seems to use some of the same source material but in much more scholarly depth. This is probably the definitive work on the subject. Interesting to see how much things stay the same no matter how much they change, from doing inclusive finishes to get the audience back to some promoters preferring Body Guys such as Munn and Londos over athletes who seemed "legit" to Jack Pfefer using a collection of oddities and freaks as almost a precursor to the cartoon wrestling of the 80's and early 90's. Now we are living in an era where kayfabe is pretty much dead with AEW All Access, and WWE's Rivals and Legends programs showing the inner working of the business, but its interesting to read how as early as 1905 newspaper men new something was up and where writing exposes on the business and athletic commissions where forcing wrestling matches to be promoted as "exhibitions". Make's me chuckle at certain wrestling grandpas getting upset at how open the business is now. Now I think wrestling has become much more socially acceptable seeing as we are in on the fact that its a show, but it brings to mind which ever Hart brother said "people always say 'wrestling fake...isn't it?' and that's where we make our money" people might have known they where being had but they didn't quite know where the line was exactly. And I think there's something thing to be said for the magician not revealing all his secrets as opposed to some of the stuff I've seen on indy shows like Joey Ryan flipping people with his dick or George South wrestling a Michael Jackson impersonator who transforms into a werewolf. At least take it seriously and act as if its real, like they did back in the day. I also think that presentation gets family's bringing kids, and women, not just your wrestling neck beards. Food for thought. Overall this is kinda like the Ken Burns Baseball series are you interested in hear about 1930's baseball for two hours/ reading about 1930 wrestlling? then this if for you.
  15. Dustin training the next generation, two more bulls of the woods!
  16. I've been following this Cody / Rock stuff on youtube. Most interested I've been in a WWE storyline in years
  17. Video | Facebook The future Gorilla Monsoon, as Gino Marella here vs. early JWA standout Toyonobori 3/28/1963. The early years of pro wrestling in Japan discussions coming soon to Dan Ginnetty's Puro Wrestling Academ
  18. And Piper is one of those guys who always seemed to be in character working even if he was being interviewed by Bill Maher or on HBO Real Sports
  19. I think he was just more of the old school say/do anything to get heat on an angle taste be damned.
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