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For Great Justice

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Everything posted by For Great Justice

  1. Like others have said, I felt really disconnected on this one from the very beginning, for whatever reason, and just couldn’t get into it.
  2. If I can point to an apex, I think the NXT house style peaked with Gargano/Almas, and it’s all been down a hill of masturbatory 2.9 endulgence ever since. I disagree that this is itself WWE Main Event Style - what main roster mains this year have had the Gargano/Cole/Ciampa excess formula/layout? The only one I can think of is Orton/Edge. None of Drew’s matches do, and none of the big dude Brock/Goldberg/Braun/Fiend matches do. So I don’t think it’s WWE Main Event Style, but boy howdy do I think it sucks.
  3. I think it's one part burnout on the house style and the guys that have been there for years now, it's one part uninteresting booking, and it's one big part a simple lack of talent. The future of wrestling is in AEW, and for all of the mid 30's indy stars NXT has signed over the past two years they've failed in their core mandate of signing and developing young talent. Allin, Starks, MJF, Jungle Boy, and Guevara are on the other channel.
  4. Also, Paul Heyman is easily the kayfabe greatest manager of all time, right? This is his fourth world champion and he always gets the best big money deals and main events for his clients. Scott Boras doesn’t have shit on Paul E.
  5. This world needs Big E and Tomohiro Ishii slapping meat
  6. Not a Rollins guy but that tag was fantastic between Murphy’s bumping, Rey’s comebacks and all kinds of goodness. Love heel Reigns on top. So many different stories to tell, and a lot of talent on the face side of the SD roster.
  7. Yep, this show needs to end with Roman steamrolling the world and holding the belt high. E wins the Rumble, lots of 6 man goodness in the Mania build assuming everyone is back, and you’re good for the big show.
  8. Ah that’s right, it’s the TV match I really like. Loved the Elijah Experience finish. I could watch a WWECW comp of Big Daddy V squashes, Cor Von pouncing dudes and Christian TV matches all day
  9. Cor Von could have and should have been huge. Hate that personal matters pulled him away from wrestling. Burke was more than generic IMO. He had a spark, but it never seemed to click for him. I liked this match.
  10. I’d put the Cena top 5 comp tape (Umaga, Punk, Bryan, Lesnar, Michaels broadway) up against any ace in the company’s history.
  11. Kind of feels like a Jedi Mind Trick to turn Roman into an ass kicking heel managed by Heyman, which will have fans loving the dude within weeks. But I love it and it’s well overdue.
  12. I’m trying to think of any other act I’ve seen that looks and feels like the current Dark Order. They’ve a combination of lesser talented but mass numbers Zerg Rush / Putty Patrol shtick, complete with goofy antics, that flip a switch on a dime and will seriously fucking kill you.
  13. If we are limited to former champions, I’d rather have Bo Dallas than the currently provided options
  14. I agree with the suggested idea that Mox steamroll MJF at the PPV, forcing MJF to face adversity for the first time in his life and grow a little as a character.
  15. Yeah I would have went with Jericho, but I don’t hate it
  16. Wade Barrett being a dude you just want to listen to is a good take. Man that brings me back. 10 years ago the NXT game show thread discussion on here wasn’t unlike the weekly LOST thread - some seriously fun shit. And we all went into it with a heavy Danielson bias, but I’m pretty sure by week 3 or 4 we were all like “woah who the fuck is THAT dude, he’s awesome” when Wade would do something. He won over a bunch of smart marks on a game show featuring Bryan Danielson. Shame about the injuries and his bell to bell never getting to a top level because he has “it”.
  17. A big ol buncha to hell with all that to a main event scene with those four dudes. Meanwhile on the other show that’s not an alleged development brand, Darby Allin, Sammy Guervara, MJF and Ricky Starks have prominent roles. NXT’s issue is equally (or more) talent, not just booking.
  18. What’s funny is I can’t think of a worse comparison that’s ever actually been made in terms of drawing money and doing the job of a pro wrestler. If Nia is Haystacks Calhoun then Charlie Haas is fucking Strangler Lewis
  19. Now I love me both some Haystacks Calhoun and Shayna, but who the fuck writes a fat joke, and an incredibly lame one, into a show in 2020?
  20. “Keith who? God dammit pal put a shirt on him”
  21. Internet trolling, Tik Toking, Call of Duty-streaming, internet-enjoying-his-work-ing, Dad Orton is one of those 20 year time machine WTF things.
  22. Always loved Edge’s entrance here. Jacked, had Lita, really looked like a star to me for the first time.
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