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Everything posted by drshowtime

  1. The first one to come to mind was Yoko/Luger/Bret. Match would have been nothing but that story really needed some kind of Bret/Luger match even if it was Yoko interference for a double DQ or a 3 way
  2. Caprice used to be with the Hardy bros Omega fed back in the day I think.
  3. Now I havent watched every episode, but unless I'm mistaken I cant find one single reference to Ric Flair in the War documentary shows. Truly mind boggling
  4. The fact that they already sold 8,000+ seems insane to me.
  5. I recently rewatched that show and that was by far the best moment of the entire thing. I shouted when he kicked his face in
  6. The 34 and 35 shows were fantastic, particularly anything involving Sabre, Busik, Thatcher, and Gargano I'm also becoming a fan of Drew Galloway after not giving two shits about him in WWE even during his push. Still baffled as to how Vince never saw him and decided to try him as a face. The guy has an almost flawless look
  7. I think the last time they were in Texas was a great redragon vs ACH/TD match and he was by far the most over dude on the show (even over Steen). He's gonna be super over and it should be a fun match.
  8. And here I thought the massive downturn in ROH business proved Cornette wrong
  9. The Taker burial destroyed Punk until his 2011 push. After that feud he went from headliner to not even on PPVs, and his 2010 was beyond dreadful. Of course in WWE all it takes is one or two weeks of strong booking but most people wouldn't get those one or two weeks that Punk did. He was the ultimate jobber to the stas after that. Yes it can work if they fight up and coming guys, but look at who everyone has faced, it's only Cena or HHH and then later on Punk. Brock Lesnar had 3 matches with Cena, 3 matches with HHH and one with Punk...the guys on the roster that could actually benefit from interaction with a megastar are just SOL. When they were wondering why Sheamus wasnt over as a face they could have tried having him and Lesnar go at it instead of feeding him to Cena right off the bat. When Barrett cost Taker his world title and buried him alive why did Taker not want retribution and instead faced HHH while Wade got squashed in an 8 man match in under 5 minutes?
  10. It also pretty much kills the idea of the old names bringing eyes to the new names when all of the new guys are shoehorned into a 50 man battle royal
  11. It's not inherently bad, but it's bad when it deprives guys of an opportunity and they are supposed to be the guys you want to make money in the very near future. Now all of it is follow up as opposed it one single moment but remember how hot Morrison was in 2010/2011 and then he got a 5 minute 6 man tag at the WM a few years ago? Even after that he still got great reactions but people didn't buy into him as much
  12. With Bennett I think the story was that at first he felt remorse but then he liked the power it gave him or something. I know he started using it as a finisher and then had a match with Steen but still Kelly on commentary is at his worst when Bennett is on screen. He wants so bad to defend him because for whatever reason people hate him. I think he's decent but when you constantly talk about people hating a HEEL for no reason and then taking shots at the fans that don't like him (talking about him getting into NJPW and saying "take that" to the fans). I mean I understand that's your buddy but just do your fucking job please and dont suck him off
  13. It's the closest we'll see to someone fighting a broomstick and I'll be damned if it isn't entertaining
  14. I don't think Zayn can't be a heel and I've seen him work as a (subtle) heel on the indies and he was good at it, but it's going to be impossible for people to boo him so it wouldn't be worth turning him at all. It's similar to Bryan in that regard, we can all pretty much agree that Bryan is likely to be a face for the rest of his career despite having great ability to work as a heel. I think with Zayn it would be even moreso because he doesn't have the same ruthlessness as Bryan and he's flashier. Didn't Kurt Angle's rapist gimmick come because it was impossible for him to get heat because crowds loved him so much?
  15. I thought their G-1 match was better and a lot closer to 5, it was probably my 2nd or 3rd favorite match of the G-1. This one to me idk if it would even be top 5-10 compared to the tourney even despite how great it is on it's own
  16. It would also train the audience to learn that people can be stars without fighting Cena
  17. Agreed Rusev had some really good ones with Swagger and Big E. The Big E matches were just a total sprint, but the Swagger matches were more complete. I want to see him and Sheamus kill each other
  18. He's been working house shows so it looks like he's already down to Justin Gabriel or Tyson Kidd level
  19. I think of Chris Hero on that border patrol show
  20. It should be a knock on Kane. Who really wants to see him in 2014? He should have retired after finally destroying Taker because otherwise they get the urge to push him to the top every year. He's ok as HHH's flunkie, but as a headliner...yeah that should have been done with a decade ago
  21. I caught the EVOLVE 35 where Busik and ZSJ killed it and Thatcher and ZSJ had one the day before I haven't seen yet. Gulak vs Gargano was really good too, those guys can go and are refreshing to watch.
  22. That Riki Choshu line was genius though so there's that
  23. I know they still do it in NOAH at least as of KENTA's last match, dont ever recall them doing it in New Japan at any point and yes Kevin Kelly is super annoying and plain bad most of the time. Corino can be clever but often tries too hard
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