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Everything posted by Log

  1. None taken. And you're right about Evansville. Although, I did see an IWA-MS show there in '04 that had a crazy amount of future stars on it. Claudio, Joe, Punk, Aries, Danielson, AJ, Rodderick Strong, and probably someone else I'm forgetting.
  2. That’s the thing about Takeovers: I’ve thought that a few times too and have come out loving the show.
  3. Hey now! I have second row seats to that Louisville show. We’ll be right on the entrance aisle. My 7-year-old daughter is stoked!
  4. Post. It's two hours of Fett being digested by the sarlacc.
  5. Man. I forgot that he was only 12 when he won the ROH championship.
  6. See. Koko totally belongs in the Hall of Fame. If nothing else, just for this.
  7. Matt was a trainer at my gym and I have friends that worked with him in OVW. You will NEVER hear a bad word about the guy. His journey has been documented on the news here in Louisville. There have been moments where it looked like he’d beat it. So sad to see where he is now.
  8. Fun fact: There's a scene when Frances McDormand's character is at home and a news story comes on the television about her billboards. The producers of the film reached out to an anchor from the tv station I used to work at. They had her record some lines. They're what you hear when the story first comes on, before they actually show it. Don't know how they chose her, but she was a good pick since she's originally from Missouri. Anyway, I helped her record the audio and send it to the producers. So, what I'm saying is, I did some work on an Oscar nominated film. I was not, however, invited to the ceremony. Also, the movie is ok. Kind of a mess. Some problematic stuff with Sam Rockwell's character's racism almost being played as a quirk.
  9. Log


    I liked season one a lot. But I do think it was there to lay the groundwork. Establishes who everyone is, their relationships, the tone of the show, etc. Then season two could hit the ground running and go into all of the wacky places its been able to go.
  10. He joked on social media one time that she was his twin sister. I didn’t know he was joking and thought she was for a while. Heres the post:
  11. How does that work? Does he start the move by asking his opponent politely to please pick him up in a tombstone position? “Oh, sure. I’ll pick you up, but why? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!? OH MY HEAD!”
  12. I really thought that was Undertaker for a minute there.
  13. Did Agents of Shield address Infinity War? Are they even still on the same timeline or anything? I haven’t watched in a couple seasons.
  14. I skipped around on the GRR show. What did Daivari do? I never even saw him.
  15. The Handmaid’s Tale is sort of doing that. I don’t know if you’d consider their world apocalyptic or not. They do a lot of flashbacks that show how it came to be, though. It’s really unsettling how simply and quickly it happens.
  16. I got my daughter and I second row seats on the entrance aisle for the Louisville house show in June. It’s a couple days before the next Takeover, so I’m hoping we get some previews of matches for that show.
  17. He needs to be a playable character on the next Mario Cart. He doesn’t throw shells or banana peels or anything. He just glares at the other drivers and they slow down and let him pass out of fear.
  18. He’s wearing a hat advertising a vape company. That’s all I need to see to know he’s gone off the rails.
  19. No. I’d say he’s just really well-done. The closest comparison is Fisk in Daredevil Season 1. You get so much of his backstory, that you can really understand his motivation. Not that you sympathize, but you get it. I guess that’s a lot like Killmonger in BP, too. He’s a bad dude and his methods are totoally wrong, but you see where he’s coming from.
  20. Maaaaaaaaaaaaan! It’s goo-ood. There’s a lot to unpack, but I can’t wait to hear what you all think. I will say that Marvel finally has itself a great villain. Thanos is wonderful.
  21. Previous to his injury, he spent most of his time standing next to an even bigger dork, so it wasn’t so noticeable.
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