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The thread in which we talk about MMO games..

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So, I'm running through TOR's smuggler campaign, and I just had a funny moment that I had to share.

My smuggler is just about done with missions on Alderaan, when she gets an urgent request to come back to a Noble's house and protect them, apparently my past actions have triggered a feud between Houses, and one of my Patrons is facing a pistol duel to the death.

I make it back inm time, and meet up with the duelist who wants to kill my patron. He insults me and my companion, before saying "So, the rules of the duel are.."

My smuggler casually yells "Draw" and puts a round through the duelists shoulder.

He yelps and starts berating me "Don't you know that the duel hasn't even started yet?

My smuggler decides to be double the smart-ass and says "How about now?" and puts a round through the OTHER shoulder.

Needless to say, the duelist... er.. declined to follow through on his challenge.


One of the funniest moments in MMO's I can remember.



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2 hours ago, JLSigman said:

It's free up to patch 3.5! Which is, at least for me, 150+ hours of stuff?

I think I did almost all of that. I’d like to play it with my daughter because she’s getting burnt out playing Genshin Impact.

Ah well, there’s always Lost Ark.

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I'd say rest in piss Skaavik, but I don't know how resting works in the middle of a blackhole. Asshole.


And foreshadowed the criminal overlord telling his daughter "Shoot them.". Did not expect daughter to say "WTF Dad?"

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Another moment from the files of Alaasia Kerensky, Item Procurer Par Extraordinaire (sounds better than Smuggler)

She got to live the dream of everyone who works with the Hutts (no, not strangling them with their own chain, ala Princess Leia), as she got to.. eliminate a Hutt in a most satisfying way.

So, solve for X:

Thermal Grenade+Down a Hutt's Throat=X


(answer: X=Exploded Hutt with slime EVEERYWHERE)


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It's funny in a "Dude, know when to cut your losses" kinda way. This all started when someone stole a shipment of blasters (oh, and MY SHIP). I managed to get the ship back, but the blasters were long gone. I've attempted multiple times to make restitution, the real offending party's body is in the middle of a blackhole, but every time they send MORE assassins out, I'm required to take down another major part of their organization. At some point, realize that antagonizing me is just going to end up blowing up in your face, again, and Again, AND AGAIN! Sheesh.

(and if I read spoilers correctly, we're apparently on the same side of this intergalactic war. Don't matter none to me no more, I think I'm going to go ECW Taz and turn the Butcher into JUST ANOTHER VICTIM ?


Really, I'm not bloodthirsty.. I'm.. practical.

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This thread makes me miss Marvel Heroes, still.

Then again, it's probably good it got cancelled. I spent literally 3400 hours in that game. That means I could have probably finished my Ph.D. about 4 *months* sooner if I hadn't wasted that time.

Edited by Contentious C
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25 minutes ago, Contentious C said:

This thread makes me miss Marvel Heroes, still.

Then again, it's probably good it got cancelled. I spent literally 3400 hours in that game. That means I could have probably finished my Ph.D. about 4 *months* sooner if I hadn't wasted that time.

I don't even want to think about how many hours I put into Lord of the Rings: Online (over 5 1/2 years), then SWTOR (another 3 ish years), and now FF XIV (it'll be 3 years in 2 weeks). And that's on top of 1500+ hours in Skyrim, 900 hours in Path of Exile, don't even ask me how many in Diablo III.....

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FF 14 6.2 comes out in late August. Here's the official thread of the upcoming changes, additions, etc. Some neat end game stuff on the horizon, I might actually play one of my maxxed out alts for longer than it takes to run the new story.


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