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Johnny Sorrow

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Everything posted by Johnny Sorrow

  1. For this they canceled Legends?
  2. I love Letterkenny, but I had my doubts about "Shorsey". Holy shit. It's fucking amazing. I love it and the soundtrack is awesome. I'm finishing it tonight in one binge. Great stuff. Edit: I just finished it. "Shorsey" is one of the best shows out there and might be a candidate for best first season of a show in forever. It's just fantastic.
  3. I saw Top Gun in the theater when it came out with my late cousin Brian Scott, who was an Air Force pilot. He spent the whole movie making fun of and shitting on it. It's one of my favorite memories.
  4. Yeah, the Klingon stuff in S1 is rough. The new makeup looks a lot better in S2 when they let them have hair and beards, it's wild how much it helps.
  5. The reason the spore drive is never again mentioned is revealed at the end of Season 2.
  6. I'm not so sure they're breaking up RK-Bro just yet. They sell a TON of merchandise. I don't think they're gonna have Orton turn on Riddle and have them feud. Not yet.
  7. Anson Mount could carry a show on his shoulders and haircut, and it's so great that he doesn't have to. I love the supporting characters already after one episode. It does looks a little like there might be some ST Discovery "Here's the bridge crew who have no stories or developed characters " problems, but I'm ready to be proved wrong on that. Cause the first episode was really great. That's wild, since first episodes of Star Trek shows have never been great.
  8. Anson Mount's hair alone deserves an Emmy.
  9. Man, I cried tears during the Picard finale and the first ep of SNW. Honestly, I don't care about continuity in Star Trek because Star Trek has never cared about continuity in Star Trek. Trills had lumpy heads at first. Dates of future events can be changed. Ferengis were once "a threat" with energy whips. Did Quark and Rom ever once have an energy whip? Klingons used to be white guys in brown face and Romulans could only travel at impulse speeds. Picard this season hand waves away "ol' mama Picard" from that shitty TNG S1 ep where they're hallucinating by Picard saying he used to like to remember her as an old woman offering him tea. No one ever told Worf he stunk as Head of Security and can't open doors. There's not a set of sliding locked doors Worf can open, but he always tries. And they never once said, "Data keeps getting taken over by outside forces and he takes over the ship a lot. " How many chances does he get? Why does Jellico have a kid who still draws pics with crayons? Did Mrs. Jellico have a miracle baby or is Jellico on his third marriage with a problematically younger wife? Who cares? And how can you not have cried at the conclusion of the Q/ Picard story? It was clear since "Tapestry" that Q actually loved Picard, and this wrapped that up. Allison Pill leaving the show with the Borg babyface turn was tremendous. I loved it. I assume Rios is gone from next season as well and I'll miss them both. Star Trek evolves. Not being enslaved to minor continuity is why Trek continues to evolve. The new Trek show that really plays with continuity and a shared universe is Lower Decks. It's not only fucking hilarious and totally Trek, it scratches all the nostalgia itches without seeming like fan service. The deep references are so much fun and when it gets to serious adventure, it kills.
  10. I've been enjoying " The Offer" a lot. The guy playing Robert Evans is just great.
  11. I mean, you do you bro. But speed listening to podcasts seems like something Lore would do to prepare for the next time he fucks with Data. " Brother, you tipped your hand when I knew you listened to Rogan. All it took was one guest appearance."
  12. I mean, they already touched on it with the Falcone being Selina's father bit. Let's do it. Fantasy casting time: Who plays Calendar Man? Of all the villains in it, you can't cut him out. I open with Paul Walter Hauser.
  13. I sorta figured but who cares?. Since when does that stop Vince? Hire an actor. It's been a month of that guy being the biggest heel on Smackdown.
  14. I hope they bring in Lacey Evans' POS father at this point. They can have him ask for forgiveness, and then double cross her and become a heel manager for whoever she fueds with. The Anti- Al Wilson.
  15. Kofi yelled that Woods was "Gonna get up in them guts" and I'm still laughing my ass off. Holy shit. I love that whoever is in charge of bleeping stuff didn't get that.
  16. While I'm super bummed that Legends won't get a final season, at least the last two eps of Season 7 sort of work as a wrap up. The second to last ep showed us their post Legends lives, and the cliffhanger sort of works as a wink and a nod. They're about to go to Time Jail, and that's the DCW shark jump right? A jail season? And the last scene sorta had them all go, "Here we go again!" It still stinks that two shows that really meant a lot to Queer youth get canceled. And it's especially frustrating that Legends was creativly peaking and gets canceled while Flash limps along and hasn't been good since pre covid.
  17. Amy Richardson on the Unspooled pod yesterday called it " Hamlet Conan."
  18. It's the small but rabid fanbase behind #RenewTheBigShowShow.
  19. I haven't watched yet, but was this a reference to the Enterprise episode with the Vulcans who were trapped on Earth?
  20. The version of Picard's mom we saw in TNG was some sort of weird vision from season one. And who's to say Robert just wasn't there during Picard's dream state as a little prince? Strict continuity has never really been part of Star Trek, especially TNG. There are loads of examples. Off the top of my head, when they introduced the Trill in TNG the symbiote was fully the personality of and in control of the host and when DS9 came along with Jadzia it wasn't.
  21. Give Dustin the book and provide him a support staff including Eddie Kingston and Joe.
  22. The #RenewLegendsOfTomorrow project on Twitter has really gained steam. It's pretty awesome seeing the responses, fan art, and love for the show out there.
  23. Lacey Evans' abusive dad was Moondog Spot?
  24. Better young Picard, Little Prince Picard or "Rascals" Captain Potter?
  25. I got my tix for Dead and Company in Boulder the other day. Then I read that this is the last Dead and Company tour. I'd imagine Billy's health issues are a factor.
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