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Everything posted by Raziel

  1. I'd make a "Cause Bullet Club", but I remembered that Gallows, Anderson and Fale all wore suits.
  2. You never hear me say this: Fuck NAS and Funimation. I just watched the first, and only, episode of Attack on Titan Abridged, and haven't laughed that fucking hard in years. Only episode because they got an C&D from Funi/NAS. Fucking hell.
  3. Inventory Mangement with the first suit in Dead Space 2 is fucking killing me. I could've sworn the first couple suits in Dead Space 1 had more slots.
  4. I take that from the day I heard the announcement, I went looking for tickets, and there none to be had. Its always possible that it was just a ticketmaster(or whoever did the tickets) thing, since I never ended up going to StubHub because I didn't want to overpay.
  5. I am not sold on this semi-retarded horror version of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Obviously the paychecks being offered to Eva Green aren't big enough for her to go full fuzz naked like she did in the 300 sequel or the new shitty Sin City joint. I saw Billie Piper and Eva Green in a Showtime series and was like, "Oooh, they'll for sure get nekkid. Worse cast, they got Timothy Dalton in there too, so this should be good storywise at least." Then it moved slow and boring, then when Piper got nekkid, it was a body double (boo), but then her character had comsumption and coughed up blood whilst getting fucked by Dorian Gray, and I checked out and never watched another episode. And it takes a ton to gross me out.
  6. So if NJPW cared whether he jobbed or not, they'd tell him "don't job." So they must not care. Nice goal post moving, since I never said NJPW didn't care if he jobbed. Which they most likely did, which is why he doesn't. You made an argument that NJPW doesn't pay AJ enough to not work indies . That's absolutly not true. Styles is on record saying that NJPW pays him base about what he was making in TNA before they lowballed him on the renewal. He gets the bonus of only needing to pay his parking at Atlanta International and his plane tickets from Atlanta to Tokyo and back, since NJPW pays and provides all Travel, Hotel, and Food while workers are on tour. So he ends up clearing more than he ever did with TNA. He gets the bonus of working Indy dates if he chooses while NJPW is not on tour. The only cavaet is that while he's their champ, he doesn't job. Considering that he was a part of ROH and NJPW's new working arrangement, and that NJPW/ROH joint show sold out the Hammerstein for ROH for the first time since Gabe got fired, and did it in 5 minutes, they outdrew TNA at MCU Park, ROH guys have gotten NJPW paydays, like Bennett and Young at NJPW's equivilent of SummerSlam, and ROH has pulled off something Gabe never could, and that's get the top singles champ of a top Japanese promotion booked regularalry on their shows, I highly doubt that Delerious and Sinclair are crying about how hamstrung they are that they can't put someone over Styles while he's the focal point of NJPW's top angle heading into their WrestleMania. That's the argument I'm destroying. But by all means, bring in more strawmen to keep bitching that you're hurt that Styles didn't do a clean job at BOLA.
  7. He's the IWGP Champ. He's full time contracted to NJPW. They pay fine. They also only work 2-3 weeks a clip then have two weeks off. He works here for fun when NJPW isn't on tour. Your argument is invalid.
  8. Eh, credits get easy once you finish Liar of the Shadow Broker.
  9. Dear Rutgers: Sincerly, Everyone who's not Penn State.
  10. Man, it takes a lot to make West *not* be the asshole in a call.
  11. Come on guys, only post stuff that appeals to Rovert's higher form of message board discussion. His opinions are unrefutible facts after all, and I eagerly thank him for saving us unwashed masses.
  12. You realize most of NXT's roster came off the Indies and those "hits" all spent extensive time in OVW/FCW/NXT.
  13. Herd was fucking terrible, but he lasted until after Starrcade 91. Kip Frey was hired in Jan 92 and the quality of WCW shot up 1000%. Sadly, Frey would be ousted by June in favor or Watts because WCW was still bleeding money. There's another damn What If? for WCW. What if they didn't replace Frey with Watts in June?
  14. He admitted it? How does he not get convicted unless he pleads? That's a serious question I'm asking the lawyer.
  15. Legally though, he's expressed no remorse or feeling of doing anything wrong.
  16. It's a sad, sad day when pro wrestling has become the bastion of behavior.
  17. Man, the NFL is just a fucking mess this year.
  18. I can get the same with a PS4 too, but I don't have the $400 laying around do buy either. I'm just here hoping for less than $60 before I actually drop the $60 on the PS3 version and can then get the free upgrade when I eventually upgrade to the PS4.
  19. Well, I think an arbiter could've granted Rice an appeal before, but Goodell changing the reasoning to "Well, he lied so we upped the punishment" when its evident he didn't lie, and that the NFL has fucked this in every way imaginable I would believe give Rice real good grounds for appealing the indefinite suspension and winning, then suing the league for defimation of character (the line about lying about the incident to the League, which pretty much no one with a brain cell will say Rice did, if anything) and winning that. Remember, the NFL is a business and this practice has become business culture. Don't own up to the fuck up and fix it, spend more money and effort trying to cover it up and shifting blame.
  20. I think a lot of the pre-and-post NXT stuff is a test run to see if they can do it well. I would think NXT also serves as a training center for production people, too. Well, I mean, NXT is taped at a Production College, so it would make sense. I think that's why it was chosen.
  21. Which I think actually now gives Rice grounds to win an appeal I would believe.
  22. Because our society has been conditioned over the past however many years to suscribe to one side or the other, no middle ground exists?
  23. About 15 minutes later, both of these were deleted and he tweeted: Larry Bird later said Paul George was told in those 15 minutes what a massively stupid idea it was to tweet the above. Why does he feel the need to capitalze the word "victims?" He's adding a line of demarcation that still allows him to hold the bullshit position that there are some situations where striking a woman is appropriate behavior. He needs to have a chat with Andre Rison. Some women will set your shit on fire if you push them too far. Because there's an unsuprisingly large amount of people that think that Rice was in the right, the mob is wrong, and that because Janay married him right after and is defending him, that it makes it all ok and that she "forgives him and moved on". I say unsuprisingly, because there's a large amount of people that went to University in State College PA that believe that covering up rape to avoid damaging the rep of a Football Team is acceptable. And that a large section of our population are still backwards fucks that think women are inferior to men in every way and should not be treated equally.
  24. I'm a cynic, I'm always continually dissappointed, haven't you been keeping up?
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